
Breathing symptom reports

Male, 26 - 39 years

Age Reported Symptoms Notes
26 2021-01-03 throat tightness I received the shot around 0730 on 12/30/2020. Went home and got ready for work. Around 12am 12/31/2... Read more
I received the shot around 0730 on 12/30/2020. Went home and got ready for work. Around 12am 12/31/2020 my arm started to radiate at the injection site and was very tense. I placed a heat pack on the right harm but the pain did not dissipate. My arm continued to be in pain for the rest of the night. Around 0240 I ate dinner, had water and still had some arm pain. Around 0345 my arm started to flare up and sent pain sensations throughout my body. My right arm was increasingly discomforting, I could barely move it. The sensations spread to my legs, numbing them and my throat had felt as if it were closing up. I got up to get the attention of the nurse and was able to flag her down. She said I was pale as a ghost. My vision was very blurry, I could not hear anything because my ears had filled up and everything was muffled. My head had begun to ring and I was on the brink of fainting when a chair was given to me. My eyes had become extremely sensitive to the light, I was given water and spoken to about what had happened leading up to the event. I was greeted by the paramedics who drew my blood, placed an IV and transferred me to the Acute Care portion of the Emergency Department. My vitals were 76/49, 80/50, 90/56, 100/60 before being brought to the ER. On 1/1/2021 My thighs have been sore/tense, my knees and ankles have been stiff and just feeling sickly. On 1/2/2021 much of the same symptoms are present. The soreness in the muscles isn't as prevalent, however joints still are stiff On 1/3/2021, congestion and runny nose are still present, stiffness in ankles and now shins are prevalent.
26 2021-01-12 shortness of breath Adverse Events: Dizzyness, fever, GI upset, shortness of breath and weakness. Treatment: Tylanol and... Read more
Adverse Events: Dizzyness, fever, GI upset, shortness of breath and weakness. Treatment: Tylanol and rest Outcome: Not much improvement.
26 2021-01-23 shortness of breath Difficult breathing, varying in severity; it is sometimes very bad. I had to go to the ER last week,... Read more
Difficult breathing, varying in severity; it is sometimes very bad. I had to go to the ER last week, and they gave me an inhaler. Also, tightness in the chest. This has been ongoing for ten days
26 2021-02-08 shortness of breath fever body aches shortness of breath
26 2021-02-08 throat tightness Throat started to tighten about 10 minutes after shot. 50mg of Benadryl helped stop it. About 20 hou... Read more
Throat started to tighten about 10 minutes after shot. 50mg of Benadryl helped stop it. About 20 hours later, throat tightened again. Benadryl did not help and tongue started to swell. Called doctor and he prescribed Pepcid and Medtral dose pack. Throat still not 100 percent at time of report filing, but it is better than it is much better than before. Vaccine also caused severe nausea and upset stomach.
26 2021-02-12 shortness of breath Received the first dose 12:30pm Thursday(2/11). Around 6pm that same night I notice the first sympto... Read more
Received the first dose 12:30pm Thursday(2/11). Around 6pm that same night I notice the first symptom. I had a super strong headache that lasted the next 24 hours or so. Still lingering now but not as bad. Around 3am Friday (2/12) I woke up with chills and the inject spot was extremely tender. All day Friday I had signs of a fever. Chills and felt cold but body was hot to the touch. This lasted all day and it kept Me in bed the whole day. Around 6pm Friday night, my injection spot was extremely sore , and there was a red circle, about the size of a gold ball around the spot. That?s also when I noticed I had shortness of breath and was having a little difficulty breathing. Around 8pm I noticed I had really high anxiety that was abnormal. It went away in about 30 mins or so. I thought it was strange as I normally don?t have anxiety that bad. I went to sleep around 10pm and woke up at 5am itchy with a red rash/hives on the upper half of my body, mostly the neck and chest area. Also the red circle around the injection site grew to the size of a baseball. The headache is still there but not as bad . Maybe 2/10 Severeness. I feel better in terms of the fever and breathing today (2/13). However the rash/hives has gotten worse and seems to be spreading slowly. I plan on taking Benadryl when I grab it from the store in 30 mins or so
26 2021-03-13 shortness of breath As I was going to bed, my legs, back, torso, and arms started convulsing involuntarily. I was having... Read more
As I was going to bed, my legs, back, torso, and arms started convulsing involuntarily. I was having trouble controlling my breathing because of my abdomen constricting. I could sort of control my body to move into a laying position then a seated position, but the trembling continued throughout that movement. I remained conscious and the event lasted about 5 minutes.
26 2021-03-19 shortness of breath, throat tightness Site: Itching at Injection Site-Mild, Site: Redness at Injection Site-Mild, Systemic: Allergic: Diff... Read more
Site: Itching at Injection Site-Mild, Site: Redness at Injection Site-Mild, Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Mild, Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Swallowing, Throat Tightness-Medium, Systemic: Body Aches Generalized-Mild, Systemic: Confusion-Medium, Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadedness-Severe, Systemic: Flushed / Sweating-Medium, Systemic: Nausea-Severe, Systemic: Numbness (specify: facial area, extremities)-Medium, Systemic: Tinnitus-Mild, Systemic: Vomiting-Medium, Additional Details: Patient was attended to by RPH, Nurse, then we had EMS called. Patient was transported by EMS Form required to provide observation of injection site. That was not done, band aid applied.
26 2021-03-28 shortness of breath, throat tightness I received the shot and was told to sit in a chair and wait for 15 minutes. After about 5-10 minutes... Read more
I received the shot and was told to sit in a chair and wait for 15 minutes. After about 5-10 minutes I began to feel faint/lightheaded/clammy. I do have a history of these from shots I have had in the past. I got the pharmacists attention and told her I was feeling faint and asked for some water. Once she left, breathing in my throat felt significantly constricted. I had a reaction to clear my throat a few times but that didn't not affect anything. The pharmacist came back with water and an ice pack that she held against my neck. During this episode I was able to drink water still. The severity of the breathing issue leveled off and eventually I was able to breathe normally again. The whole thing lasted 1-2 minutes. It felt longer thinking back on it but I don't think it lasted as long as my impression of the episode. After that I felt tingling followed by shakiness in my extremities which was more typical of the fainting side effects ive had in the past. I've never experienced breathing issues with other shots I've received in the past. The pharmacist kept me there to monitor me for 30-45 minutes. No additional medication was administered
26 2021-03-30 shortness of breath 35 minutes Post injection patient reported that he could not breathe and went to a clinic. Doctor e... Read more
35 minutes Post injection patient reported that he could not breathe and went to a clinic. Doctor examined him and saw no signs of anaphylactic reaction, however his thyroid was significantly swollen.
26 2021-03-31 shortness of breath Patient is a 26-year-old male with history of idiopathic urticaria, COVID-19 positive October 2019 ... Read more
Patient is a 26-year-old male with history of idiopathic urticaria, COVID-19 positive October 2019 here for PCM follow-up after going to urgent care on 25 March 2021 for hypersensitivity reaction. Patient who has received his Moderna vaccination on 4 March 2021 around 10:00 for reporting Symptoms of headache, muscle ache, chills And left shoulder pain 4 hours after his vaccination. Patient reported For waking up the next day with watery non bloody diarrhea and diffuse Rash with pruritus. He also reported for feeling winded when talking long sentences. Patient woke up on 24 March with a blister on the flat surface of his tongue that raised concern For him to go to urgent care the next day.
26 2021-04-03 shortness of breath Severe chills, body aches, fever, minor shortness of breath, and I generally feel like I'm dying or ... Read more
Severe chills, body aches, fever, minor shortness of breath, and I generally feel like I'm dying or a thousand years old. May I ask why the FDA approved this poison? You literally poisoned me with a vaccine, no wonder there's so many anti-vaxxers. I wasn't one until your Moderna shot made me sick as a dog.
26 2021-04-03 wheezing Approximately one week after moderna vaccine dose 1, productive wheezing cough developed similar to ... Read more
Approximately one week after moderna vaccine dose 1, productive wheezing cough developed similar to the severe cough i had in March of 2020.
26 2021-04-11 throat swelling This client received a moderna vaccine from an LPN and walked over to the observation area and then ... Read more
This client received a moderna vaccine from an LPN and walked over to the observation area and then complained of vision changes, sweating, tingling of extremities, vision problems and swelling of the throat. EMS was called. Client was talking and drinking water until EMS arrived (with in 3 minutes) and stated that symptoms were improving.
26 2021-04-12 respiratory arrest, respiration abnormal Patient noted on form that he had a severe reaction to peanuts which causes him to have anaphylaxis.... Read more
Patient noted on form that he had a severe reaction to peanuts which causes him to have anaphylaxis. He stated that he does carry an EpiPen and any time anything with peanuts touches his mouth/lips he immediately notices his throat starting to close. He also is allergic to cats. Before administering the vaccine, the patient noted that he does not like needles and was not going to look. I administered the vaccine and the patient and I exited the vaccination room. I explained that he should sit in the waiting area for about 30 minutes due to his severe allergic reaction in the past. By the time that I walked back into the pharmacy, the patient's wife shouted "He's not breathing!". My technicians called 911 while I grabbed an EpiPen and rushed to the patient. I immediately administered a 0.3 mg dose of epinephrine and observed that the patient had passed out, was not breathing, but had a pulse. A few seconds later he regained consciousness and his breathing was erratic. I gave him water and he stated that he felt very lightheaded and dizzy. I instructed him to remain seated. He also noted that his vision was blurry and he saw a black dot. His wife was fanning him to cool him down while I tried to obtain the patient's blood pressure, but could not get a reading. The paramedics came and evaluated him thoroughly. His blood pressure, heart rate, EKG, and blood sugar were all within normal limits. They determined that the syncope was most likely due to the patient not eating during the day and not liking needles. The patient was feeling much better and declined further medical treatment, including going to the hospital. He was instructed to go home and relax.
26 2021-04-17 shortness of breath 3/31/21 26YM admit with Acute issue: myocarditis, chest pain, extreme fatigue, body aches, SOB; Mode... Read more
3/31/21 26YM admit with Acute issue: myocarditis, chest pain, extreme fatigue, body aches, SOB; Moderna (first dose on 3/28). No known prior COVID. Patient admits that approximately a month and a half ago, he was drinking a significant amount of alcohol with a 24-pack of beer daily and 5 drinks at night. He quit this approximately 2 weeks ago when he got back together with his girlfriend. He has had stress in his life with the death of a cousin approximately 2 weeks ago. The patient had been feeling well over the last week or so and received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on 3/28 Sunday. This was his first dose. Approximately an hour and a half after receiving the vaccine, he had symptoms of feeling dizzy with position change. He went home from work. He developed fevers, chills, rigors, diaphoresis, and headaches. He slept a lot due to these symptoms. On 3/30 Tuesday, he woke with mild chest discomfort that he described as a pressure sensation in his anterior chest. He states that it was bothersome, but not too significant. He woke up 3/31 at approximately 0200 hours with a stabbing left anterior chest discomfort. He notes that it felt like a hot knife stabbing him. He admits that over the last couple of days, he had a cough when he would lay back in bed. He admits to feeling more short of breath when flat and feeling like he had to put pillows behind his head. He came to the emergency department due to these symptoms. He was given a dose of acetaminophen and promptly had nausea and vomiting. He received a dose of aspirin 325 mg and states that his symptoms resolved shortly after that. 3/31 He now feels well and denies any further chest discomfort. He denies any dyspnea.
26 2021-04-26 throat tightness Pt. received his second dose Moderna Vaccine and shortly after he stated that he felt tingling and t... Read more
Pt. received his second dose Moderna Vaccine and shortly after he stated that he felt tingling and tightness in the throat and neck with warm sensation around neck. Pt also verbalized difficulty swallowing. NP?s assisted patient and assessed Pt status. Pt remained in ER observation for further monitoring and safety precautions. Pt denied any reactions to prior vaccine (first dose Moderna). Pt given hydration and was able to drink 8oz of fluid without any difficulty. Pt remained alert and oriented x3 and coherent, his initial v/s were 117/78 pulse 72, 129/81 P 76, o2 sat 99% room air. NP administered 25 mg Benadryl PO and Pt was observed for an additional 30 mins. Pt verbalized that he felt better and the sensation subsided. Once Pt was stable, and verbalized no further complaints of symptoms, he was discharged from ER observation into a taxi.
26 2021-05-02 shortness of breath -Fever of 103°F 18 hours after vaccination -Difficulty breathing 0.5 hours after vaccination and co... Read more
-Fever of 103°F 18 hours after vaccination -Difficulty breathing 0.5 hours after vaccination and continuing for the next 48 hours -Rapid heart rate 4 hours after vaccination and continuing for several hours -Extreme fatigue 12 hours after vaccination and continuing for 24 hours
26 2021-05-02 shortness of breath Patient had second vaccine on 4/29/21. He started having fatigue, body aches, headache, chest pressu... Read more
Patient had second vaccine on 4/29/21. He started having fatigue, body aches, headache, chest pressure, nausea and shortness of breath on 4/30/29 that continued through 5/2/21. He started feeling somewhat better the night of 5/2/21. Symptoms have resolved today.
26 2021-05-02 painful respiration My ribs are killing me, my bruises are bigger and darker after a week of me getting them. I can't b... Read more
My ribs are killing me, my bruises are bigger and darker after a week of me getting them. I can't bend over, turn, raise my hands, stretch without being in serve pain. It's hurts to breathe and feels like my ribs are being crushed. My left side is in pain but my right side is fine. I have been unable to work or do any daily activities without pain
26 2021-05-11 shortness of breath About 7 min after my shot I stood up to walk into the next room and became very light headed and was... Read more
About 7 min after my shot I stood up to walk into the next room and became very light headed and was ready to pass out. They immediately put me into a wheel chair but I wasn?t getting better until they laid me down in the stretcher. My lips turned blue and I think I was having an allergic reaction to the shot. It was hard for me to breathe before laying down on the stretcher my heart rate dropped and my blood pressure. It took me 30-40 min to come back to stand up and slowly walk out. My arm was super sore afterwards and I would have little shocking pain flashes in my chest. I felt tired and run down/ sensitive the rest of the night. The next day my arm was still super sore and I still feel very tired and run down. The doctor on site took care of me and they put the stickers on me just in case they needed to revive me. I was sinking quickly but luckily when I laid down I got better.
26 2021-05-19 shortness of breath Roughly 15 hours after receiving the vaccine, I started to develop muscle aches. Within 30 minutes o... Read more
Roughly 15 hours after receiving the vaccine, I started to develop muscle aches. Within 30 minutes of the aches, they became severe. Aches were primarily located in the lower back, shoulders, hips, and calves. 30 minutes following, I started to feel very fatigued and had labored breathing. Another 1.5 later, I developed chills and had flu like symptoms. By the afternoon, I had broken into a fever and had mild nausea. Besides the muscle aches, as one symptom onset, the others seemed to fade away. By 5:00 in the evening, (roughly 25 hours after receipt of vaccine) the symptoms quickly subsided. The only residual side-effects within the rest of a 48 hour period were soreness in the area of the injection, and mild headache.
26 2021-05-19 throat swelling pt received covid vaccine at 15:49. at 16:02 he developed chest tightness, shortness of breath and s... Read more
pt received covid vaccine at 15:49. at 16:02 he developed chest tightness, shortness of breath and sensation of throat swelling. pt reports similar effects happened with anaphylaxis to Bactrim. pt was given epi-pen 0.3mg IM, 25 mg PO Benadryl, and 50 MG IM Benadryl. pt was monitored for a total of 51 minutes.
26 2021-05-23 shortness of breath Patient started to tremble and have trouble breathing. Stated he was having a panick attack
26 2021-05-25 painful respiration, shortness of breath Notes from my visit with him: May 17th 2021-- "Got his second dose of Moderna vaccine a week ago. Ha... Read more
Notes from my visit with him: May 17th 2021-- "Got his second dose of Moderna vaccine a week ago. Had some SOB afterwards, and then felt improved. But then yesterday started to have similar symptoms, as well as chest pressure, hurts to breathe all the way in, feels a twinge feeling on the inside. Also noticed a muscular pain as well in the same area, hurts to move down the middle of his chest. Also having pain on the right side. Symptoms are persistent, will wax and wane slightly but doesn't go away completely. Feels better when he is standing if feels better, has not noticed food triggers, no difficulty eating or swallowing. A few weeks ago also started a higher fat intake diet. No fevers or chills, no diarrhea, no rash, no sore throat, no runny nose. No known muscular injury that he can think of." May 20, 2021-- "Today is feeling some decrease in symptoms, but still feels like he needs to take deep breaths. Feels like "something is erratic" once in a while. Not feeling increased improvement. Laying down does seem to make it worse. One time he was leaning forward and then sitting up made it worse." May 26, 2021 -- "he reports that he is still feeling some chest pain, but overall is feeling better, symptoms are up and down. Feels like a "tiredness" in the chest wall area. The most pain is from twisting. Not worsening with acidic or greasy foods. Feels like pain is mostly in the muscle now. No SOB at all with increased exertion."
26 2021-05-26 shortness of breath 1 day after vaccination developed new HA and nausea 2 days after vaccination developed new SOB, pleu... Read more
1 day after vaccination developed new HA and nausea 2 days after vaccination developed new SOB, pleuritic chest pain
26 2021-05-27 shortness of breath I was very nauseated, shortness of breath, vertigo, tachycardia, body aches. I went to ER the follow... Read more
I was very nauseated, shortness of breath, vertigo, tachycardia, body aches. I went to ER the following morning after my vaccine.
26 2021-06-07 shortness of breath Seizure like activity 10 min after injection x 10 seconds, then fatique/weakness, dizziness, chills,... Read more
Seizure like activity 10 min after injection x 10 seconds, then fatique/weakness, dizziness, chills, hypotension, and patient stated shortness of breath. 911 was called and transported to ER
26 2021-06-08 shortness of breath Chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath
26 2021-06-13 throat tightness What feels like anxiety attacks (Heart racing, Throat feels closed up) happen everyday usually. some... Read more
What feels like anxiety attacks (Heart racing, Throat feels closed up) happen everyday usually. sometimes occur multiple times a day usually at night or late afternoon. After the first dose they started small and got bigger and more frequent after the second shot they have become smaller and a little less frequent but still occur. I should note that I used to have anxiety attacks 5 or so years ago just like this but have since stopped having attacks all together up until my first shot
26 2021-06-15 shortness of breath The patient presented 2 days after receiving the 2nd Moderna Vaccine with worsening acute onset righ... Read more
The patient presented 2 days after receiving the 2nd Moderna Vaccine with worsening acute onset right-sided lower chest pain and right upper quadrant abdominal pain associated with shortness of breath. CT pulmonary embolus protocol showed subsegmental pulmonary embolus with evidence of pulmonary infarcts for which the patient was started on an anticoagulant. An echocardiogram showed a mild to moderate decrease in LV systolic function with global hypokinesis. Cardiac MRI findings were consistent with acute myopericarditis with underlying non-ischemic cardiomyopathy disproportionate to the degree of myocarditis. The patient was discharged on a beta-blocker.
26 2021-06-26 shortness of breath 4 weeks following 2nd Moderna Vaccine, I started having symptomatic Bigeminal PVC's that lasted appr... Read more
4 weeks following 2nd Moderna Vaccine, I started having symptomatic Bigeminal PVC's that lasted approximately 45 minutes. Symptoms included dizziness, near syncope, palpitations, and shortness of breath. After 2 ED visits, I was referred to a cardiologist who ran tests to include a Holter monitor, and echocardiogram. I followed up with a Cardiac Electrophysiology Doctor who prescribed Flecainide to control the PVC's. I have been on Flecainide since early March, which has controlled the PVC's to a tolerable level (roughly 100/day). Before the Flecainide use, I was having roughly 1,000 PVC's a day, and had multiple episodes of Bigeminy.
26 2021-06-30 wheezing Following administration of the vaccine, the patient and his wife were seated and I requested they r... Read more
Following administration of the vaccine, the patient and his wife were seated and I requested they remain seated for 15 min after because I had recently had someone with a fear of needles collapse after their shot, at which point I had already counseled on the things to expect afterward but the patient stopped responding and slumped over. I was unsure if he was breathing as his wife was cradling his head, so I shouted for a technician to call 911. I heard a sound that I perceived to be wheezing and administered an epipen at which point the patients limbs began to contract so I then suspected it was a seizure. We lowered the patient to the ground and shortly after he became responsive. He was able to state his name and date of birth and breathing was unlabored. Pulse ox was 98 and HR was 88 BPM before EMS arrived. They examined the patient and determined it was "anxiety induced response" but also noted that the bloodpressure was "very low" which is consistent with anaphylaxis, but I did not examine the patient at that time. He was sent home afterward.
26 2021-07-12 shortness of breath 2 weeks after first covid vaccine, chest pain occured in left upper chest of vaccinated patient. Sha... Read more
2 weeks after first covid vaccine, chest pain occured in left upper chest of vaccinated patient. Sharp pain randomly. Difficult to breathe full lung of air and difficult to release full lung of air.
26 2021-07-23 shortness of breath During cardiac workup for unrelated symptoms, low normal/borderline decreased heart function seen on... Read more
During cardiac workup for unrelated symptoms, low normal/borderline decreased heart function seen on echo (LVEF 50.7%). Began treatment with diltiazem. Began noticing SOB with mild exertion (walking <100 yards) and heartrate stayed above 100bpm despite medication. Mildly elevated blood pressure. Followup cardiac MRI performed 7/6 corroborated echo findings (LVEF 52%) and showed patchy areas of subacute pericarditis and myocarditis inflammation with changes to tissue noticed. Visited urgent care with pericardial chest pain 7/21, received indocin as short term replacement for nabumetone NSAID treatment. Currently waiting on stress test scheduled for 9/16.
26 2021-07-28 shortness of breath, throat tightness Approximately 10 minutes after being vaccinated with Moderna vaccine for his 2nd dose, the patient s... Read more
Approximately 10 minutes after being vaccinated with Moderna vaccine for his 2nd dose, the patient said his throat was closing up a little and itching and he felt nauseous. The patient was told to sit down and wait for 20 minutes after administration. The patient was walking around the pharmacy and talking. The covid ambassador reinteriated to the patient to sit back down. A few minutes after sitting down, he admitted he should have listened and proceeded to tell the pharmacist of his symptoms. The pharmacist clarified if his throat was closing up or was it itchy. The patient said it was a little itchy and a little difficult to breathe. The pharmacist gave the patient 25mg of liquid benadryl. The pharmacist continued to monitor the patient. The patient said he felt chills in his hands a few minutes later but he was no longer feeling nauseous. The patient did not claim to have any allergies on his form or any previous allergies he was aware of. The pharmacist followed up with the patient 5 minutes after his claim of chills. He said he can breathe better but still had the chills. The patient sat in the chair for approximately one hour while the pharmacist monitored him. He called a relative to come pick him up. He told the pharmacist his ride was there and he felt much better before leaving. The pharmacist told him to rest and monitor his symptoms. If the symptoms came back or got worse he needs to call 911 or go to the emergency room.
27 2021-01-10 throat swelling rash on torso spread to neck. Swelling in throat.
27 2021-01-11 shortness of breath Patient reports that the next morning he woke up with fever, body aches, headache, fatigue, shortne... Read more
Patient reports that the next morning he woke up with fever, body aches, headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, fatigue, congestion, dry throat and he feels his HR is elevated(never measured above 100BPM).
27 2021-01-24 throat tightness Pt complained of developing an "aura" that he associates with pre seizure sxm initially followed by ... Read more
Pt complained of developing an "aura" that he associates with pre seizure sxm initially followed by shaking. He took an additional dose of Keppra 1000mg & then stated that his throat felt like it was closing Epipen SQ injection given R thigh @ 6:07 pm. (VS 99% RA P 78 BP 158/90) 6:13pm pt walked to chair verbalized he felt better. 6:17p O2 Sat 99% P83 6:19 BP 160/98 P78 O2 sat 99%
27 2021-02-18 shortness of breath I had complete loss of smell and taste November 26th and tested positive for Covid-19 on the 28th. A... Read more
I had complete loss of smell and taste November 26th and tested positive for Covid-19 on the 28th. At the time, it started as my smell and taste fading out. Day one of noticeable symptoms also included a slight fever at approximately 99.7 degrees, full body aches as if I'd been in a car accident, chills, a headache, shortness of breath and fatigue. The fever and chills and body aches had gone away after only two days but the shortness of breath and fatigue persisted at least 3 weeks or late December. By January, I was slowly having my smell and taste back to normal. Early in February, around Feb. 4th, after my first vaccine and approximately 5 days before my second one, my smell and taste became horribly distorted. It started with mint and toothpaste. It started tasting/smelling like mold with pottery clay. After about 2 or three days, almost all foods began tasting and smelling like it was musty, moldy and rotten. Like dead fish or expired meat. I first noticed with food but now it's other things as well. Cleaning agents like disinfectant wipes smell the exact same as a jar of peanut butter which is a strong, musty, moldy smell. A pot roast bought the day of at Kroger was cooked by my fiance and it smelled so rancid to me I almost vomitted. Almost everything smells and tastes horrible and it's been about two weeks. The only things that seem normal are bubblegum, fruity pebbles and most beverages although not all. Coffee has the same pungent smell. I have has to switch my diet almost completely to yogurt, fruity pebbles and meal replacement shakes. Along with a multivitamin so I don't miss anything.
27 2021-03-01 wheezing, throat tightness, shortness of breath Per patient statement - 30 minutes after reciving vaccine patient reports that he started to feel c... Read more
Per patient statement - 30 minutes after reciving vaccine patient reports that he started to feel congested. AT that point the thought it was allergies from the day before. His wife dropped him off aat work. He had someone take him to healthcare center. Was given Epinephirne at 1045am. He was discarged by ED, with Epinephrine Rx. At 230 his wife injected him with another epinephrine due to congestion and diffculty breathing, speaking, it felt like his througfht was getting tight. EMS gave himanother dose of Epineprine and was taken to ER again. 6pm on February 25 nebulizer , had complaints of difficulty breathing speaking was taken to healthcare center and admitted. Discharged on February 26, 2020 Saturday 730 Difficulty breathing, wheezing, speaking could not swallow Horse, abdmen pain, lethargic,
27 2021-03-14 very rapid breathing 5 after injection: sweating, chills 10 after injection: lightheadedness, nausea, sweating 15 after i... Read more
5 after injection: sweating, chills 10 after injection: lightheadedness, nausea, sweating 15 after injection: lightheadedness, nausea, hyperventilation Moved outside after hyperventilation began, symptoms subsided within 20 minutes after vaccination
27 2021-03-18 shortness of breath Patient developed chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue approximately 10 days after receiving... Read more
Patient developed chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue approximately 10 days after receiving 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine. Patient describes symptom onset as acute, and came to hospital 2 days after chest pain developed, as it became more unbearable. Described chest pain as worse with leaning forward.
27 2021-03-22 throat swelling Swelling of the throat Fatigue Aching Body
27 2021-03-26 throat tightness An hour after the shot he noted neck pain which was intermittent, the next morning he noted his thro... Read more
An hour after the shot he noted neck pain which was intermittent, the next morning he noted his throat feeling like it was closing up. Has had trouble swallowing since then now for 6 days with feeling of swelling under his tongue, no SHOB, but he feels weak. Diagnosis is mild angioedema treated with loratadine and prednisone taper begun the date of this report.
27 2021-03-29 throat swelling, shortness of breath About 25 minutes later after injection, he developed hives, throat swelling, and shortness of breath... Read more
About 25 minutes later after injection, he developed hives, throat swelling, and shortness of breath. He was given 0.3 mg epinephrine IM and 25 mg of benadryl. He states his are now resolving and he feels okay at 11:14pm.
27 2021-03-29 throat swelling An hour after receiving the vaccine My throat started shutting and my tongue started swelling.. I wa... Read more
An hour after receiving the vaccine My throat started shutting and my tongue started swelling.. I was given a shot and 5 pills to help everything go back to normal.
27 2021-03-29 throat tightness Throat closed 30 minutes after vaccine on drive home, took antihistamines I chose not to go to the... Read more
Throat closed 30 minutes after vaccine on drive home, took antihistamines I chose not to go to the hospital, had hives as well. 2 more doses of antihistamines stopped it.
27 2021-03-29 throat tightness Patient reported after the event that he stayed on site for requested 15 minutes following injection... Read more
Patient reported after the event that he stayed on site for requested 15 minutes following injection but reports his "throat began to close" 10-15 minutes later while driving home. He immediately took oral antihisatmines that he keeps in his car due to his tree nut allergy.
27 2021-04-08 shortness of breath 4/2/2021 approx. couple minutes after rcvding the 1st dose. Patient reported after rcvding his first... Read more
4/2/2021 approx. couple minutes after rcvding the 1st dose. Patient reported after rcvding his first dose he felt super hot in his face and all over his body ("felt like my blood was getting hot"), these symptoms went away approx. 8 hours later. Next day (4/3/2021) patient reported pens and needles sensations on his arms, legs and tongue but when he woke up the next morning on 4/4/2021 these sensations went away. That same evening (4/4/2021) the pens and needles sensations returned, and approx. 1 hour later pt experienced shortness of breath (patient reported using his Albulterol inhaler to help with the SOB). On (4/3/2021), also reported had random chills for approx. 10 minutes which than disappeared. Today (4/5/2021), patient reported he felt a little better after taking Prednisolone 4mg, but still continue to have shortness of breath and develop sweaty palms while on the phone. Reported that his resting heart is ranging between 100-105 bpm. Patient reported taking his rescue inhaler Albuterol when he started to experienced the shortness of breath on 4/3/2021, which he stated it only helped for a couple of hours. He took a 4mg Prednisolone dose today 4/5/2021, and felt a little better. Patient also reported he called and got an appt with his PCP to be seen in a few days. Recommend patient to contact the urgent care facility or hospital since his shortness of breath has not gotten better per based on the information he reports, the medical personnel may ask him to seek medical attention right away. Patient called back 4/6/2021 at 9:49am: Patient stated he felt better today, and the pens and needles sensations has reduced some. Also reported that he tried reaching out to his PCP office but was not able to speak with his doctor. He called the ER yesterday and was advised by the ER nurse to continue to take his Prednisolone, and to go to ER for further evaluation since a diagnose cannot be provided over the phone. Patient reported that he was taking 4mg of Prednisolone in intervals and it that seems to help with the symptoms for approx. 30-45 minutes, but after 4 hours of taking the Prednisolone the symptoms comes back. Patient have an appointment with his PCP on 4/8/2021, advised will follow up with him again on Friday.
27 2021-04-12 shortness of breath Pt sat down after he got his vaccine. He stood back up to accompany his wife while she got her shot.... Read more
Pt sat down after he got his vaccine. He stood back up to accompany his wife while she got her shot. He said he started to get light headed and we helped him to the ground.He was cold and clammy and he had no difficulty breathing. He stayed conscience. He sat with us for 1/2 hour , had some water. Said he felt better and then he left. He did not with us to call Paramedics. To the best of my knowledge he was recovered. He said he was recovered.
27 2021-04-20 throat tightness Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Swallowing, Throat Tightness-Mild, Systemic: Chills-Medium, Systemic:... Read more
Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Swallowing, Throat Tightness-Mild, Systemic: Chills-Medium, Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Medium, Systemic: Fainting / Unresponsive-Medium, Additional Details: Patient was sitting for 15 minute observation when I heard a thump outside. Came out to patient face down on the floor. Immediately woke up when I called out, but was unaware he had fainted. Gave patient water and gatorade and continued to monitor for 40 minutes. Patient continued to feel clammy and lightheaded but eventually felt okay to go home.
27 2021-04-22 shortness of breath 10am - vaccine administration 10:30am - went to sleep 4:00pm - woke with numbness and difficulty mov... Read more
10am - vaccine administration 10:30am - went to sleep 4:00pm - woke with numbness and difficulty moving right side of face ability to move right side of face decreased for the next 48 hours until unable to eat, drink, breath, or blink normally. symptoms still present as of 04/23/2021 with no improvement
27 2021-04-22 shortness of breath Myocarditis. Pt received 2nd Dose Moderna on 4/21/21 morning. He reported developing fever of 102 ... Read more
Myocarditis. Pt received 2nd Dose Moderna on 4/21/21 morning. He reported developing fever of 102 F on 4/22/21. He reported developing chest pain early morning on 4/23/21. Denied other symptoms. Pt went to urgent care due to chest pain and SOB. Pt sent to ED from urgent care due to abnormal EKG. EKG showed ST elevation. Troponin I elevated 13.0 . C-reactive protein elevated 8.22. Left heart cath done, normal. CT PE done to rule out PE. Pt diagnosed with myocarditis and severe inflammation. "Elevated Inflammatory markers possibly related to COVID vaccine."
27 2021-04-26 throat swelling Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Approximately 30 minutes after the injection I experienced mild to mode... Read more
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Approximately 30 minutes after the injection I experienced mild to moderate swelling in my throat. I was still able to breath, but it was uncomfortable. The swelling went down after approximately 2 hours. No further treatment was needed.
27 2021-04-28 shortness of breath Dizziness if moving too quickly, began 4 days after second dose and still persisting Arm pain, laste... Read more
Dizziness if moving too quickly, began 4 days after second dose and still persisting Arm pain, lasted for two days Aches, lasted since second dose Chills, lasted since second dose Trouble breathing, began 4 days after second dose and still persisting
27 2021-05-05 shortness of breath At about 3.58 pm patient was given a moderna covid vaccine. A few minutes after the vaccinations ... Read more
At about 3.58 pm patient was given a moderna covid vaccine. A few minutes after the vaccinations pt started to develop a rash around his neck he also started complaining of shortness of breath . All these happened in a spun of about 5 minutes. He was offered assistance in the form of water but pt declined . Patient felt okay and rejected as calling 911 and also an epipen shot. He indicated that he hears those shots are crazy and flat out refused. He decided to have his wife drive him to the ER. I called later to check up on him but his wife said he was fine and that they were almost at the ER. Will follow up tomorrow
27 2021-05-11 shortness of breath Pain in my chest, arms, back, shortness of breath, dizziness, heart palpitations. I was diagnosed wi... Read more
Pain in my chest, arms, back, shortness of breath, dizziness, heart palpitations. I was diagnosed with Myocarditis. I was an athlete my entire life and still don't feel good after 3 months. Still have back pains that are incredibly painful. I have not exercised in 3 months. I was put on prednisone and Colchicine.
27 2021-05-12 throat tightness At 1 pm, patient claimed to have some throat tightness, about 10 mins after the vaccine. The patient... Read more
At 1 pm, patient claimed to have some throat tightness, about 10 mins after the vaccine. The patient was offered EpiPen, he accepted and was administered one dose. The patient never lost consciousness and was responsive at all times. The patient was offered 911 services but he refused. After 20 mins of the EpiPen administration, he said he was feeling better without any symptoms and left the facility. I gave the patient instructions on what to do in case of anaphylaxis and he confirmed understanding. I gave him a call at 3:30 pm. He was doing well at home with no complaints. I once again advised him on what to do incase of emergency.
27 2021-05-19 shortness of breath Disclaimer: I was diagnosed with COVID in December 2020. This may be the reason why my symptoms were... Read more
Disclaimer: I was diagnosed with COVID in December 2020. This may be the reason why my symptoms were out of the ordinary. The first shot gave me a mild chills and pretty bad body pain, however, the second shot gave me a sore throat, nasal congestion, chest congestion, wet cough, body pain, and shortness of breath. In order to tally out a second exposure to Coronavirus, I got tested twice and was negative. These adverse symptoms started 4 hours after the 2nd vaccine and are still the same intensity. I?m taking mucinex and anti histamines but nothing has been helping much. I?m on my 6th day now.
27 2021-05-22 shortness of breath Red measles like rash covering entire body. Went to . Two days later pressure in chest and difficult... Read more
Red measles like rash covering entire body. Went to . Two days later pressure in chest and difficulty breathing. Went to Emergency Room. Skin and eyes turned yellow, dry itchy, peeling skin. Liver not working properly. No prior skin or liver issues. Symptoms persist today.
27 2021-05-23 painful respiration, shortness of breath Woke up at 3:00 AM Friday 5/24 having chest pain near my heart and issues breathing. I sat up on the... Read more
Woke up at 3:00 AM Friday 5/24 having chest pain near my heart and issues breathing. I sat up on the corner of my bed feeling dizzy. Every time I would take anything more than a light breath, I would get a tight pain on the left side of my chest, which specifically felt like I had blockage in my heart. As I sat on the corner of my bed I tried to control my breathing and started to rub the area as I was taking breaths. The sharp pain in my chest while taking normal / deep breaths lasted for a few minutes and I feared I was having a heart attack. After going away initially that night, I felt the sensation in a less intense fashion again later on Friday night and once more got a slight tight feeling in my chest while breathing on Saturday. During the initial episode on Friday night, I also got a deafened noise in my ears as if they had to pop as if I was gaining altitude in a plane or something. I got up off my bed to go to the bathroom and sat to urinate in case I was going to faint. The deafened noise went away after about a minute or so and turned into a static / fizzy noise for another minute or two while I was in the bathroom. (The static fizz sounds got louder as I put my chin to my chest for some reason.) I was also sweating profusely throughout this entire process.
27 2021-05-25 shortness of breath The same day as the injection I experienced severe pain a few hours after in my bicep rather than my... Read more
The same day as the injection I experienced severe pain a few hours after in my bicep rather than my shoulder where I experienced pain during the 1st vaccine dose. I also experienced the common fatigue. However, at 12:13a.m on May 25th, I was woken from sleeping to what can only be described as either the most severe case of the shakes that have ever been experienced, or convulsions. I was unable to move, speak, and could hardly breathe. The effects of this lasted well over an hour and a half. It was only after what I was experiencing stopped, that I suddenly became burning hot, but did not have a fever. 98.7° was what was read at the time I started to feel hot. Since then I have experienced severe joint and knuckle pain on my left hand, still bicep soreness, pain in my left forearm, again joint and knuckle pain in my left hand, and headaches.
27 2021-05-28 shortness of breath I woke up on 5/29/2021 at around 5AM EST with a heavy chest, shortness of breath, and a sore throat.... Read more
I woke up on 5/29/2021 at around 5AM EST with a heavy chest, shortness of breath, and a sore throat. It felt like I could only breath in for about a second and a half without a lot of strain or coughing. It is now 10:41 AM and I still have a heavy chest and shortness of breath but it is much more manageable than before. I still can't take a full breath, but I can breath in for about 5 seconds before it feels like something is blocking me from going further. No current pain.
27 2021-06-08 shortness of breath From May 14, 2021, I have started experience dizziness and weakness in my body. There has been sligh... Read more
From May 14, 2021, I have started experience dizziness and weakness in my body. There has been slight fever during the initial days but the weakness and mild headache is still there till today i.e. June 9 2021. I do experience a little shortness of breath and chest pain (on both sides) sometimes but that is not continuous and remains normal most of the time. I have got stomach infection and constipation too during these times and I have taken a pill of Prilosec upon prescription of doctor. Stomach looks good and bowel movement is fine as of now. I have been monitoring my blood pressure and body temp during these days and they all were normal. Apart from that I experience chills more than anyone around me and don't know if that is related to vaccine effect. Currently, my main concerns are - mild headache, weakness in body and dizziness which is happening for almost a month now.
27 2021-06-09 shortness of breath Heart beating fast Shortness of breath Can hear my heart beat in my neck or other areas.
27 2021-06-10 shortness of breath Started approximately 3/16/21 slight tightness in chest, fluttering in chest. Fluttering was most si... Read more
Started approximately 3/16/21 slight tightness in chest, fluttering in chest. Fluttering was most significant symptom, and got more frequent after started. Slight shortness of breath. Went to ER on 3/21/21 after almost passing out. Symptoms went away approximately 3/23/21.
27 2021-06-12 shortness of breath Fever, heart racing, trouble breathing.
27 2021-06-14 shortness of breath 5 hours after vaccination (May 20 9am), starting having fever/headache symptoms, which increased in ... Read more
5 hours after vaccination (May 20 9am), starting having fever/headache symptoms, which increased in severity over the course of the first day. On the night of May 20, I started feeling chest pains, difficulty breathing, and an elevated heart rate (around 100 bpm) in bed. These symptoms remained and I went to the emergency room around midnight. I did a chest xray and electrocardiogram and waited to see a doctor over the next few hours; ultimately the symptoms decreased in severity on their own.
27 2021-06-15 painful respiration, shortness of breath shortness of breath, chest pain 7/10, painful breathing started 4 hours ago
27 2021-06-22 shortness of breath Patient is a 27 year old male with history of allergic rhinitis. He moved to the area in April 2021... Read more
Patient is a 27 year old male with history of allergic rhinitis. He moved to the area in April 2021 and had some initial problems with pollen allergies, but had improved and doing well with Singulair. He had COVID19 in November 2020, recovered fairly quickly and did not have much in the way of breathing difficulties. Last month he received both doses of Moderna COVID19 vaccination, second dose administered on 5/25/2021. After his second dose, he has become progressively more ill. He did have a fever up to 105F for 24 hours afterwards, but this resolved. He has gone to several urgent cares due to progressively worsening SOB, cough, and malaise. Coworkers have commented to him that he is just not himself and is slow to get around. He has gotten to the point he cannot take the trash out without having to stop to catch his breath. He has been treated with a variety of regimens, including amoxicillin, doxycycline, inhalers, prednisone, and IM steroid shots. He does get brief mild relief with albuterol inhaler.
27 2021-07-09 shortness of breath I had a stomach virus a week after receiving the vaccine, then the following week began to develop c... Read more
I had a stomach virus a week after receiving the vaccine, then the following week began to develop chest pain which progressed to include fatigue and shortness of breath. I lost tolerance to caffeine and alcohol, and the symptoms got worse. I ended up in the er on June 7th and tested positive for blood troponin. I was diagnosed with myopericarditis secondary to covid vaccine or a viral infection after further tests and an echocardiogram. I am receiving 600mg of ibuprofen three times per day along with .6mg of colchinine twice a day for the next few months.
27 2021-07-15 shortness of breath At around 26 minutes after the second vaccine was administered, patient started to have signs of an ... Read more
At around 26 minutes after the second vaccine was administered, patient started to have signs of an allergic reaction including dizziness, throat itchiness, and trouble breathing. Pharmacist and physician was notified immediately. Physician and MA took pulse Ox and looked into throat. Determined that patient needed Epinephrine. Patient was moved to a room where epi was administered within 3 minutes. EMS was called and patient was transported to hospital within 15 minutes of epinephrine administration.
27 2021-07-26 throat tightness Chest neck and face broke out in red blotchy rash. Hot to the touch. Inside of throat felt warm. Lig... Read more
Chest neck and face broke out in red blotchy rash. Hot to the touch. Inside of throat felt warm. Light headed. Nausea. Throat tightness. Happened a few minutes after administration of vaccine. Waiting in the waiting area for approximately one hour. Waited in vehicle longer. After 4 hours felt almost normal.
28 2021-01-02 respiratory rate increased, rapid breathing, shortness of breath, high pitched sound with breathing approximately 10 minutes after vaccination, the individual began complaining of difficulty breathing... Read more
approximately 10 minutes after vaccination, the individual began complaining of difficulty breathing. Presented to onsite EMS personnel with diaphoresis, pallor, rapid respiratory rate, and sounds from throat similar to stridor. The individual was in obvious distress. Patient was given oxygen via NRB mask, Epinephrine 1:1,000 0.3 mg IM. A second dose of Epinephrine 1:1,000 0.3 mg IM was given approximately 4 minutes after the first one. Transporting ambulance arrived and transported the patient to emergency room. The patient's had marked improvement within 5 minutes of the second Epinephrine dose. Patient was still tachypneic but was able to speak in complete sentences and was alert and oriented.
28 2021-01-25 lung pain Pain in lungs
28 2021-01-28 throat swelling Felt swelling in back of throat within 30 minutes; reported to facility when he arrived for 2nd dose
28 2021-02-06 shortness of breath I started to develop the following symptoms fever, joint pain, shortness of breathe, fatigue, confu... Read more
I started to develop the following symptoms fever, joint pain, shortness of breathe, fatigue, confusion, muscle pain by 7:00 AM on Saturday 6th, and subsequently they increased until the only thing I could to was only lay in bed, during the night the shivering awfull, there was a point when my whole body was stiff and I wasn't able to move (or at least that was my perception at that point) the fever, joint pain, shortness of breathe, fatigue, confusion, muscle pain increased and by 3 AM I was vomiting. I took medication for the pain but the symptoms were lessened not for much, I remained in bed until 2:30 PM on Sunday 7th. I am still weakened, fatigued and with a slight shortness of breath, I am assuming by tomorrow I will be feeling better. No regrets whatsoever.
28 2021-02-10 very rapid breathing Pt described "lump in throat" and felt increased need to take deeper breaths. Treatment, Epi pen 0.3... Read more
Pt described "lump in throat" and felt increased need to take deeper breaths. Treatment, Epi pen 0.3mg, Diphenhydramine 50mg IVP, Methylprednisolone 125mg IVP, Famotidine 20mg PO. With 5 minutes patient stated he felt perfectly normal, just a little bit more tired after the benadryl push.
28 2021-02-27 shortness of breath EMS assessed and Medical Greeter spoke with client. Client was recommended to bring companion for se... Read more
EMS assessed and Medical Greeter spoke with client. Client was recommended to bring companion for second dose. Client will take car/taxi/uber home. Cleared by EMS and denied needing further EMS services to hospital.
28 2021-03-14 shortness of breath PT states getting the second covid shot yesterday with increasing fever and chest tightness to the m... Read more
PT states getting the second covid shot yesterday with increasing fever and chest tightness to the middle of the chest without radiation. States shortness of breathe only with "wearing the mask". States shortness of breath is better when it is off
28 2021-03-19 wheezing, shortness of breath 3:00 PM - felt dizzy 5:00 PM - Wheezing and coughing, hard to breathe 7:00 PM - Fever, Headache 6:00... Read more
3:00 PM - felt dizzy 5:00 PM - Wheezing and coughing, hard to breathe 7:00 PM - Fever, Headache 6:00 AM - Fever broke, headache remains, fatigued.
28 2021-03-24 shortness of breath On March 18th I experienced normal side effects (fatigue, body aches, chills, along with soreness of... Read more
On March 18th I experienced normal side effects (fatigue, body aches, chills, along with soreness of the injection site). Starting on March 19th, I experienced mild shortness of breath for 3 days. I checked my O2 sat throughout those 3 days and never dropped below 98%. My wife experienced the same shortness of breath for the same period of time with a low of 97% on her O2 sat. She received a Covid test on the last day of her symptoms and received a negative result. Now, on March 25th I have developed a red, circular rash at the injection site (upper portion of left arm). It is itchy, warm, and has a firm feel, roughly 2.5 inches in diameter with a slight, inward, crescent-shaped curve of the red patch on one side.
28 2021-03-25 shortness of breath Difficulty breathing and sharp pains in chest
28 2021-03-28 shortness of breath Later that evening he got a fever as high as 102.7, the following morning it was 102.4 and had bad b... Read more
Later that evening he got a fever as high as 102.7, the following morning it was 102.4 and had bad body aches throughout the whole body, he was unable to move his body due to the pain, the mother call ER and they told her to call the Pharmacy and the pharmacy said to take ibuprofen and Tylenol, that night he just sweat out the fever, He also had shortness of breath
28 2021-03-30 throat tightness, throat swelling Throat swelling/closure, slight headache, body ache
28 2021-04-13 shortness of breath PT had shortness of breath, tightness in chest, numbness in both legs. PT ate at 10 am ...we gave PT... Read more
PT had shortness of breath, tightness in chest, numbness in both legs. PT ate at 10 am ...we gave PT snack and water at 4pm. PT was cleared by EMS and NP after symptoms resolved.
28 2021-04-14 shortness of breath, asthma Having shortness of breath, asthma attacks.
28 2021-04-15 shortness of breath 3-29-21: moments after shot injection, anxiousness, and shakiness develop. Half hour after injection... Read more
3-29-21: moments after shot injection, anxiousness, and shakiness develop. Half hour after injection, extreme anxiety, impending sense of doom, full body shakes, complete inability to focus, burning sensation on skin surface and chills develop (fluctuating between both), pressure at chest, sweaty palms. Admitted to ER @ in with blood pressure of ~180 and heart rate of ~100BPM. O2 levels 96%. Given Ativan. Anxiousness, blood pressure, heart rate, focusing improves. Occasional temperature sensations remain, as well as some difficulty focusing, and feelings of discomfort. Patient has no history of anxiety or issues with needles/previous vaccinations. 3-30-21: fatigue, trouble focusing, anxiousness. Sharp headache pain develops and is treated with Ibuprofen. 3-31-21: fatigue, trouble focusing, anxiousness. Headache has resolved. 4-1-21: fatigue, trouble focusing, anxiousness. In the evening, onset of dizziness attempting to walk. Itchy welts form on right and left hand at wrists. Rash forms on whole of torso front and back. Breathing is staggered. Patient takes 25mg of diphenhydramine and is admitted to ER @ in . Rashes/welts clear up ~30 minutes after. Anxiousness/focus improves as effects of diphenhydraminea are felt. Two EKGs and blood panel is performed, results are normal. 4-2-21: trouble focusing/anxiety, goes away quickly after taking 25 mg of diphenhydramine. Fatigue is present, cannot leave bed. 4-3-21: Nausea/stomach pain begins, and discomfort in upper left abdomen. Burning sensations/chills temperature sensations---feeling feverish but temperature is stable at 98.8F. Loss of appetite. Episodes of anxiety/focusing continue to be treated with 25 mg of diphenhydramine. Extreme fatigue. 4-4-21 through 4-7-21 : extreme fatigue, stomache pain and nausea. Patient has lost 9 lbs since 3-29-21. Pain around upper left abdomen consistent. Patient visits urgent care 4-7-21, is given 14-day course of omeprazole to help with nauseas/pain. COVID-19 rapid test is performed and returns negative. 4-8-21 trough 4-11-21: extreme fatigue, nausea, episodes of poor focus remain. Patient cannot leave bed, but ability to eat improves with omeprazole. 4-12-21 to present: short intermittent episodes of trouble focusing/anxiousness, aggravated by physical exertion and mental stimulation. Fatigue onset after hours of normal day to day activities.
28 2021-04-19 throat swelling C/O throat swelling Gave IM benadryl at 3:05 O2 Sat 99%, BP 142/82, HR 51, RR: 18 Drank water and c... Read more
C/O throat swelling Gave IM benadryl at 3:05 O2 Sat 99%, BP 142/82, HR 51, RR: 18 Drank water and continued c/o throat swelling Gave EpiPen at 3:13 O2 Sat 98%, BP 160/108, HR 51, RR: 22 went to Hospital at 4:13 O2 Sat 100%, BP 182/99, HR 84, RR: 16
28 2021-04-22 shortness of breath Had headache a few hours after injection, injection site hardened and had a rash, a day later I deve... Read more
Had headache a few hours after injection, injection site hardened and had a rash, a day later I developed a high fever. My face swelled up and it was hard to breathe for a few hours. On the third day the swelling stopped but the fever took a few days to go away. It's been 2 weeks and a painless rash is still at the injection site.
28 2021-04-25 shortness of breath PATIENT RECEIVED MODERNA 1ST DOSE LOT 003C21A AT 2:35PM 4/26/2021 IN THE LEFT DELTOID. 5 MINUTES LAT... Read more
28 2021-04-27 respiration abnormal Upon sitting in chair in observation area, pt. states he pulled out his phone to look at it and "it ... Read more
Upon sitting in chair in observation area, pt. states he pulled out his phone to look at it and "it hit me all of the sudden" feeling dizzy, and then he "woke up on the floor." When RN in observation area arrived pt. was unconscious and not responding. Turned pt on to side; pt. was breathing and "stiff." Pt. then came to and was able to answer questions. Pt's eyes dilated and face was pale. EMT on site responded to pt., assisted to wheelchair and taken to observation room. Pt. continued to feel lightheaded with waves of nausea. Pt. drank 3-4 small water bottles, 1 juice box, and ate 2 packs of crackers and 1 protein bar during 45 minute visit. Other than color returning to face, status remained unchanged and unimproved during stay. Pt. encouraged to be seen at hospital for further observation; he agreed. EMT's transferred pt. to hospital.
28 2021-04-29 shortness of breath, throat swelling Patient states after receiving the 1st dose a few minutes after he felt like his lymph nodes in his ... Read more
Patient states after receiving the 1st dose a few minutes after he felt like his lymph nodes in his throat were swelling and he had some mild difficulty breathing and swallowing throughout the day, but didn?t get worse and resolved the next day. Denies any wheezing, SOB or rashes. Patient did not inform provider of symptoms because he felt they were not getting worse at the time and was not in any distress. Patient was briefed of severe reactions to notify provider of immediately and did not follow instruction.
28 2021-05-20 shortness of breath I started feeling sick with a headache and fatigue after the shot. After a few days I had trouble br... Read more
I started feeling sick with a headache and fatigue after the shot. After a few days I had trouble breathing where i had to take rest to catch my breathe and my chest most times starts to hurt and feel heavy.
28 2021-05-22 shortness of breath Chest tightness, increased heartbeat , no energy , no energy , trouble breathing, Nausea
28 2021-05-27 shortness of breath He reports that he had his second Moderna COVID vaccine was 4/20 Tuesday. The next day, on Wednesda... Read more
He reports that he had his second Moderna COVID vaccine was 4/20 Tuesday. The next day, on Wednesday he began having headache, body aches, chills, fevers and mild shortness of breath. Patient reports that the body aches somewhat resolved on Thursday but he continued to have some intermittent palpitations. He woke up Friday with self described chest discomfort with persistent palpitations.
28 2021-06-02 throat tightness, shortness of breath Pt reported feeling like his throat was tight and sob. pt assessed. airway patent. o2 sat 97%. ni di... Read more
Pt reported feeling like his throat was tight and sob. pt assessed. airway patent. o2 sat 97%. ni distress noted. pt medicated with 50 mg benadryl IM. Provider made aware. provider assessed pt with no further orders. Pt observed for 30 minutes. reported relief of symptoms. ambulated out of clinic with steady gait.
28 2021-06-03 throat tightness Situation: Patient, 28 yrs old, had an appointment for 1st dose Moderna Lot# 007C21A today. Pt felt... Read more
Situation: Patient, 28 yrs old, had an appointment for 1st dose Moderna Lot# 007C21A today. Pt felt anxious prior to vaccination. As a precaution, pt was placed on a gurney and he received the vaccine while on the gurney. RN was bedside during the process. Pt started feeling shaky and dizzy 5 mins post vaccination. . Juice and crackers provided. Pt stated that he ate and drank liquids prior to coming in. Encourage to relax and take slow deep breaths Background: . He informed the vaccinator upon arrival that he has a hx of syncopal episode during vaccinations. Pt had a syncopal episode when he got the TB Test. Pt felt anxious prior to vaccination. Allergies: PCN and other abx, unable to state rest of allergies Hx: Asthma, MVA last April 2021, head injury, L wrist surgery Accompanied by mother Assessment: 1020 ? Pt c/o being more dizzy, queasy to throat and chest, lightheaded and started to look pale. VS 99.0F, 65, 98% RA, 97/40 (62), 22. Clear speech noted. 1030 ? VS 105/49 (67), 72, 99% RA, 26. Paler, diaphoretic, increased dizziness, nausea, numbness to hands, anxious, shaky. Mother at bedside, comforting patient. Encourage to take slower deep breaths and continue to lie back. 1034 ? VS 114/61 (74), 72, 100% RA, 22, color is better 1038 ? VS 106/65 (77), 65, 100% RA, 18. Pt is more relaxed. Tightness to throat is better. Clear speech. Can speak complete sentences. 1043 ? VS 103/65 (79), 64, 100% RA, 18. Color has improved. More color to lips, hands are less numb. Pt stated that he is back to ?almost normal.? 1044 ? Called Dr about pt. MD was expecting that pt will be better in a few minutes. If pt is worse or if his symptoms come back while at home, pt need to go to ED or call his doctor. Relayed MD?s recommendation to patient and mother. Both verbalized understanding. 1045 ? VS 102/61 (72), 74, 18, 94% RA 1050 ? VS 116/70 (80), 74, 16, 95% RA. Moved patient and mother to room 6. Pt stated that he is ?feeling way better.? Mother at bedside. Report given to RN 1100 ? VS 103/63, 68, 98% RA semi fowlers on the gurney? conversing with mother. VS 111/67, 72, 100% RA - sitting VS 116/68, 85, 100% RA standing. Denies any dizziness upon position changes. 1110 ? VS 97/65, 67, 95% RA. Pt stated that he feels okay. Drank juice. 1120 ? VS 109/65, 72, 95% RA. Able to stand and walk to wheelchair. 1125 ? ambulated to bathroom. No problems. 1130 ? wheeled to car. Denies any symptoms. Recommendations: Dr was called about pt and expected that pt will be better in a few minutes. If pt is worse or if his symptoms come back while at home, pt needs to go to ED or call his doctor. Relayed MD?s recommendation to patient and mother. Both verbalized understanding. Pt was wheeled to the car and went home with his mother.
28 2021-06-18 shortness of breath On 4/19/21 at around 3:20PM I passed out. This has never happened to me before. The warning signs be... Read more
On 4/19/21 at around 3:20PM I passed out. This has never happened to me before. The warning signs before passing out was an extreme headache the likes of which I?ve never experienced before. I was then taken to Hospital where I stayed getting fluids, blood drawn, and other test to figure out what cause the incident. Since my time at the hospital my chest (heart area) is always in pain. I can barely make down one city block before running completely out of breathe. Yes I am overweight! However the only time I ever became out of breath before was when exercising . Now I feel that shortness of breathe all the time even when relaxing on a chair.
28 2021-06-23 respiratory rate increased On May 11 2021, I went to the gym to workout my back muscles in after work (around 3pm). After compl... Read more
On May 11 2021, I went to the gym to workout my back muscles in after work (around 3pm). After completing a heavy set of rack pulls I got light headed. After removing the weight to put it away, I accidentally dropped 25 pounds weight which was abnormal because I lost grip while light headed. I tried to walk off the pain by walking to the other side of the gym and within the next 10 minutes my face started turning pale and my lips dark blue/purple. I was sitting down as I progressively grew more light headed and started blacking out. My brother called over several people to help me maintain consciousness and an employee noted my lip and face color, low pulse and high rate of breathing. I fainted for a couple minutes then took a sip of gatorade and bounced back. I felt like that was a near death experience. Possibly related to some heart issue. A few weeks after I got a physical checkup at my doctor's office and the bloodwork came back clean. I have nothing to show why this episode occurred and feel like I should have some heart tests as a follow up. Before this incident I have been going to the gym without ever having experienced this kind of issue. What was notably odd though is I started having some chest pains not too long after my 2nd vaccination that I originally attributed to a bad sleeping position (I sleep on my side). I would have tightness that at times were consistent. Overtime the pain got weaker as I stopped doing intensive workouts. I thought it could've been a muscle tear but a tear would've healed by now. I still experience a bit of tightness when I do heavy chest exercise or if I compress my chest muscles and squeeze in the middle. I'm submitting this report because its been recently identified myocarditis is a possible side affect of the vaccine.
29 2021-01-03 shortness of breath AT 4:15am 1/4/2021 I was either dreaming or actually massaging my left trapezius muscle which I was... Read more
AT 4:15am 1/4/2021 I was either dreaming or actually massaging my left trapezius muscle which I was doing because it hurt and the pain was severe 9/10. Thinking it was because I was lying on my side, I sought to move onto my back. My wife was awake during the whole event. Upon moving over to my back I very quickly felt my legs jerking uncontrollably and could not open my mouth. This sensation last for about 10 seconds at which point my legs stopped jerking , and I was able to open my mouth. I felt a sudden rush of warmth, proceeded to throw off the covers, and was then followed not too soon after by intense chills and feeling cold. Immediately after coming to, I noticed I felt nauseated which after a few minutes began to subside. My wife mentioned she tried to gently rouse me but I was unresponsive by touching and calling my name. After 5 seconds of jerking of the legs, she mentioned it sounded like I was trying to gasp for air but could not seem to get air in. This continued for another 5 seconds with the leg jerking. The episode ended as mentioned above.
29 2021-01-23 throat swelling After the mandatory 15 minute waiting period in the vaccine waiting area at Hospital, I felt okay an... Read more
After the mandatory 15 minute waiting period in the vaccine waiting area at Hospital, I felt okay and did not feel the need to remain in the waiting area. After I returned home between an hour and an hour and a half after receiving the first dose of the Moderna Vaccine, I felt the onset of an anaphylaxis reaction in which my mouth felt dry and my throat began to feel swollen. I used my Epipen and took Benadryl to help the allergic symptoms subside. After this treatment, the symptoms subsided and I did not seek further medical attention as it was unnecessary. I was in the care of my father who is a physician.
29 2021-01-26 shortness of breath First days I've had a sore arm, feeling tired and having headaches. By now, I'm even feeling more so... Read more
First days I've had a sore arm, feeling tired and having headaches. By now, I'm even feeling more sore than before, headaches are constant and I have joint pain, fever and sometimes is even hard to breathe.
29 2021-01-27 throat tightness Tongue went numb and throat tightened
29 2021-01-29 rapid breathing Severe pain, aches, feeling cold, extreme thirst, tachypnea, nasal congestion
29 2021-01-31 shortness of breath started feeling achy around 1 am He is having fatigue and shortness of breath also.
29 2021-02-01 shortness of breath Patient received first dose of Moderna COVID vaccine on 1/4/2021. Patient reported itchiness and ... Read more
Patient received first dose of Moderna COVID vaccine on 1/4/2021. Patient reported itchiness and redness after first dose. Patient received second Moderna dose on 2/2/2021, experienced a severe headache, nausea, and vomited. Patient felt like he needed to take off his mask to breathe easier. He was taken to ED to be checked. He is now discharged from ED. He was discharged from ED and is doing fine now and will let me know if he has further reaction
29 2021-02-04 respiratory distress, shortness of breath Experienced dyspnea and tachycardia during strenuous activity multiple hours following immunization ... Read more
Experienced dyspnea and tachycardia during strenuous activity multiple hours following immunization administration. Evaluated by EMS and found to be in mild respiratory distress. Workup in the local emergency department negative for pulmonary embolism, acute coronary syndrome, chest x-ray negative. Responsive to albuterol. Low-grade fever. Thought to be reactive airway.
29 2021-02-09 shortness of breath Brief period of raised heartbeat and accompanying trouble breathing. I believe these side-effects we... Read more
Brief period of raised heartbeat and accompanying trouble breathing. I believe these side-effects were pretty mild from my perspective and only lasted about 1-2 minutes if memory serves me. Wanted to report due to notifications of more pronounced side effects on second dose, if I proceed with that. I was only advised to report to see what advice I would receive.
29 2021-02-10 shortness of breath Approx 20 hours after receiving this vaccine I began to have chills as well as muscle aches all over... Read more
Approx 20 hours after receiving this vaccine I began to have chills as well as muscle aches all over my body. Several times throughout the following 12-18 hours I was having heart palpitations and back spasms as well as some accompanying shortness of breathe.
29 2021-02-16 shortness of breath Patient received the injection at 1734 and was told to wait 15 minutes for monitoring per protocol. ... Read more
Patient received the injection at 1734 and was told to wait 15 minutes for monitoring per protocol. Immediately after receiving the injection, the patient became nonverbal with his head tilted back in the chair. NP immediately attempted to re-arouse the patient but was unsuccessful. At approximately 1735 the patient received Epinephrine 0.03 mg. Patient became awake and responsive. patient began screaming he ?could not breathe?. Patient verbalized he had a history anxiety. EMS was contacted and VS were taken. @1745 EMS arrived on scene
29 2021-02-24 throat swelling Tongue and throat swelling, hives and itching, nausea. Epinephrine, benadryl, and zofran administer... Read more
Tongue and throat swelling, hives and itching, nausea. Epinephrine, benadryl, and zofran administered. Transported to ER.
29 2021-02-25 shortness of breath Client did not have his card when he came to the clinic for his second dose. Was asked if it had bee... Read more
Client did not have his card when he came to the clinic for his second dose. Was asked if it had been 28 days and he said he was sure it had. However was only 17 days. Spoke with him today and he states he did have flu like symptoms, then some SOB the following day, lasting 3-4 days. Did not seek medical attention and is feeling fine now.
29 2021-02-28 shortness of breath, collapsed lung Shortness of breath that resulted in ER visit, patient was treated for URI/Pneumonia with changes on... Read more
Shortness of breath that resulted in ER visit, patient was treated for URI/Pneumonia with changes on xray (atelectasis but infection cannot be r/o) treated with azithromycin and albuterol, symptoms are improving
29 2021-03-05 throat tightness I started developing issues with swallowing six hours after I was vaccinated. This resulted in a pan... Read more
I started developing issues with swallowing six hours after I was vaccinated. This resulted in a panic attack. I was able to calm myself down and used Benadryl several hours later. It seemed to help with the swallowing issue and I went to bed. I woke up this morning (03/06/21) feeling much better. I still infrequently have trouble swallowing liquids. I?ve continued to take Benadryl. The feeling of tightness in my throat is located in my superior throat. My breathing - to my knowledge - has remained unobstructed the entire time. If I don?t return to normal by Monday, I will be visiting the center on campus.
29 2021-03-07 throat tightness vomiting and throat tightness
29 2021-03-10 throat swelling, throat tightness Reports "tongue and throat feels swollen and tightening" BP 147/100, PR 76, O2 sat 100%
29 2021-03-14 shortness of breath Asthma Reaction; Dizzy; Lighted headed; Difficulty breathing; A spontaneous report was received from... Read more
Asthma Reaction; Dizzy; Lighted headed; Difficulty breathing; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer who is a 29-year-old male patient that received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced dizziness, light headed, asthma reaction (asthmatic crisis) and difficulty breathing. The patient's medical history was not provided. Products known to have been used by the patient, within two weeks prior to the event, included pantoprazole 40 mg. On 28-Dec-2020, approximately three hours prior to the onset of the symptoms, the patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Lot number: unknown) intramuscularly in the left arm for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 28-Dec-2020, the patient developed dizziness, became light headed, experienced an asthmatic reaction and difficulty breathing. The events were treated with a dose of albuterol. The patient was transported to the Emergency Room but additional information was not provided. Action taken with mRNA-1273 in response to the events was unknown. The outcome of the events, dizziness, light headed, asthma reaction and difficulty breathing was unknown.; Reporter's Comments: Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded.
29 2021-03-17 mild apnea 2/3/21 - tested positive for COVID19 3/16/21, 10:30AM: Vaccination was administered 3/17/21, 1:17AM... Read more
2/3/21 - tested positive for COVID19 3/16/21, 10:30AM: Vaccination was administered 3/17/21, 1:17AM: Experienced severe chills and fever. soreness at injection site. 3/17/21, 1:17AM - 8:00AM: experienced restlessness, sleeplessness, muscular agitation 3/17/21, all day: Full body soreness, fatigue, nausea, headache, soreness at injection site, lethargy 3/18/21, 1:00AM-9:00: Sleeplessness, full body soreness, shallow breathing 3/18/21, 9:00: sharp nausea, muscle pain, lethargy, soreness at injection site.
29 2021-03-18 throat swelling patient complained of swelling of throat, shakings, flushing, secretions from mouth and nose. O2 sat... Read more
patient complained of swelling of throat, shakings, flushing, secretions from mouth and nose. O2 sat-99-100% HR 130 face and upper chest flushing on exam Sent to higher level of care
29 2021-03-24 throat swelling Pt became nauseated and stated his throat was swelling able to speak in full sentences stats r/a 97%... Read more
Pt became nauseated and stated his throat was swelling able to speak in full sentences stats r/a 97% b/p 156/102 fsbs 117 rr 12 tempt 97.1 denies any pain was given a 25mg p.o. Benadryl about 10min vomited up water about 8oz of water, PA assessed pt lungs were clear, and after the vomiting felt he should be transported to the ED Mother transported to ED pt stable upon transport
29 2021-03-25 shortness of breath Second dose given too early in error. 1st dose 3/17/21 2nd dose 3/25/21 Patient developed shortness ... Read more
Second dose given too early in error. 1st dose 3/17/21 2nd dose 3/25/21 Patient developed shortness of breath, vomiting and pain in his head.
29 2021-03-29 shortness of breath Pt received moderna immunization yesterday (10:29 am), and called today (at about noon) to report si... Read more
Pt received moderna immunization yesterday (10:29 am), and called today (at about noon) to report side effects. He states he was fine yesterday, but this morning has noticed body aches (not unusual with an immunization) and also labored breathing, vision changes, and a rapid heartrate (which could be related to allergy). He states this has been going on intermittently this morning, and I recommended either getting in to his doctor, or discussing with a nurse. I did let him know that Benadryl may help as well. I called to notify his doctor.
29 2021-03-31 shortness of breath i got the vaccine on the tweleve of march twenty twenty one. and on the fourthteen of march around t... Read more
i got the vaccine on the tweleve of march twenty twenty one. and on the fourthteen of march around ten pm. i woke up from a nap with a nasty coughing fit. i couldnt breath,i started to cough up blood. it lasted for 5 minutes at least. then again two hours later i woke up coughing and with a extremly painfull chest pain. my chest felt like it was being compressed. after that i was fine. except for the occasional pain on my arm from the vaccine shot.
29 2021-04-01 shortness of breath Patient stated started feeling ? lightheaded, dizzy and short of breath? Patient provided with water... Read more
Patient stated started feeling ? lightheaded, dizzy and short of breath? Patient provided with water and symptoms improved Patient refused medical transport and signed form
29 2021-04-04 acute respiratory failure, respiratory distress, shortness of breath, collapsed lung HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Patient is a 29 y.o. with a history that includes # Asthma # Diabetes, ... Read more
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Patient is a 29 y.o. with a history that includes # Asthma # Diabetes, recently diagnosed # Obstructive sleep apnea # Remote pulmonary embolism, no longer on anticoagulation who presented to the ED with worsening shortness of breath in the setting of known COVID-19, since admitted to Hospital for acute hypoxemic respiratory failure secondary to COVID-19 viral pneumonia. History herein is derived from patient interview and review of the electronic medical record. patient developed fever, cough, and shortness of breath approximately one week ago. These symptoms developed very shortly after he received his first dose of the Moderna vaccine. He initially attributed these symptoms to side effects of the vaccine. When they persisted, however, he called his primary care physician who recommended that he seek evaluation. He was evaluated at an urgent care on 3/30 where he tested positive for COVID-19. His shortness of breath progressed, and he presented to the ED on 3/31 for evaluation. CTPE was negative for PE but did demonstrate viral pneumonia. Ambulatory pulse oximetry was negative for desaturation. He was discharged home. Since discharge, his symptoms have continued to progress. He was planned to receive monoclonal antibody earlier today, 4/2, however when he presented for his infusion he was found to be hypoxic to 89% and tachycardic to 130s. He was sent to the ED for evaluation. He continues to have diaphoresis and chills although believes his fever has improved. He has some chest tightness with deep inspiration. He otherwise denies unusual headache, sore throat, productive cough, chest pressure, abdominal pain, flank pain, dysuria, and diarrhea. He reports that his PE was provoked by obesity and a lengthy plane flight in 2017. He was on anticoagulation for 8 months and has since been off. On arrival to ED, VS AF, HR 122, RR 30s, BP 120/90, SpO2 97% on RA. He was in significant respiratory distress and was therefore placed on HHFNC with improvement. VBG 7.42/39 and lactate 3.9. CMP w/ AST 40, ALT 40, AG 15. Serum creatinine elevated at 1.13 from baseline 1.0. CBC w/ WBC 5.6, HGB 17.7, PLT 257. HS troponin 10 -> 8. Given his hypoxemia and history of pulmonary embolism, CTPE was performed and negative for PE however did demonstrate bilateral consolidations consistent with COVID-19 viral pneumonia. Procalcitonin was negative. He was given dexamethasone. He was also given 500 mL LR with clearance of lactate. He was admitted to Hospital in stable condition.
29 2021-04-07 shortness of breath Within 2 minutes: trouble breathing (tight chest), light headed, nausea, feeling flush. All symptoms... Read more
Within 2 minutes: trouble breathing (tight chest), light headed, nausea, feeling flush. All symptoms subsided about a minute later.
29 2021-04-07 shortness of breath After two weeks straight of processing herring in seafood plant, exhausted at 0200 he took a shower ... Read more
After two weeks straight of processing herring in seafood plant, exhausted at 0200 he took a shower and fainted in the shower. He was found semi-responsive, shivering with labored breathing and flu like symptoms. EMS was called and taken to ER for evaluation. He was released from local hospital within two -four hours when symptoms resolved.
29 2021-04-07 very rapid breathing, shortness of breath C/O R chest tightness/SOB/hyperventilating. Client was clammy. Laid down. Breathing improved. Vi... Read more
C/O R chest tightness/SOB/hyperventilating. Client was clammy. Laid down. Breathing improved. Vitals stable. Client drank 1 1/2 bottles of water. Client then sat for awhile until pain subsided.
29 2021-04-13 shortness of breath Noticed hives about an hour after getting the shot forming all around my body. Thought it was norma... Read more
Noticed hives about an hour after getting the shot forming all around my body. Thought it was normal as the covid rash. Quickly started feeling ill. Had a small amount of trouble breathing and a fever with swelling and the hives became larger as my skin was flushed. Googled it and it said that this was a normal reaction and common side effects. So I did not do anything and fell asleep because I felt badly. The next day I woke up to see the bumps all over my body including my digits and pelvic region. Called and talked to my wife she told me to go to the hospital. I started feeling a bit better though and decided against it and took rest that day. The following day the rash had become raised and tender across my body.
29 2021-04-18 shortness of breath shortness of breath, gasping for air, hands around neck...administered epipen
29 2021-04-18 shortness of breath gasping for air, holding his throat, shortness of breath...epipen was administered, and 911 called
29 2021-04-20 respiratory arrest A patient who is deaf passed out almost immediately after receiving 1st dose of Moderna while sittin... Read more
A patient who is deaf passed out almost immediately after receiving 1st dose of Moderna while sitting in the vaccination chair. The vaccinating nurse called for help and a nearby vaccinating nurse came to the patient's side. The patient was not breathing and the charge nurse was called over. The charge nurse asked other nurses to call 911. The vaccinating nurse was performing sternal rub on the patient and he was coming in and out of consciousness. The emergency cot was moved to the patient and the patient was laid on it with his legs up and he regained consciousness. Vitals were taken at 1:53 PM B/P 149/79 HR 57 Temp 98.2 Resp 0 O2 96% and again at 2:03 pm B/P 128/76 HR 69 Resp 16 O2 98%. EMS arrived at 2:05 PM and the patient refused transport to the hospital with his husband serving as interpreter for EMS. Patient left with husband. His gait was steady and no further interventions were needed.
29 2021-04-23 respiration abnormal Typical side effects began next day(4/18), Arm soreness at injection site, headache, feeling of fati... Read more
Typical side effects began next day(4/18), Arm soreness at injection site, headache, feeling of fatigue, breathing feeling slightly off, but subsided after the second day (4/19). Third day was completely fine (4/20), Morning of fourth day (4/21) wave of dizziness and fatigue began accompanied with feeling of pressure in ears with occasional ringing. Also headache at the back of the head and where the cervical spine meets the skull. Occasional congestion. Hard to concentrate and occasional lightheaded feeling. Going on one week since injection and 3rd day of dizzy spells. (4/24) Treatment: Drinking mostly water. Diet consisting mostly of vegetables and grains (no changes have been made to my diet) Ibuprofen 200mg seems to alleviate earache which in turn relieves some dizziness but feeling of being off balance remains. No previous history of any sort of vertigo or ear infections.
29 2021-04-24 shortness of breath High Temperature (101), Vomiting, headache, shortness of breath, aches, chills
29 2021-04-26 shortness of breath Offender given 2nd dose 8 days after first dose. Offender states nausea and vomiting pain in head a... Read more
Offender given 2nd dose 8 days after first dose. Offender states nausea and vomiting pain in head and sides. SOB, Epinephrin 1mg IM offender states that helped.
29 2021-05-02 throat swelling Pt became nauseated and stated his throat was swelling able to speak in full sentences stats r/a 97%... Read more
Pt became nauseated and stated his throat was swelling able to speak in full sentences stats r/a 97% b/p 156/102 fsbs 117 rr 12 tempt 97.1 denies any pain was given a 25mg p.o. Benadryl about 10min vomited up water about 8oz of water, PA assessed pt lungs were clear, and after the vomiting felt he should be transported to the ED Mother transported to ED pt stable upon transport
29 2021-05-04 shortness of breath Dizziness almost immediately after the shot, High heart rate and blood pressure, Difficulties to bre... Read more
Dizziness almost immediately after the shot, High heart rate and blood pressure, Difficulties to breath, and Disorientation. No treatment. All the symptoms dissapeared after 7 hours.
29 2021-05-09 shortness of breath Lethargy began the day of vaccine and shortness of breath along with abdominal and chest pain follow... Read more
Lethargy began the day of vaccine and shortness of breath along with abdominal and chest pain followed the next day. Decedent was found deceased the next evening.
29 2021-05-21 shortness of breath Fever, headache, muscle pain, a little bit of breath difficulty
29 2021-05-23 shortness of breath Weak pulse , not as strong , heart felt heavy and low O2 when I was exercising. Could not get / cat... Read more
Weak pulse , not as strong , heart felt heavy and low O2 when I was exercising. Could not get / catch breath.
29 2021-05-26 fluid in lungs Synopsis: 29 y.o. male w hx myocarditis of unknown etiology in September of this year presenting w s... Read more
Synopsis: 29 y.o. male w hx myocarditis of unknown etiology in September of this year presenting w six days of palpitations - a sx he associates w prior myocarditis. No CP or SOB. No dizziness. No weight gain. Had second COVID vaccine 5/12/21 and sxs began within a day or two following. Seen in rapid care and found to have tropinemia. Spoke w cardiology who requested an echo, motrin (confirmed w pharmacy), colchicine, and planned an echo. Reeval to follow - if trop downtrending, may be able to go. He would prefer discharge. 29yo patient with history of depression, OCD, who was admitted 8/2020 with chest pain for 2 weeks found to have episode of myopericarditis with troponin T peak 0.95 and Troponin I of 6.35. CRP was 14. At the time TTE showed LVEF 50%. He was treated with lisinopril and ibuprofen and had improvement of pain. He later followed with a cardiac MRI 9/2020 which showed LVEF 55% and patchy epicardial/midmyocardial enhancement consistent with myocarditis. Trace pleural effusion. Patient was called by his cardiolgist today. He reported he has been feeling unwell for past 5 days (similar symptoms to his first moderna shot) after his moderna shot #2. He had fatigue, body aches, chest pain, back pain and feelings of palpitations. He had some mild fevers and chills initially as well. These symptoms also occurred when he had moderna #1 (exact same). He was asked by cardiologist to come to the ED concerning for myocarditis given reports of myocarditis post vaccination. Upon arrival to the ED, patients vitals were stable. He does not have any chest pain at this time. He reports that he had some palpitations starting after his shot. He denies any SOB, nausea, vomiting at this time. His HR was 60s in the ED with sBP 120s/67 on room air. His CRP was normal 2.8 Troponin I POC 1.66 EKG without any significant changes from prior but slightly more accentuates TWI in leads II, AVR. 29 y.o. male w hx myocarditis of unknown etiology in September of this year presenting w six days of palpitations - a sx he associates w prior myocarditis. No CP or SOB. No dizziness. No weight gain. Had second COVID vaccine 5/12/21 and sxs began within a day or two following. Seen in rapid care and found to have tropinemia. Spoke w cardiology who requested an echo, motrin (confirmed w pharmacy), colchicine, and planned an echo. Reeval to follow - if trop downtrending, may be able to go. He would prefer discharge.
29 2021-05-27 painful respiration, fluid in lungs, pleuritic chest pain The patient presented to his PCP's office with a 2 day history of chest pain associated with deep in... Read more
The patient presented to his PCP's office with a 2 day history of chest pain associated with deep inhalation NOT relieved by heat or Tylenol. He was vaccinated with the Moderna COVID vaccine on May 5th which caused fevers and sore throat that resolved. His pleuritic left sided chest pain began 11 days from vaccination. Given the symptoms, the PCP ordered a CXR and d-dimer. Because of the elevated d-dimer and tachycardia while in the office, she ordered a CT chest for PE protocol. This showed bilateral pulmonary emboli so the patient was directed to the ER. He was admitted and started on anticoagulation therapy. Given the CT chest findings of adenopathy, Hemotalogy-Oncology service was consulted and ordered labs.
29 2021-06-03 shortness of breath Difficulty breathing starting ~24 hours after, lasted around 24 hours; Nausea starting ~16 hours aft... Read more
Difficulty breathing starting ~24 hours after, lasted around 24 hours; Nausea starting ~16 hours after, still happening Diarrhea starting ~24 hours after, still happening; Fatigue and malaise ~12 hours after, still happening; Unable to drink/eat more than Gatorade and Electrolites without vomiting.
29 2021-06-03 blood clot in lung Blood clot in lungs
29 2021-06-11 shortness of breath severe depression, headache, difficulty breathing, fever
29 2021-06-12 shortness of breath, lung pain Vomitting Lung pain Problem in breathing Feeling hot / Shivering Body pain Nausea Weakness
29 2021-06-22 shortness of breath After returning from traveling, I noticed while running, I would be short of breathe. However while... Read more
After returning from traveling, I noticed while running, I would be short of breathe. However while running when in traveling, I could run 2 miles without stopping however now before the 1 mile mark, I would begin to get winded and become short of breathe.
29 2021-06-23 shortness of breath 6/21 - Had a fever and tremors that started roughly 12 hours after injection that went away overnigh... Read more
6/21 - Had a fever and tremors that started roughly 12 hours after injection that went away overnight 6/22 - Felt tired and achey all over, little appetite. Went away after this day 6/23 - Felt fine until roughly 10pm, began to experience chest pain in hand sized area centered on sternum 6/24 - Chest pain continues and any significant activity causes slight shortness of breath
29 2021-07-06 shortness of breath Chest pain and shortness of breath for 4 hours 2 days after time of vaccine injection. Ongoing bouts... Read more
Chest pain and shortness of breath for 4 hours 2 days after time of vaccine injection. Ongoing bouts of chest discomfort and shortness of breath going on 2 days since.
30 2021-01-04 shortness of breath body aches, nasal congestion, loss of taste & smell, diarrhea, shortness of breath, tested 01/04/202... Read more
body aches, nasal congestion, loss of taste & smell, diarrhea, shortness of breath, tested 01/04/2021 for COVID-19 and results are Positive
30 2021-01-05 rapid breathing, shortness of breath Patient complained of chest tightness shortly after vaccine administration. VS initially displayed... Read more
Patient complained of chest tightness shortly after vaccine administration. VS initially displayed tachycardia, tachypnea, and elevated BP. With controlled breathing and prone position, along with O2 the patient's VS stabilized and the chest tightness and SOB resolved. After a 90 minute observation period, he felt well enough to return home with his wife.
30 2021-01-08 shortness of breath Hives, Difficulty Breathing. Lasted about 3 hours.
30 2021-01-08 shortness of breath Arthralgia, Fever, NauseaVomiting ,dyspnea Narrative:
30 2021-01-11 throat swelling Within 3 minutes of receiving vaccine felt flush and throat swelling, responded to Epi Pen and Benad... Read more
Within 3 minutes of receiving vaccine felt flush and throat swelling, responded to Epi Pen and Benadryl p.o. EMS took him to ED where he remained several hours receiving 1 liter NS 125 mg solumedrol IV, discharge with 4 days of prednisone 40 mg daily and a prescription for an Epi Pen. As of 1.12 he is totally okay with no after effects.
30 2021-01-12 wheezing, shortness of breath Patient called and reported today that he had red itchy spots/hives on his legs, back, stomach, and ... Read more
Patient called and reported today that he had red itchy spots/hives on his legs, back, stomach, and felt like he could not catch his breath and heard whistling sounds with breathing. When asked states he did not take Benadryl because it makes him very sleepy, everything resolved in 3 hours without treatment. Symptoms were approx. 36 hours after vaccine.
30 2021-02-07 shortness of breath began to have increased shortness of breath, lightheaded, sought care from Emergency Department. Tol... Read more
began to have increased shortness of breath, lightheaded, sought care from Emergency Department. Told his lungs looked like junk and was prescribed albuterol.
30 2021-02-09 shortness of breath Around 9:00 that night, I had body aches and tossing and turning then with sleep because of body ach... Read more
Around 9:00 that night, I had body aches and tossing and turning then with sleep because of body aches. Next day I was in bed all day the next day because of the severe body aches. Cough got worse for the next few days or so after that. I had some shortness of breath because of the coughing. Migraines started - strong headaches. The first one was the morning after the vaccine. During the next day (third day after vaccine) I had another migraine. Symptoms were acute for three days.
30 2021-02-14 throat tightness Diffuse erythematous pruritic rash. Throat tightness ED treatment: Epinephrine, Solumedrol, Pepcid, ... Read more
Diffuse erythematous pruritic rash. Throat tightness ED treatment: Epinephrine, Solumedrol, Pepcid, Benadryl IV with resolution of symptoms Discharged home on prednisone, Pepcid, Benadryl and epipen
30 2021-02-18 shortness of breath 30 yo man with no significant past medical history presents to the ED for chest pressure and SOB tha... Read more
30 yo man with no significant past medical history presents to the ED for chest pressure and SOB that started this morning when he woke up. It was a constant 8/10 pressure squeezing at the sides of his sternum with the sensation of a plate pushing down on his sternum, that worsened by taking deep breaths. He had never experienced anything like it before. The pain was neither worsened with exertion nor relieved by rest. It did not change with position, and it did not radiate to his arm/neck. He denies any tenderness to palpation of his chest. Ibuprofen 400 mg did not provide any relief. At time of interview denies SOB and reports decrease in chest tightness to 2/10. CP was significantly relieved with a bolus of normal saline in the ED. Tylenol also effectively reduced his pain. Of note, the patient received the second Moderna COVID vaccine shot 3 days ago. For 2 days after receiving the second shot he experienced fevers, chills, nausea, and intermittent vomiting (10 bouts of non-bloody emesis).
30 2021-02-24 wheezing Patient lives with family in private residence with parents and 2 siblings. Spends most of time in o... Read more
Patient lives with family in private residence with parents and 2 siblings. Spends most of time in own room. First family member diagnosed with COVID-19 on 12/21 2020, the other 3 family members diagnosed with symptomatic mild COVID on 12/26/2020. Parents are healthcare providers and used specific informed diligent protective strategies to prevent infection in patient with minimal close contact and gloves, masks. Patient never had symptoms and was not tested for COVID.. Had first vaccine dose on 1/16. On 1/17 had shaking chills with temp to 101.3F, gone on 1/18.. No other overt reactions. Subsequently in usual state of health. On 2/15 he developed vomiting and fever with progressive abdominal pain and transient wheezing. Outpatient testing for SARS-CoV2 was negative and full respiratory pathogen panel (including SARS-CoV2) also negative. With worsening fever to 40.2C and abdominal pain, was admitted on 2/18. Found to have high leukocyte count, low lymphocyte count and transaminitis. CT imaging with terminal ileitis, thought possibly infectious but extended GI pathogen panel negative. Experienced persisting daily high grade fevers to up to 39.1.C. Developed transaminitis and hypotension and was transferred to intensive care unit on 2/21. Was intubated for hypoxia, agitation, required levophed, large volume resuscitation and empiric antimicrobials. Had transient AKI. Antimicrobials stopped on 2/22 with negative cultures. Colonoscopy performed with leal biopsy of identified ulcerative disease with focal active enteritis without specific etiology identified by stains. Ferritin rose to 24,000 with hypertriglyceridemia and thought to have possible HLH and underwent bone marrow biopsy which showed leukocytosis and lymphopenia, and rare hemophagocytosis. Dobutamine was started for low LVEF and levophed weaned. High dose dexamethasone started on 2/23 and pressor further reduced, dobutamine weaned to off on 2/25. Extubated on 2/24. Febrile still to 39 on 2/24 and with leukocytosis but transaminases, ferritin and triglycerides improving. Discussion ongoing about HLH vs macrophage activation syndrome. Currently meets 4 criteria for HLH with soluble IL-2R and NK activity pending.
30 2021-03-02 shortness of breath Approx 17 hours after vaccine, pt was observed shaking and coughing, c/o chills and SOB. Mild respir... Read more
Approx 17 hours after vaccine, pt was observed shaking and coughing, c/o chills and SOB. Mild respiratory distress noted, pt was given a nebulizer treatment which was not effective. Vs were obtained and on call provider was contacted. Order for Solumedrol 125mg injection IM was completed. Pt was observed following the injection and was instructed to drink water and rest. Provider f/u in the morning. Pt reports he is feeling much better today. He reports he ate this morning, is awake and alert and oriented. Pt reports he has not been coughing and no longer feels short of breath. Reports he has some lingering muscle aches related to the vaccination, denies fever or chills, nausea or vomiting. Tylenol for Myalgia
30 2021-03-05 shortness of breath Difficulty breathing
30 2021-03-11 shortness of breath 14:00 HR 90s. Myalgia, Fever (101.4) 16:00 HR 120s. Myalgia. Feverish. Rested, drank water, and fel... Read more
14:00 HR 90s. Myalgia, Fever (101.4) 16:00 HR 120s. Myalgia. Feverish. Rested, drank water, and fell asleep 18:30 Hr 140s. Fever (102.7). Took 500mg Tylenol and drank fluids. 18:45 HR 150s (rest) and 170 (activity). Short of breath, chest discomfort, and tingling down left arm. Called 911 and requested an Ambulance 19:00. Ambulance arrived. Hooked up to monitor HR 150s BP 139/85. Sinus Tachycardia. Paramedics establish IV and administer 1L bolus normal saline. 19:20 Arrived in the ER. HR 130s BP 132/89. 19:30-23:00. ER nurse and physician administer treatment. Tests came back normal. Doctor concluded symptoms resulted from adverse events with COVID Vaccine. HR 98 BP 140/85 at discharged. Symptoms subsided after treatment. No adverse events since discharged.
30 2021-03-16 shortness of breath Patient immediately stated having difficulty breathing after receiving shot at 11:50, Mask was pulle... Read more
Patient immediately stated having difficulty breathing after receiving shot at 11:50, Mask was pulled down. Eyes rolled. Patient leaned forward placing elbows on knees.. Vision reported as blurry. BP/Pulse/Respirations taken and recorded. Cold compress placed on back of neck vitals were abnormal. EMS called. Patient refused Adveres Reaction Treatment protocol of epinephrine and benadryl. Patient states "needles make me nervous". EMS arrives at 12;14. Vitals continue to be erratic and EMS transported patient to Hospital.
30 2021-03-22 shortness of breath Injection at 12:55pm on 3/20/2021. Heart rate up to 158 BPM at 1:00pm with dizziness and shortness o... Read more
Injection at 12:55pm on 3/20/2021. Heart rate up to 158 BPM at 1:00pm with dizziness and shortness of breath. Heart rate stayed high hovering around 130 BPM until 4:00pm with dizziness and shortness of breath. Heart rate to 105 BPM with not noticeable side effects by 7:00pm. All symptoms were immediately following the injection.
30 2021-03-24 shortness of breath migraine with body aches, nausea, shortness of breath
30 2021-03-25 shortness of breath Patient notified the medical over watch of feeling lightheaded and muscle weakness. Team nurse repor... Read more
Patient notified the medical over watch of feeling lightheaded and muscle weakness. Team nurse reports the patient was cool and diaphoretic. Pulse was in the 40s. BP was 106/64. Patient was AAO, however continued to close his eyes. No respiratory symptoms. EMS was called, responded <3min. Patient had improvement of symptoms while EMS was on scene. Patient declined EMS transport and left with co-worker with instructions for returning to ED for medical care. No medication or treatment was given on site.
30 2021-03-28 shortness of breath Started as severe nausea 5 minutes after vaccine was administered, moved by medical team for closer ... Read more
Started as severe nausea 5 minutes after vaccine was administered, moved by medical team for closer observation. Over the next 5 minutes: heart rate elevated, fast rate of breathing, skin clammy, facial numbness, muscle weakness (arms/hands couldn?t move/grip). Symptoms began subsiding without treatment after 10 minutes. Nurse on-site administered injection of Benadryl in right arm. Continued monitoring breath/heart rate for 5 minutes - all returned to normal. Left without additional treatment.
30 2021-03-28 shortness of breath Week 1: feverish, highest measured 100.3, the nausea was really bad, diarrhea, disorientation, brain... Read more
Week 1: feverish, highest measured 100.3, the nausea was really bad, diarrhea, disorientation, brain fog lethargic and fatigued, body aches, swollen lephnodes Week 2: a few good days, the nausea persisted and diarrhea, body aches, rashes springing up and down the body after 3 days the rashes subsided to just the injection site, largest rash was under left armpit, low level difficulty breathing and sharp pains in the right side Week3: general fatigue, brain feels like a mixture of vertigo and like out of body feeling disoriented, usually when this happens a flare up of nausea comes thereafter - not sure if loss of appetite is from trying to avoid nausea or that I've actually lost my appetite
30 2021-04-05 very rapid breathing Patient felt lightheaded, dizzy, and nauseated within 5 minutes of receiving the vaccine. He was swe... Read more
Patient felt lightheaded, dizzy, and nauseated within 5 minutes of receiving the vaccine. He was sweating excessively and hyperventilating . He was unable to stand up, so he lay on the floor in front of the pharmacy until paramedics arrived. He was transported out of the store by the paramedics.
30 2021-04-07 shortness of breath Because of my celiac condition, I avoid eating products with wheat and gluten in them. However, occa... Read more
Because of my celiac condition, I avoid eating products with wheat and gluten in them. However, occasionally it is unavoidable, such as with traveling. Typical reactions include fatigue, headache, mild brain fog, irritability, and watery bowel movements for up to 3 days following ingestion. However, since receiving the Moderna vaccine I have encountered wheat products 3 times; in all three cases the reaction was much more severe and included whole-body ache for 5-7 days, insomnia for 2-3 days, dry heaving for 24 hours, extreme sensitivity to motion/motion sickness for up to 3 days, intense gastrointestinal discomfort for up to 7 days, constipation and diarrhea, severe congestion, shortness of breath, elevated heart rate, confusion or disorientation, and an overall elevated level of symptoms lasting from 4-7 days depending on the amount ingested.
30 2021-04-11 throat swelling Patient in observation and complains of throat swelling/tingling, and difficulty swallowing. Vital s... Read more
Patient in observation and complains of throat swelling/tingling, and difficulty swallowing. Vital signs, BP-125/90, HR-90. Benadryl 50mg given orally. Patient monitored. Vital signs BP-131/91, HR-92, RR-15. Patient verbalizes feeling better. Patient AOx4, GCS 15, no signs of injury, redness or hives noted. Patients lungs sounds clear bilaterally. Patient educated about adverse reactions. Patient advised when to call 911 or seek medical attention. Patient verbalizes understanding.
30 2021-04-14 shortness of breath C/O L sided facial numbness, L sided body numbness, SOB, and feeling of "fogginess" 30 mins after re... Read more
C/O L sided facial numbness, L sided body numbness, SOB, and feeling of "fogginess" 30 mins after receiving vaccine. Called the morning after (4/15.2021) to report sx. Still having some facial numbness. Reports episode of L side facial numbness after wisdom tooth extraction last year. Recommended to go to Primary care Dr. or ER to get checked out. He refused to do both. After very long discussion, client still refused to call a Dr. but did say he'd go to ER if sx worsen.
30 2021-04-14 shortness of breath Pt reported dizziness, tightness in chest and mild difficulty breathing about 2 minutes after receiv... Read more
Pt reported dizziness, tightness in chest and mild difficulty breathing about 2 minutes after receiving shot. No other signs of allergic reaction upon examination. Laid patient down and checked blood pressure which was normal (127/85). Patient stated that he still felt the same after several minutes of observation and felt little to no improvement. Because he stated that he felt some tightness in his chest he was given 50 mg of diphenhydramine orally and EMS was called. Patient stated that he began to feel better after the diphenhydramine. EMS arrived and took vitals, patient refused going to hospital and left the pharmacy.
30 2021-04-14 throat tightness Four hours after vaccine, patient developed rash to both arms, gradually spreading to upper and lowe... Read more
Four hours after vaccine, patient developed rash to both arms, gradually spreading to upper and lower arms and right thigh. A little less than 48 hours later, also began to develop chest tightness and throat tightness with difficulty swallowing.
30 2021-04-15 shortness of breath Nausea, and light shortness of breathe.
30 2021-04-18 throat swelling, shortness of breath Gave vaccine about 12:40pm and patient had reaction within about 30 seconds. He said he was nervous.... Read more
Gave vaccine about 12:40pm and patient had reaction within about 30 seconds. He said he was nervous. I went to get cold water and a cool pack for him. On the way back He was leaning over. Our tech and I helped him. He then said his throat was closing and then he started struggling to breathe and his arms looked red and rashed. Gave dose of Epipen in left thigh and had tech call 911. His breathing got easier (just fast) Then said he felt like he was going to throw up (he did not) EMTs arrived about 1:07pm and checked him out and said everything 100%. His wife got him some food and he sat in waiting area for a bit and then was able to walk away. Did not go to hospital. EMTsaid probably not an allergic reaction just fright of having vaccine. He was smiling and laughing a bit by the time he left
30 2021-04-18 lung mass One week after vaccine, I became incredibly dehydrated, began vomitting and within 2hrs spiked a 104... Read more
One week after vaccine, I became incredibly dehydrated, began vomitting and within 2hrs spiked a 104.4 degree F fever. I had uncontrollable shakes, chills & hot flashes. Tylenol wouldn't reduce my fever. I was taken to the ER where I was given fluids, potassium and magnesium which eventually calmed my fever. My blood pressure was very low as well. I tested negative for COVID-19 and Mono. No clear indication of cause resulted from chest xray and CT scan. Later small nodules were detected in my lung. Doctor's referred this as a viral reaction but couldn't determine a cause. I was discharged from the hospital after being there about 6hrs. The next day I was lethargic but felt almost back to normal. Within 36 hours I felt 100% and like nothing ever happened.
30 2021-04-25 shortness of breath Starting the morning after his vaccine, the pt experienced sharp pains in chest and difficulty breat... Read more
Starting the morning after his vaccine, the pt experienced sharp pains in chest and difficulty breathing that lasted 30 seconds to 1 minute sporadically up to 3 episodes per hour for 7 to 10 days. Starting 7 days after vaccine, pt began experiencing severe burning in the abdomen overnight from midnight to 4 am keeping him from sleeping anytime he would have foods high in acid or spicy foods.
30 2021-05-05 shortness of breath patient description of event was that he was going in and out of consciousness, and while unconsciou... Read more
patient description of event was that he was going in and out of consciousness, and while unconscious vomited and inhaled vomit, woke up gasping for air and coughing up vomit.
30 2021-05-19 acute respiratory failure, lung infiltration, shortness of breath Shortness of breath, burning in chest, not feeling well since second vaccine dose. Now admitted wit... Read more
Shortness of breath, burning in chest, not feeling well since second vaccine dose. Now admitted with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure with PULMONARY EMBOLI and pulmonary infiltrates that are suspicious for COVID 19 with + Ab testing but many negative PCRs.
30 2021-05-19 shortness of breath First COVID vaccine 5/4/21, moderna. Had SE and pharmacist recommend doc recommendation for 2nd vacc... Read more
First COVID vaccine 5/4/21, moderna. Had SE and pharmacist recommend doc recommendation for 2nd vaccine. Day of vaccine felt fine. Next morning 5/5/21 had headache. At 11am took nap and was having an episode almost like "sleep paralysis" where he would wake up feeling like he couldn't move and gasping for air. He reports he did this sleeping and waking for about 1 hour (he had no problems sleeping the night before.) He woke up after an hour and had vomited in his sleep - he thinks he choked a bit on it. But when he woke up his breathing was normal, movement normal. He then only experienced fatigue and headache for the rest of the day. Then by next day felt totally normal.
30 2021-05-31 shortness of breath On 05/27/2021 the decedent began complaining of shortness of breath, cough, fever, chills, and pain ... Read more
On 05/27/2021 the decedent began complaining of shortness of breath, cough, fever, chills, and pain at the injection site. On 05/28/2021 the decedent complained of the same symptoms.
30 2021-06-03 choking First dose: my face went numb and tongue felt itchy 1.5 hours roughly for symptoms. No common side ... Read more
First dose: my face went numb and tongue felt itchy 1.5 hours roughly for symptoms. No common side effects; Second dose: calling it a panic attack. Racing heart, felt like I was passing out, mental fogging, trouble swallowing lasted about 1.5 - 2 hours. After 2nd dose I had the normal side effects, headache, chills, body aches fatigue.. After about 2 days of common side effects I noticed I was having trouble swallowing and it felt like I was being choked pulse food regurgitation and diarrhea. It kept getting worse and worse after a week or so of hell I get an emergency endoscopy showing I have eosinophilic esophagitis. I?ve been put on all sorts of meds that are supposed to be treating this but nothing is working. It?s been near a month now and 2 weeks have been on a hard core elimination diet symptoms are persistent and discomfort it spreading to what feels like intestines, kidneys and possibly other locations I now have to go in for a colonoscopy soon as the meds should be working and discomfort is spreading. Loads of headaches can?t sleep with all the discomfort. Never hungry. Possible permanent esophagus damage maybe more everything is still being diagnosed and no one is really finding any answers why. For the last 6 years I?ve been on a health kick working out almost daily and eating very healthy. No symptoms no warning signs these one or more diseases it has all just started out of the blue post vaccine nothing else in my life has changed.
30 2021-06-10 shortness of breath I had intense chest pressure, pushing outward. And shortness of breath for a few nights.
30 2021-06-13 shortness of breath Shortness of breath; tingly all over; diaphoretic; pale
30 2021-06-15 shortness of breath Severe chest pain and shortness of breath occurring June 14th, 2021. THE pain started to get worse a... Read more
Severe chest pain and shortness of breath occurring June 14th, 2021. THE pain started to get worse and decided to visit a local urgent care who then referred me to the ER. I was admitted to the ER June 15th. After multiple blood tests, X-Rays, EKG?s, and ultra sound, swelling of the heart (pericarditis) was the diagnosis. I was given colchicine to take for 90 days.
30 2021-06-24 shortness of breath After the first day, I started to have minor arm pain at the injection site. I periodically used and... Read more
After the first day, I started to have minor arm pain at the injection site. I periodically used and ice pack and I took some advil. 2 days later, I woke up several times in the middle of the night with chest pain and shortness of breath. I felt paralyzed and just went back to sleep a few times. Around 6am, I woke up and changed to sleeping in a chair in a sitting position as I felt a little less pressure on my chest while doing so. After I finally woke up a couple of hours later, my symptoms were more bearable although I did still feel chest pressure and slight shortness of breath, it did not seem like an emergency any more. These symptoms continued on into the next couple of days and started to go away with time.
30 2021-06-25 respiratory arrest My son had been complaining of racing heart and became a week after the first dose of Moderna then s... Read more
My son had been complaining of racing heart and became a week after the first dose of Moderna then started vomiting once or twice a week thereafter I tried to get him to go the doctor but he kept saying he was ok. He said he feels like something was wrong but didn?t know what. He received his second dose of moderna 6/13/2021, 5 days later on 6/18/2021 he didn?t feel well laid down around 9 pm was checked on at 9:21 he was unresponsive no heart beat no breathing 911 was called. They resuscitated him after 45 minutes then he was transported to hospital then to medical center. he was in ICU on a ventilator unresponsive brain swollen , totally unresponsive and organs shutting down. He passed away 9:45 pm June 19
30 2021-07-08 shortness of breath Shortness of breath couldn?t breath, heart stressed. Symptoms have gotten better after one week, bu... Read more
Shortness of breath couldn?t breath, heart stressed. Symptoms have gotten better after one week, but still slightly present ten days after second dose.
31 2021-01-04 shortness of breath Immediate warm rush to my head and body. Heart was beating out of my chest and difficultly breathing... Read more
Immediate warm rush to my head and body. Heart was beating out of my chest and difficultly breathing. Heart rate spiked to 150 (normal around 55). Hand, legs, and mouth started to go numb. Eventually settled down after about 1 hr. Have not felt normal since which has been 3 days.
31 2021-01-05 shortness of breath After 9min of getting vaccine I experienced heavy breathing and dizziness which lasted for a minute ... Read more
After 9min of getting vaccine I experienced heavy breathing and dizziness which lasted for a minute and got normal. Again after 18minutes of getting the vaccine, same thing happened. I was in a sitting position for 20min. After 22min i felt itching on my left foot finger and neck for few minutes. I feel these are side effects of vaccine as i never had such feeling before for any medication.
31 2021-01-11 shortness of breath dizziness, SOB, fainting - 5 minutes post vaccination. Symptoms resolved without intervention. Take... Read more
dizziness, SOB, fainting - 5 minutes post vaccination. Symptoms resolved without intervention. Taken to the ED for eval.
31 2021-01-11 throat swelling throat swelling and a fever began 1/11/21 after getting my first dose on 1/8/21. My fever cleared ov... Read more
throat swelling and a fever began 1/11/21 after getting my first dose on 1/8/21. My fever cleared overnight but the throat swelling persists today.
31 2021-01-11 throat tightness, shortness of breath Watched for approximately 15 minutes after vaccination and then as he did not develop any symptoms h... Read more
Watched for approximately 15 minutes after vaccination and then as he did not develop any symptoms he left. He notes he was not until approximately 1.75 hours after vaccination that he began to develop a runny nose and aching primarily in his arm. He felt this might be normal but then soon after developed a hot itchy tight feeling in his throat with ongoing rhinorrhea, mild tightness in breathing and soreness in his left arm. He has had similar reactions with Remicade in the past and they became severe and that is why he is no longer using Remicade.
31 2021-01-12 shortness of breath Headache, fever, SOB, chills, dizziness. Took Tylenol for Headache and fever. Time off work for 2 ... Read more
Headache, fever, SOB, chills, dizziness. Took Tylenol for Headache and fever. Time off work for 2 days.
31 2021-01-12 throat swelling Swelling of the throat
31 2021-01-12 wheezing Headache, Myalgia, Fever & CoughWheeze Narrative:
31 2021-01-19 shortness of breath, throat swelling Shortness of breathe and throat swelling. One dose of Epi pen administered and paramedics came and ... Read more
Shortness of breathe and throat swelling. One dose of Epi pen administered and paramedics came and vitals were good. Taken to hospital for observation.
31 2021-01-19 throat tightness Hives, tightness of throat
31 2021-01-20 shortness of breath Patient received the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine and during the observation the patient was observed to... Read more
Patient received the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine and during the observation the patient was observed to experience a reaction. Approximately 5 minutes after the vaccine patient experienced warmth, dizziness, weakness, confusion, vision blurred, labored breathing, hypotension, mild nausea. Blood pressure was dropping after first reading from 96/60 to 86/42 at which point a single dose of epi-pen was administered. The patient BP stabilized at 105/83 at the time paramedics arrived and took the patient.
31 2021-01-20 shortness of breath Warmth, Dizziness, weakness, Confusion, Vision Blurred, Hypotension, labored breathing, mild nausea
31 2021-01-21 shortness of breath Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fever, Headache, Chills, body convulsions, delirium, confusion, severe ... Read more
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fever, Headache, Chills, body convulsions, delirium, confusion, severe fatigue, dyspnea on exertion. Symptoms persisted for about 30 hours. Following recovery of acute symptoms, persistent chest pain is present and is worsened with exertion. Mild soreness is present at the injection site over 1 week later, but is mild and has no significant erythema indicative of allergic response.
31 2021-01-22 throat tightness Staff member was given a second dose of the covid-19 vaccine around 10:30am on 1/23/2021 about 10-15... Read more
Staff member was given a second dose of the covid-19 vaccine around 10:30am on 1/23/2021 about 10-15 minutes after the vaccine was administered the staff member complained of feeling his throat was starting to slightly close and mild chest tightness. Staff member asked for 50mg of Benadryl and that it was administered by mouth. Medical staff monitored staff for another 15-20 minutes and SPO2 saturation was between 97%-98% during staff's complaints and HR was between 80-90. Staff stated that he felt better and stated he would come back if feeling any worse. About one hour after this, staff came back with the complaint that his symptoms were getting worse and his major complaint was chest tightness SPO2 saturation was between 96%-98% and HR was between 90-105. At this time an Epi pen was administered at 11:59am. Staff was then sent to the emergency room for further evaluation.
31 2021-01-25 shortness of breath Pain in arm, body aches, moderate headache, chills lasting 5 hours, fatigue with shortness of breath... Read more
Pain in arm, body aches, moderate headache, chills lasting 5 hours, fatigue with shortness of breath from light activity, mild dizziness, and generally feeling ill. Lasted approx. 24hrs. Body aches and mild fatigue the following day.
31 2021-01-27 shortness of breath, asthma Congestion and sinus drainage .. lost taste and smell on 12/30/2020 Tested positive for COVID on 01... Read more
Congestion and sinus drainage .. lost taste and smell on 12/30/2020 Tested positive for COVID on 01/03/2021 I started having difficult breathing after testing positive for COVID which triggered asthma attacks
31 2021-01-31 shortness of breath Moderate to Severe difficulty breathing.
31 2021-02-02 shortness of breath Resident was given the vaccine at 1:51 pm. on 1/20/21. After the fifteen minute waiting period, resi... Read more
Resident was given the vaccine at 1:51 pm. on 1/20/21. After the fifteen minute waiting period, resident left the observation area. At 2:08 pm, resident reported shortness of breath. SSM and RN tracked down staff from outside. Staff administered epi-pen to resident and called 911. When EMS arrived, they took vitals and reported vitals were stable and pulse ox level within normal means. No rash or swelling. Resident refused to go to hospital. EMS stated resident should be fine as no allergic reaction was observed. SSM and LRA spoke with resident and got permission to check on him 1x per hour for next four hours (as suggested by RN on site). After paramedics left resident was observed walking dog with no sign of distress. RN called to report incident to primary care physician. At 230pm on 1/20/21 RN received called from staff at building where resident lives to report that after reviewing the video survelliance tape that at the same time of the incident with resident with SOB; an unauthorized guest was seen running out of patient's apartment. This placed the validity of distress into question. Clinic RN called to follow up with patient per RN he stated, "I felt short of breath but I'm fine now." Staff RN then called Clinic RN to report that the resident had an unauthorized guest run out at same time of incident. Follow up checks on client continued to find resident without symptoms.
31 2021-02-05 shortness of breath About 10 minutes after receiving the vaccine patient began flushing, looking clammy, and having a li... Read more
About 10 minutes after receiving the vaccine patient began flushing, looking clammy, and having a little trouble breathing. Patient was instructed to have a seat and EpiPen was administered in the right thigh (one dose). Technician called 911 as this was happening patient was taken in ambulance around 6:12 pm.
31 2021-02-08 shortness of breath pt stated he was having chest pains, high pulse...111, high blood pressure, and felt winded
31 2021-02-25 shortness of breath Could not breathe sharp pains in chest tingling in arms. Inflammation of heart muscle
31 2021-03-11 shortness of breath I was instructed to wait 15 minutes after shot in case of allergic reaction. About half an hour afte... Read more
I was instructed to wait 15 minutes after shot in case of allergic reaction. About half an hour after shot, or 15 minutes after departure from clinic, I experienced intense shortness of breath for a few seconds and increased heart rate.
31 2021-03-17 throat swelling Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA. Swelling of the throat occurred between 45 mins and 1 hour after Vacci... Read more
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA. Swelling of the throat occurred between 45 mins and 1 hour after Vaccine. Treated with 1 Benadryl and 1 Claritin near the 45 minute mark. Symptoms improved about 1 hour and 30 minutes after getting the vaccine and were no longer noticeable by 3 PM (approx 3 hours after vaccine). After the throat swelling receded I noticed a little bit of numbness in the tongue and throat for another 1-2 hours (4-5 hours after the vaccine). Swelling of throat was uncomfortable but not severe enough to cause breathing issues. There were also no problems swallowing or speaking.
31 2021-03-26 throat tightness Dizziness and tightening of the throat
31 2021-03-30 shortness of breath Itchy arms, scratchy throat, difficulty breathing
31 2021-04-04 shortness of breath, throat tightness Site: Bruising at Injection Site-Mild, Systemic: Allergic: Anaphylaxis-Severe, Systemic: Allergic: D... Read more
Site: Bruising at Injection Site-Mild, Systemic: Allergic: Anaphylaxis-Severe, Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Mild, Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Swallowing, Throat Tightness-Mild, Systemic: unconscious not responsive-Severe, Systemic: Shakiness-Mild, Additional Details: Pt. unconscious, not responsive fell off his seat on face
31 2021-04-09 shortness of breath Pt received vaccine pulled into recovery had dazed blank stare , became pale and very diaphoretic. -... Read more
Pt received vaccine pulled into recovery had dazed blank stare , became pale and very diaphoretic. - LOC - SOB -N/V. Left Deltoid site benign - redness - swelling. Trmt: VS 110/52, HR 58, resp 16 reg, non labored, SpO2 99% (pt stated he regularly has low HR and BP) Ice to back of neck, gave water for hydration, reclined seat (refused to come to cot to lie down wanted to stay in vehicle). Changed monitor time to 30 min. provided reassurance. After 15 min pallor and diaphoresis subsided. Pt stated he felt much better. Advised to let passenger drive home he agreed. OK'd to exit after 30 min.
31 2021-04-11 shortness of breath Administered Moderna vaccination at 12:40 pm Sunday April 11,2021. Instructed patient to sit and wa... Read more
Administered Moderna vaccination at 12:40 pm Sunday April 11,2021. Instructed patient to sit and wait in the vaccination waiting area for 15 minutes. Patient approached me 10 minutes into waiting time and told me he did not feel well. Patient was drenched in sweat. I instructed my tech to paged code white while I stayed with him. I advised him to remove his sweater and face mask. He said he had labored breathing and did not have much energy to talk. I provided him with ice pack, and had him sit down in the clinical service room. His sweat was dissipating. His finance stated he may need electrolytes and he gets anxious with needles. Front lead staff provided him with Gatorade, he took few sips. He requested Emergency medical services to be called. He called his finance on the phone and informed her of his current condition. He stated he drove 1 hour and 45 minutes to get here and did not feel well enough to drive. EMS came on site and evaluated him. The patient requested to be taken to hospital, after further evaluation they transported him to the hospital. Patient was alert, but seemed slow to respond to questions. He kept stating he did not feel well. We advised him we call EMS and they are on the way.
31 2021-04-12 shortness of breath 30 min post vaccination patient stated he had itchiness in upper body, SOB, and body ache. MD ordere... Read more
30 min post vaccination patient stated he had itchiness in upper body, SOB, and body ache. MD ordered IM benadryl & solumedrol. Pt was kept in observation and after 28 mins he began having weakness, nausea, dry heaving, SOB, and continued to c/o of itchiness. pt was sent to ER via fire rescue.
31 2021-04-13 wheezing, shortness of breath shortness of breath, wheezing, cough, chest pain, nausea and vomiting
31 2021-04-14 throat swelling swollen mass in left axila. started feeling anaphylaxis-like symptoms, including swollen throat, fac... Read more
swollen mass in left axila. started feeling anaphylaxis-like symptoms, including swollen throat, face/jaw numbness, inner ear swelling. the symptoms appear random with varying intensities, no apparent trigger
31 2021-04-17 shortness of breath Patient with no significant PMHx complained of a non radiating left sided chest pain 15 min after th... Read more
Patient with no significant PMHx complained of a non radiating left sided chest pain 15 min after the vaccine injection. he rated the pain as 3/10 and "needle poking like". he had been fasting since 5:00 a.m and admitted to acid reflux some time after breaking his fast. he also complained of some nausea but no vomiting and tingling of his right arm. He denied dizziness, palpitation and shortness of breath. On physical exam he was alert and oriented X3 with normal heart s1/s2 heart sounds. his lung sounds were clear bilaterally. capillary refill was less than 2 seconds There was no sign of redness, flushing/urticaria on skin exam His vitals were BP 136/88, HR 74, SpO2 97% a few minutes later he started complaining of shortness of breath and tingling sensation in his throat. the shorteness of breath improved with the removal of his two layered masks. He was then give 50 mg of Benadry and EMS was activated. They arrived at 5: 26, gave the patient 324 mg of aspirin and he was transported to ED.
31 2021-04-17 very rapid breathing Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Mild, Systemic: Flushed / Sweating-Mild, Systemic: Headache-Mild... Read more
Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Mild, Systemic: Flushed / Sweating-Mild, Systemic: Headache-Mild, Systemic: Hyperventilation-Mild, Systemic: Tingling (specify: facial area, extemities)-Mild, Systemic: Weakness-Mild, Additional Details: injection was administered around 230 pm. noticed first adr symptom after 5 mins. Peak w multiple adr indicated above around 10-15 mins. post 15 mins resolved to normal confirmed with emt vital check.
31 2021-04-25 shortness of breath Pt called and stated he was having sob, and chest discomfort tightness, stated started at 7:00am an... Read more
Pt called and stated he was having sob, and chest discomfort tightness, stated started at 7:00am and has not improved or changed nothing that he dose changes this discomfort stated 6/10 scale I told him I felted that he should be seen by the ED, he also had bone pain and Diff breathing
31 2021-05-01 shortness of breath After receiving 2nd dose client reported feeling anxious and that he was having difficulty breathing... Read more
After receiving 2nd dose client reported feeling anxious and that he was having difficulty breathing, and feeling faint. Then he loss consciousness and found himself on the ground not knowing how he got there. He also reported having tingling and weakness in his legs. His left leg was on brace due to a surfing injury
31 2021-05-08 shortness of breath Dyspnea; Full evaluation with EKG (normal); treated with albuterol inhaler and OTC therapies with c... Read more
Dyspnea; Full evaluation with EKG (normal); treated with albuterol inhaler and OTC therapies with close monitoring and education for rapid follow up with ER if changes in chest symptoms or worsening.
31 2021-05-12 shortness of breath Chest pain, SOB Treated with nitroglycerin, heart catherization, echocardiogram, EKG, anti-inflammat... Read more
Chest pain, SOB Treated with nitroglycerin, heart catherization, echocardiogram, EKG, anti-inflammatories , Atorvastin and Metoprolol. Spent night in hospital under observation. High Troponin levels of 11.01 which decreased over 24 hours . Patient d/c and will see cardiologist next week.
31 2021-05-24 shortness of breath Patient is a very pleasant 31-year-old white male who previously healthy, he works with a maintenanc... Read more
Patient is a very pleasant 31-year-old white male who previously healthy, he works with a maintenance crew, he was in his usual state of health last week, he did receive his 2nd dose of the COVID-19 Moderna vaccine on Thursday. Over the next 24-48 hours he began experiencing myalgias malaise and fatigue, he self treated with ibuprofen and Tylenol as needed. He felt a little bit better on Sunday and went to assist in picking up a brush more. During the process he became short of breath as well as midsternal chest discomfort. He presented to the ED. Evaluation found a CRP of 112, elevated troponins and a leukocytosis of approximately 20,000 along with elevated neutrophils. His influenza a and influenza B testing have been negative and his SARS COVID the PCR was negative. Given his elevated troponins, he was started on IV heparin and admitted for further evaluation. On admission to the floor, he was chest pain free. We were concerned for potential myo/pericarditis given his history and laboratory study findings. Cardiac MRI was performed which suggested active myocarditis with biventricular systolic dysfunction (LVEF 34%, RVEF 37%). Given his new LV dysfunction he was started on low dose lisinopril and metoprolol succinate. It is unclear whether this is atypical viral myocarditis or whether it potentially could be vaccine related, the MRI is consistent with that of myocarditis. We did not proceed with cardiac biopsy unless since there was no evidence for clinical decompensation, unstable heart rhythm or other worrisome features. He will plan to follow up with Dr. 1 week post hospitalization with repeat echocardiography and blood work. If at that time there are any signs of instability we would proceed with more aggressive workup at that time. Infectious disease was consulted who recommended infectious work up including serology testing for: parvovirus IgG and IgM was positive, Herpes Virus type 6, EBV, CMV (undetected) adenovirus, enterovirus (negative) and HIV (negative) . He does not have any family history of cardiomyopathy. There is no family history of sudden cardiac death, he states that his family has been quite healthy from a cardiac standpoint he was previously healthy before this episode.
31 2021-05-25 shortness of breath After receiving dose 1, the patient developed a low grade fever that lasted 9 days (never more than ... Read more
After receiving dose 1, the patient developed a low grade fever that lasted 9 days (never more than 100 degrees F). on the 10th day, the patient developed an all over red rash, swollen lips and tongue, and trouble breathing. As patient is non-verbal, the family/caregiver reported that patient was visually uncomfortable. He was taken to a local ED and was admitted for 4 days. treatment at the hospital is unclear, but as of the day of this report, patient is stable, labs and vitals are normal.
31 2021-05-31 lung mass Routine surveillance CT scan for metastatic cancer revealed mass in left lung. Presumed to be cancer... Read more
Routine surveillance CT scan for metastatic cancer revealed mass in left lung. Presumed to be cancer. Removed in surgery and found to be negative for cancer. Mass was a granuloma, negative for fungal infection and negative for tuberculosis type infections. Cause of granuloma is unknown.
31 2021-06-08 shortness of breath Pt w/smoking hx and strong family hx of premature CAD p/w worsening severe, dull ache pain radiating... Read more
Pt w/smoking hx and strong family hx of premature CAD p/w worsening severe, dull ache pain radiating in left arm that's been intermittent over past week and associated w/tightness in neck/chest & diaphoresis/SOB. Did receive 2nd Moderna vaccine prior week (5/7 & 6/4) and described feeling poorly x24hr, then started feeling above symptoms. EKGs showed sinus rhythm w/ST elevations (V3-V6), II, & aVF w/troponin 8.32 and 3-hr troponin 13.58. Was admitted & started on hep & nitro gtt, ASA, beta-blocker/ACE-I. CRP=6.1, ESR= 17. CXR was clear. MRI confirmed myocarditis & heart cath revealed no obstructive CAD. Pt improved & was ultimately discharged w/weekly CRP & clinic f/u in 1 mos.
31 2021-06-09 shortness of breath CHEST PAIN, SOB. GIVEN: Quetiapine 25 mg, atorvastatin 80 mg, clopidogrel 75 mg tab, ticagrelor 90 m... Read more
CHEST PAIN, SOB. GIVEN: Quetiapine 25 mg, atorvastatin 80 mg, clopidogrel 75 mg tab, ticagrelor 90 mg, metoprolol 25 mg, ibuprofen 600 mg
31 2021-06-16 shortness of breath Started having chest tightness and having a hard time catching my breath while talking or walking. T... Read more
Started having chest tightness and having a hard time catching my breath while talking or walking. Took 2 benadryl every 4 hours throughout the night. The next day I was still having a hard time breathing and called teledoc who prescribed some steroids as well as pepsid ac to get the reaction under control. Continued that for 7 days.
31 2021-06-17 pleuritic chest pain Vaccinated 5/28 (Friday). Low grade fever resolved next day. Two days (Sunday) later developed dis... Read more
Vaccinated 5/28 (Friday). Low grade fever resolved next day. Two days (Sunday) later developed discomfort and burning in chest. Thought it was heartburn. Monday his pain began to feel more sharp and pleuritic. Pain mostly mid-chest. Occasional radiation to right upper chest. 6/2 noticed pain more severe when lying flat and improved with leaning forward. Not short of breath but pain is more severe "at the top of inspiration" F/U cardiology clinic note on 6/8 states ECG from 6/3 more consistent with early repolarization. There is a planned ECHO in the future. Very mild case. Hx did say he felt a little ill prior to vaccine Clinically diagnosed with normal troponin, no cardiac MRI, mild ECG changes but with elevated CRP and chest pain
31 2021-06-23 shortness of breath myocarditis; shortness of breath; chest pain; fever; chills; myalgia; This literature-non-study case... Read more
myocarditis; shortness of breath; chest pain; fever; chills; myalgia; This literature-non-study case was reported in a literature article and describes the occurrence of MYOCARDITIS (myocarditis), DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath) and CHEST PAIN (chest pain) in a 31-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. No Medical History information was reported. On an unknown date, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient experienced MYOCARDITIS (myocarditis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization prolonged and medically significant), DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath) (seriousness criterion hospitalization prolonged), CHEST PAIN (chest pain) (seriousness criterion hospitalization prolonged), PYREXIA (fever), CHILLS (chills) and MYALGIA (myalgia). The patient was hospitalized from sometime in 2021 to sometime in 2021 due to CHEST PAIN, DYSPNOEA and MYOCARDITIS. The patient was treated with ACETAMINOPHEN for Adverse event, at a dose of UNK dosage form. At the time of the report, MYOCARDITIS (myocarditis) was resolving and DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath), CHEST PAIN (chest pain), PYREXIA (fever), CHILLS (chills) and MYALGIA (myalgia) had resolved. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, C-reactive protein: high (High) 14 (Values are expressed as the multiple of the upper limit of normal for each laboratory's reference range). On an unknown date, Ejection fraction: abnormal (abnormal) 34%, generalized hypokinesis. On an unknown date, Electrocardiogram: normal (normal) normal left ventricular function. On an unknown date, Magnetic resonance imaging: abnormal (abnormal) Patchy subepicardial and midmyocardial delayed enhancement. On an unknown date, SARS-CoV-2 test: negative (Negative) negative. On an unknown date, Troponin: high (High) Baseline 39.5 (Values are expressed as the multiple of the upper limit of normal for each laboratory's reference range) and high (High) peak 46 (Values are expressed as the multiple of the upper limit of normal for each laboratory's reference range). For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Patient was hemodynamically stable, no clinical heart failure. Concomitant medication not provided. Company Comment Based on current available information and the temporal association between product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded.; Sender's Comments: Based on current available information and the temporal association between product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded.
31 2021-06-24 respiratory rate increased Joint aches around 10 hours after vaccination. During sleep, the night after vaccination (hours 12-2... Read more
Joint aches around 10 hours after vaccination. During sleep, the night after vaccination (hours 12-20 post vaccination), had increased respiratory rate, increased heart rate and decreased heart rate variability. Around 1 day after vaccine, noticed chest tightness on the right-side.
31 2021-06-27 shortness of breath Almost a week after I received the second dose of the Moderna Covid vaccine, I started experiencing ... Read more
Almost a week after I received the second dose of the Moderna Covid vaccine, I started experiencing some chest tightness/pressure, and extreme fatigue, which continued for another 6 weeks after May 3rd, during which I felt extreme fatigue, chest tightness, shortness of breath and heart palpitations (mostly at night, when lying down). I visited Urgent Care on May 3rd and had to go to the ER again on May 9th, for the same reason.
31 2021-07-03 shortness of breath Constant dry cough (non stop) and minor chest pain started a few days after the second dose. Unable ... Read more
Constant dry cough (non stop) and minor chest pain started a few days after the second dose. Unable to breath properly with my mouth, nasal breathing was ok.
31 2021-07-15 shortness of breath 7/10/2021 l was diagnosed with Myocarditis with a possible slight Pericarditis 7/8/2021 I started t... Read more
7/10/2021 l was diagnosed with Myocarditis with a possible slight Pericarditis 7/8/2021 I started to feel like I was getting an allergy attack (Hay Fever) that turned into a real fever. 7/9/2021 I was starting to feel dizzy and my legs were starting to hurt really bad. I also had shortness of breath, a bad headache and a sensitivity to light. In and out of fever 7/10/2021 I woke up with a horrible chest pain (pressure) got up and almost passed out while I had the overwhelming feeling of nausea. In and out of fever. Blood results show that my Troponin levels were 3.730 ng/mL. It took four days for them to start to come back down.
31 2021-07-25 shortness of breath Chills and fever the first night - full body aches and fever for 24 hours and then it was gone. July... Read more
Chills and fever the first night - full body aches and fever for 24 hours and then it was gone. July 4th - I had a sinus infection feeling and loss of smell and taste. I got tested and I tested positive for COVID - for Delta Variant. After my quarantine period (10 days) - a couple days after that I started getting shortness of breath and difficulty breathing and fever. It turns out I have COVID Pneumonia. This past Friday morning at 04:00 am, I was having high fever, oxygen 87 -86 and shortness of breath and I ended up in the ER - they prescribed me another round of steroids and another round of antibiotics. Scheduled with Primary Care doctor - this coming Thursday morning.
32 2021-01-07 shortness of breath Headache, NauseaVomiting, fever, chills, headache, N/V, bone aches, fatigue, SOB, injection site pai... Read more
Headache, NauseaVomiting, fever, chills, headache, N/V, bone aches, fatigue, SOB, injection site pain Narrative: Patient had COVID and recovered in March. Hx of asthma Was fine until vaccination on Monday. Reports experiencing all of the same side effects as when he had COVID: fever (101 F) nausea/ vomiting bone aches, chills, fatigue, chest tightness/SOB persistent headache injection site pain
32 2021-01-19 throat swelling Patient complained of "throat thickening" at 0931. Patient with history of "reaction to some infusi... Read more
Patient complained of "throat thickening" at 0931. Patient with history of "reaction to some infusion" done at clinic requiring IV Benadryl/steroid/?epi. Treated with 0.3 mg Epi IM at 0937, reported symptoms resolved by 0838. Patient transported to local hospital via EMS at 0950.
32 2021-01-26 painful respiration Patient received first dose of Moderna on January 19, 2021. 48 hours later upon waking from sleep pa... Read more
Patient received first dose of Moderna on January 19, 2021. 48 hours later upon waking from sleep patient had myalgias, arthralgia in all distributions, and a frontal headache. Patient was instructed to rest and increase fluid intake and Ibuprofen as this was likely a known adverse reaction to COVID vaccination. At 72hrs from vaccination patient began to have fevers Tmax 101.9 orally. Continued rest, hydration and ibuprofen, started Tylenol. At 96hrs from vaccination patient began to have a dry cough, diarrhea, severe fatigue and inspiratory chest pain. Patients myalgias and arthralgias continued, and Tmax increased to 104.5 orally. At this time bedside ECHO, iSTAT chemistry, COVID antigen, COVID antibody and COVID PCR, Rapid Flu, and Viral Respiratory Panel were obtained. Administered 1.5 liters of lactated ringers, Toradol 15mg and Tylenol 975mg and patient was isolated. EKG, troponin and Chest Xray were obtained 12 hours later (108 hours from vaccination) at which time the patient reported improvement by 95%. Patient was afebrile and chest pain free. Only symptom at that time was fatigue. After another 12 hours of rest/sleep (hour 120 post vaccination) patient reports no symptoms and 100% well. See below for lab/rad/test details.
32 2021-02-02 shortness of breath Tolerated first vaccine one month prior without incident. Today, developed 10/10 headache with photo... Read more
Tolerated first vaccine one month prior without incident. Today, developed 10/10 headache with photophobia starting five minutes after recieving the injection. Developed a cough and then crushing chest pain. Initial blood pressure and heart rate were within normal limits, and continuous pulse oximetry showed consistent Oxygenation of 98%. Patient was able to speak in full sentences although unable to take a deep breath. Pain was physically limiting, and patient was transported to ER, for immediate evaluation and treatment. At the ER, pateint was normotensive and nontachycardic. He received IV epinephrine and dexamethsasone. Per paramedic report while in ER, patient shortly afterward developed hypotension with left
32 2021-02-11 throat swelling, shortness of breath The patient presents with allergic reaction. This is an otherwise healthy 32 year old male, who pres... Read more
The patient presents with allergic reaction. This is an otherwise healthy 32 year old male, who presents to the ED for evaluation for allergic reaction following administration of his first dose of COVID vaccine PTA. EMS reports that his vaccine was administered at approximately 1530 and after 10-20 minutes of injection, patient experienced shortness of breath, chest tightness, and throat swelling with associated itchiness. Patient was given 0.3 epi IM and within 10 minutes of administration, patient's symptoms were mostly resolved. Patient states that he had bilateral rashes to his arms. EMS notes that patient did have an abnormal EKG en route to the ER but suspects it could be a possible cardiac artifact. Denies any daily medications. No history of allergic reactions. . received diphenhyddramine 25mg iv, famotidine 20mg iv; methylprednisolone 125mg iv; patient discharged home
32 2021-02-11 throat tightness 3:19pm: vaccine administration 3:30pm: patient developed numbness and tingling in right arm first (s... Read more
3:19pm: vaccine administration 3:30pm: patient developed numbness and tingling in right arm first (side of injection) and then left arm 3:40pm: patient then developed itching in his throat 3:45pm: patient developed chest pressure sensation (as if something is pressing on his chest) and then he described that his throat felt more "clogged" 3:45pm: epinephrine 0.3 mg injected into left thigh and 911 was called 3:50pm: EMT arrived and transported patient to local ED After arrival at Hospital ED, patient was assessed and was found to be stable with no further symptoms.
32 2021-02-14 shortness of breath Severe hives and swelling in face/lips appx 3.5 days after getting 1st dose of Covid-19 Moderna Vacc... Read more
Severe hives and swelling in face/lips appx 3.5 days after getting 1st dose of Covid-19 Moderna Vaccine. Blood test showed that I am suddenly highly allergic to 19 different food groups. I have no known food allergies prior to C19 Moderna Vaccine. I have had hives every single day since they 1st appeared (3.5 days after vaccine). I have had multiple days of facial swelling as well and have been to the hospital multiple times. To this date (date of this report) I still have hives and facial swelling. Facial swelling is intermittent. I have stayed away from the list of foods that I am apparently suddenly allergic to and I still have hives and swelling. I occasionally have a irritated throat which makes it difficult to breathe in. I have a specialist appointment with an allergy/immunology doctor this coming Thursday to see what thier diagnosis is. My family doctor believes my potential angioedema diagnosis is directly related to my 1st dose of C19 Moderna Vaccine.
32 2021-02-18 shortness of breath On February 14 I had a fever of 102. I feel cold all night. I took Tylenol. I feel cold all the ti... Read more
On February 14 I had a fever of 102. I feel cold all night. I took Tylenol. I feel cold all the time. I really high fever. On the 16th I went got a COVID test which was negative. On the 16th my knee from a previous surgery got infected, it was swollen and painful. It was fine before the 16th. I had the surgery back in December. . I am now using crutches to walk. On the 17th my temperature was 104. I feel like numb like both of the arms and mouth and I couldn't breath. On the 17th my friend called EMS and they took me to the Hospital. They didn't do nothing but check my oxygen and tell me these symptoms are normal for the vaccine. When I went to the ER I told them about my knee but they didn't look at it. I am still have a painful swollen knee and a fever. I have been taking ibuprofen for the fever.
32 2021-02-20 shortness of breath Pharmacist on duty at clinic reported back to the store after the clinic that patient experienced so... Read more
Pharmacist on duty at clinic reported back to the store after the clinic that patient experienced some shaking and shortness of breath after the vaccine administration. Due to the size of the clinic EMS was already on site and monitored patient but chose not to administer any treatments.
32 2021-02-21 lung pain 2-3hrs after the vaccine I started feeling pain in my lungs it was a 6 or 7 out of 10 pain. I also h... Read more
2-3hrs after the vaccine I started feeling pain in my lungs it was a 6 or 7 out of 10 pain. I also had arm soreness. My lung pain started getting better day by day but I still have a little pain here and there. I saw my doctor on base we did breathing treatments it was like Asthma treatment.
32 2021-03-06 wheezing Wheezing, allergic reaction, aches, COVID arm
32 2021-03-08 shortness of breath I got the second dose at 1:30 pm on March 8th. At around 1:30 AM on March 9th I began feeling very c... Read more
I got the second dose at 1:30 pm on March 8th. At around 1:30 AM on March 9th I began feeling very cold and shaking uncontrollably. I had a sharp and persistent headache that lasted most of the night. I felt a little pain in my chest, and even when I took deep breaths it never felt like I had enough air. I'm wondering in the breathing difficulties might have been due to heartburn/indigestion. I had to stop taking my heartburn medicine because it's not good for my kidneys (I also have kidney disease). On rare occasions I have had symptoms from heartburn that feel almost like asthma. The fever-symptoms and chills subsided a few hours later after I took a Tylenol, but I continue to feel fatigued and I have a bad headache.
32 2021-03-10 shortness of breath 2 days later began having rash on trunk and spreading to neck/face, began taking antihistamines, fol... Read more
2 days later began having rash on trunk and spreading to neck/face, began taking antihistamines, following day (3 days later) had rapid heartbeat and trouble breathing and treated at hospital for possible/probable anaphylaxis per treating physician. Also followed up with allergy center, continued taking steroids and antihistamines for 1 week to keep reaction under control. Was cleared by allergy office to get dose #2 and has similar rash appear around 20-24 hours after receiving dose 2, spreading to neck and face within a few hours despite antihistamine use, needing to be treated with course of steroids again.
32 2021-03-15 shortness of breath I would have sudden loss of breath, randomly throughout the day. It went away after about a week.
32 2021-03-15 shortness of breath Lightheadedness, nausea, SOB, seizure-like activity - stiffening, arching back, rapid eye mvmt, not... Read more
Lightheadedness, nausea, SOB, seizure-like activity - stiffening, arching back, rapid eye mvmt, not following commands.
32 2021-03-18 wheezing Headache and mild foot pain started 19 hours after vaccine given. Patient went on a run about 72 ho... Read more
Headache and mild foot pain started 19 hours after vaccine given. Patient went on a run about 72 hours after vaccine given and developed facial swelling, wheezing and severe bilateral foot pain and swelling.
32 2021-03-26 shortness of breath severe headache, BLE weakness - 16 hours after shot slight SOB, itchy throat, dry cough. Lower back... Read more
severe headache, BLE weakness - 16 hours after shot slight SOB, itchy throat, dry cough. Lower back neural pain(sensitivity) - 19 hours after shot light-headedness - 25 hrs after shot no treatment taken lower back neural sensitivity worse when in contact with heat (car seat exposed to sunlight), and diffuse to gluteus major
32 2021-03-27 shortness of breath Day of injection: red spotting on palms. Gradually over the next 2 days, red spots spread up arms, f... Read more
Day of injection: red spotting on palms. Gradually over the next 2 days, red spots spread up arms, first underneath anterior/medial parts of arms then to lateral and dorsal parts of arms. Palms and tops of hands, forearms, upper arms, armpits, ribs, lateral abdomen down to waist line: covered in non-itchy red spots. Spots spread Day 2: itchy red spots on both ankles and Achilles? tendon areas, only itchy there. But redness spread up legs to middle of shins and around back on calves. Very slight difficulty breathing, productive cough during early hours of being awake, went away and normal breathing as the day progressed.
32 2021-03-28 shortness of breath Malaise: began 3 hrs after injection Nausea: 36hrs Fever: 50 hrs (ranging from 99 to 103.2) 103.2 w... Read more
Malaise: began 3 hrs after injection Nausea: 36hrs Fever: 50 hrs (ranging from 99 to 103.2) 103.2 was for 10 hrs. Fatigue: began 3hrs after injection (ongoing) Heartburn: 48hrs Chills: 40 hrs Difficulty breathing: 3 hrs Injection site soreness: immediately
32 2021-04-06 shortness of breath Cold like symptoms started 3 days (March 14) after shot. Reached fever of 102 on March 18 through th... Read more
Cold like symptoms started 3 days (March 14) after shot. Reached fever of 102 on March 18 through the 20th, went to urgent care for help. Chronic cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness/lightheadedness, sinus headache and severe fatigue/weakness has continued ever since. Prescribed prednisone, albuterol inhaler, and cough syrup and antibiotics. No improvement. Went to ER April 3rd and 4th due to worsening condition and follow ups with primary doctor April 6th and 7th. Prescribed Doxicyclene and Simbacort.
32 2021-04-11 throat tightness, shortness of breath The patient experienced an anaphylactic reaction characterized by throat closing, shortness of breat... Read more
The patient experienced an anaphylactic reaction characterized by throat closing, shortness of breath, cough, and inability to speak due to airway narrowing. The symptoms started at 0800 and were severe enough that he was having difficulty speaking, so he had a friend talk to dispatch. He was given 2 doses of IM epinephrine, 50 mg Benadryl, and 125 mg Solumedrol by EMS and transferred to the ER department at the Community Hospital.
32 2021-04-22 shortness of breath a blood clot right below his lung on the left side; his chest was hurting; he couldn't breath; Secon... Read more
a blood clot right below his lung on the left side; his chest was hurting; he couldn't breath; Second shot three weeks later; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of THROMBOSIS (a blood clot right below his lung on the left side) in a 32-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The patient's past medical history included No adverse event (No medical history reported). In February 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient experienced THROMBOSIS (a blood clot right below his lung on the left side) (seriousness criterion medically significant), CHEST PAIN (his chest was hurting), DYSPNOEA (he couldn't breath) and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Second shot three weeks later). At the time of the report, THROMBOSIS (a blood clot right below his lung on the left side), CHEST PAIN (his chest was hurting) and DYSPNOEA (he couldn't breath) outcome was unknown and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Second shot three weeks later) had resolved. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter considered THROMBOSIS (a blood clot right below his lung on the left side), CHEST PAIN (his chest was hurting) and DYSPNOEA (he couldn't breath) to be related. No further causality assessment was provided for INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Second shot three weeks later). Patient was taken to the ER (Emergency Room). Treatment Xarelto was started. Patient has Cardiologist appointment on 28-APR-2021. Company comment:Limited information regarding the blood clot, chest pain and difficulty breathing has been provided at this time and a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered is unrelated to the vaccine and is not reported as specifically resulting in adverse events. This case was linked to MOD21-076660 (E2B Linked Report).; Sender's Comments: Limited information regarding the blood clot, chest pain and difficulty breathing has been provided at this time and a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered is unrelated to the vaccine and is not reported as specifically resulting in adverse events. MOD21-076660:
32 2021-04-25 shortness of breath difficulty breathing, dizziness, nausea
32 2021-04-27 shortness of breath Dyspnea secondary to PE. Treatment is full anticoagulation. Outcome is undetermined, since patient ... Read more
Dyspnea secondary to PE. Treatment is full anticoagulation. Outcome is undetermined, since patient is still in the hospital.
32 2021-04-28 shortness of breath o Triage Presenting Complaint pt received covid vaccine #2 on friday; on saturday morning he develop... Read more
o Triage Presenting Complaint pt received covid vaccine #2 on friday; on saturday morning he developed cold chills, today he developed headache, chest tightness, intermittent sob; denies n-v-d; has taken aleve, pepto, and tums with no change in s/s The patient is a 32 year old Male complaining of multiple complaints. 04/26/2021 00:40 patient, c/o multiple complaints. Patient states that he received his second Moderna vaccine on Friday, then developed chills, body aches, headache, chest pain. He took Tums, Tylenol without relief. He says that it woke him up in the middle of the night Saturday night with headache and chest pain, but subsided after an hour and he was able to go back to sleep. He states that he had intermittent feelings of sickness all day today until the headache and chest pain worsened this evening and he decided to come in. He denies any radiation of pain, diaphoresis, dizziness, numbness, weakness, vision change, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, or other complaints. He denies any significant PMH at all.
32 2021-05-01 rapid breathing Diaphoretic, tachypnic, pale face, hypotensive. Given 20 ounces water and juice. BPs 97/67 (pulse 86... Read more
Diaphoretic, tachypnic, pale face, hypotensive. Given 20 ounces water and juice. BPs 97/67 (pulse 86), 107/75 (pulse 86). 98% O2 sat.
32 2021-05-03 throat tightness Patient felt that his throat was tightening 5 minutes after vaccination during his observation perio... Read more
Patient felt that his throat was tightening 5 minutes after vaccination during his observation period. He was immediately pulled into a private exam room. Vitals were stable at that time. 50 mg of IM Benadryl was administered. Patient did not improve with this treatment and went on to develop a muffled sounding voice and mild swelling of his left posterior tongue 10 minutes later. At this point, 0.3 mg of epinephrine was administered. Symptoms rapidly improved with treatment. EMS was contacted for transfer to the ER for further treatment as indicated and close observation.
32 2021-05-09 shortness of breath The evening of Wednesday I began feeling chest pressure/discomfort and slight difficulty breathing. ... Read more
The evening of Wednesday I began feeling chest pressure/discomfort and slight difficulty breathing. The same on Thursday, but a little worse. Friday morning at 4:30am I awoke from intense pain and pressure in my chest, difficulty breathing, and back/shoulder/neck pain. I went to the ER at 7:30 in the morning. Had tests taken, was given colchicine to help with the pain, and it did help lower the pain level a little bit. By Noon the pain was tolerable enough that I could go home. I was told to take ibuprofen to manage the pain. I took a nap but awoke at 2:30pm, this time with even more intense pain, my back/neck/shoulder muscles convulsing/twitching from pain and from being in a state of involuntary clenching as well as chest pain/pressure and difficulty breathing. I went back to the ER and after several more tests, an ECG gave the doctors cause to worry about the health of my heart (they were concerned I may be having a heart attack or heart failure). They kept me overnight and after taking more blood tests and ECG tests were able to diagnose me with Pericarditis on Saturday morning. I was prescribed colchicine, which I am to take twice a day for three months and ibuprofen to manage the pain.
32 2021-05-10 shortness of breath 05/05/21-around 9 hours after vaccination developed chest pressure and mild shortness of breath. Sy... Read more
05/05/21-around 9 hours after vaccination developed chest pressure and mild shortness of breath. Symptoms worsened over the next 2 days and on 5/7/21 pain intensified. Pain is described as chest pressure, shoulder and back pain, and also endorsed shortness of breath due to tightness and constriction. 05/07/21-presented to ED in the morning and was admitted to the Coronary Care Unit, treated with colchicine, NSAIDs resulting in gradual improvement of his symptoms. Given response to treatment and EKG changes the presumptive diagnosis of pericarditis was confirmed.
32 2021-05-20 shortness of breath no notable previous history who presented 5/1/2021 ~0130 with chest pain and shortness of breath. Hi... Read more
no notable previous history who presented 5/1/2021 ~0130 with chest pain and shortness of breath. History notable for Moderna COVID-19 vaccination 4 days prior (that would be 4/27/21) with subsequent development of fever, myalgias, sore throat. Then on 4/30/21 developed acute onset of shortness of breath and chest pain. Seen at ED. Exam and work-up revealed elevated troponin, unremarkable CTA of chest, EKG with diffuse slight ST changes. Patient was subsequently admitted to hospital for possible myocarditis. Per consult - Differential diagnosis includes pericarditis, myocarditis, acute coronary syndrome. Later in the day (~1530), had worsening chest pain and ST elevated noted on EKG. Pt did disclose at that time that he used cocaine about 8 days earlier. Pt transferred to Hospital for treatment of STEMI. Note: covid-19 vaccine info is pt reported, unable to access any Immunization records for this patient. Place where pt received vaccine is also unknown.
32 2021-05-22 shortness of breath Had to go the hospital the day after I received my second dose. There was tightness in my chest and ... Read more
Had to go the hospital the day after I received my second dose. There was tightness in my chest and I had trouble breathing.
32 2021-05-31 pleuritic chest pain from 5/25/21 note: 32 y.o. male with a history of DVT (left leg; on Xarelto), recurrent PE, EtOH a... Read more
from 5/25/21 note: 32 y.o. male with a history of DVT (left leg; on Xarelto), recurrent PE, EtOH abuse, anxiety, and depression presents to the emergency department complaining of right leg pain since the last two days. He reports to receiving his Moderna COVID-19 vaccination three days ago. Thereafter, he noticed his leg pain to occurs. He also notes to intermittent pleuritic chest pain, but not currently. He notes that his leg is not as swollen compared to his previous DVT. He has full sensation and motor control of his digits. He admits to dizziness. He denies changes in breathing, abdominal pain, recent surgeries, recent travels, recent hospitalizations, or family history of blood clots. History is from the patient Old records reviewed. Last ED visit on 3/2/21 for pleuritic chest pain. Recent hospitalization 2/8 to 2/9 for pulmonary embolism in the setting of Xarelto non-compliance. US LLE Dplx (9/26/2020) DVT in the left popliteal, posterior tibial, peroneal and anterior tibial veins. US LLE Dplx (2/8/21) Nonocclusive thrombus in the left popliteal and posterior tibial veins. US RLE Dplx (5/25/21; today) DVT in the right femoral and popliteal veins. from 5/27/21 note: Patient is a 32 y.o. male with history of EtOH abuse and recurrent DVT/PE known to be noncompliant with Xarelto presenting to the ED with altered mental status. Of note patient was discharged from the hospital this afternoon where he was treated for DVT with heparin, previously on Xarelto but due to noncompliance was discharged with plan for Lovenox. Patient is alert and oriented x3, however intermittently not responding appropriately to questions and does not appear to be the best historian. Per EMS patient was found down, unresponsive in a bush. Patient admits that when he left hospital he went to gas station and drank "18 ounces of wine." EMS states when they arrived to scene patient had unsteady gait, frequent falls, no signs of significant head trauma. Patient was tachycardic in route and noted to be hypoxic in route. Patient currently complaining of mild headache but denies chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, back pain or any further symptoms once again believe patient to be a poor historian.
32 2021-06-07 shortness of breath -Thursday 6/3, received 2nd Moderna vaccine here in clinic before lunch -Friday 6/4, reported to wor... Read more
-Thursday 6/3, received 2nd Moderna vaccine here in clinic before lunch -Friday 6/4, reported to work but left within an hour on sick leave -Saturday 6/5, severe malaise, SOB, numbness/tingling hands, fever (would not reduce), diarrhea/stomach cramps reported to ER approx.. 1600 ? given IV fluids, potassium, discharged approx. 2300 with diagnosis probable severe vaccine reaction OTC meds. -Sunday 6/6, malaise and diarrhea/cramps, NO SOB, NO fever, NO hand numbness/tingling -Monday 6/7, still has malaise and stomach cramps, but they are improving
32 2021-06-10 shortness of breath Severe Palpitations, Rapid Heart rate at rest, walking and standing, Severe Shortness of breath, Pai... Read more
Severe Palpitations, Rapid Heart rate at rest, walking and standing, Severe Shortness of breath, Pain on left lower abdomen after eating
32 2021-06-14 shortness of breath On 6/11/2021, patient presented to the Emergency Department complaining of chest pain that started i... Read more
On 6/11/2021, patient presented to the Emergency Department complaining of chest pain that started initially in the evening of 6/10, which had initially self-resolved, but has since recurred, now also with shortness of breath. Troponin was significantly elevated on presentation at 16.3, and 12-lead EKG showed an abnormal rhythm concerning for STEMI vs perimyocarditis. After negative cardiac/embolic work-up in cath lab & CT imaging, myocarditis was felt to be the most likely cause of this patient's symptoms. On the following day, patient was noted to have brief bursts of Vtach, for which metoprolol was initiated. The patient was subsequently discharged home in stable condition on 6/13/2021.
32 2021-06-21 shortness of breath, exercise-induced asthma 32yo M, presents to clinic after episode of syncope, and on presentation to clinic c/o SOB/DOE SpO2... Read more
32yo M, presents to clinic after episode of syncope, and on presentation to clinic c/o SOB/DOE SpO2: 88-90%, left calf swelling, EKG showing S1Q3T3 signs and symptoms concerning for PE. Pt denies any prior history of blood clots and no risk factors on initial presentation. Pt reports only thing new has been receiving Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on 16 Jun 2021. He was transferred immediately via ambulance to hospital for high level of care, where PE was confirmed w/ Chest CT, and also noted to have markedly elevated D-dimer and cardiac enzymes. Pt was then reportedly transferred to hospital for definitive tx.
32 2021-06-22 shortness of breath Chest pain,shortness of breath,Loss of stamina
32 2021-06-27 shortness of breath The night I got my 2nd dose I started experiencing very bad chest pains. Like it was my left lung or... Read more
The night I got my 2nd dose I started experiencing very bad chest pains. Like it was my left lung or heart. It felt like it was being squeezed. I felt like I could barely breathe. My neck was hurting and I kept having to sleep. I've been super lethargic, and I get pain whenever I inhale or have to swallow something. It feels either like my lung is full of fluid or being squeezed.
32 2021-06-29 shortness of breath Presented to ancillary facility on 6/8/2021 from a nursing home facility with increased secretions a... Read more
Presented to ancillary facility on 6/8/2021 from a nursing home facility with increased secretions and coughing. Patient has history of traumatic brain injury leaving him wheel chair bound and minimally responsive. Patient was diagnosed with polycythemia vera and fluid overload. He was transferred to Covenant for further management by hematology. Upon admission to Covenant, he was evaluated by neurology due to having increased seizure activity from his baseline. Neurology recommended workup for possible infectious etiology. During admission breathing worsened and was experiencing a fever. He was found to be COVID-19 positive on 6/14/2021. He was treated with remdesivir and dexamethasone and required supplemental oxygen. He was discharged back to his nursing facility on 6/21/2021 with supplemental oxygen.
32 2021-07-06 shortness of breath Slight shortness of breath; I sleep for 7-8 hours and wake up with a feeling as if I had not slept a... Read more
Slight shortness of breath; I sleep for 7-8 hours and wake up with a feeling as if I had not slept at all; Extreme fatigue\ I Feel exhausted, physically weak; Joint pain; Second dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine administered more than 35 days after first dose.; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DYSPNOEA (Slight shortness of breath), INSOMNIA (I sleep for 7-8 hours and wake up with a feeling as if I had not slept at all), FATIGUE (Extreme fatigue\ I Feel exhausted, physically weak) and ARTHRALGIA (Joint pain) in a 32-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 028A21A and 046B21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. No Medical History information was reported. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 09-Jun-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 09-Jun-2021, the patient experienced DYSPNOEA (Slight shortness of breath) (seriousness criterion medically significant), INSOMNIA (I sleep for 7-8 hours and wake up with a feeling as if I had not slept at all) (seriousness criterion medically significant), FATIGUE (Extreme fatigue\ I Feel exhausted, physically weak) (seriousness criterion medically significant), ARTHRALGIA (Joint pain) (seriousness criterion medically significant) and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Second dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine administered more than 35 days after first dose.). On 09-Jun-2021, INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Second dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine administered more than 35 days after first dose.) had resolved. At the time of the report, DYSPNOEA (Slight shortness of breath), INSOMNIA (I sleep for 7-8 hours and wake up with a feeling as if I had not slept at all), FATIGUE (Extreme fatigue\ I Feel exhausted, physically weak) and ARTHRALGIA (Joint pain) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Blood test: normal (normal) not find anything out of the ordinary and thus discharged the patient. In 2021, X-ray: normal (normal) not find anything out of the ordinary and thus discharged the patient. Over-the-counter "stimulants" and "energy drinks" were provided as treatment drug information. Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Further information has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Further information has been requested.
32 2021-07-09 wheezing Two days after receiving the shot I woke up with nasal congestion and was coughing. The next few da... Read more
Two days after receiving the shot I woke up with nasal congestion and was coughing. The next few days I started having chest congestion, mucus, runny nose, sore throat, wheezing and body aches. The symptoms continue to this day although not as severe as the first week. I've been using cough drops and mucus relief to help with coughing and congestion.
32 2021-07-24 shortness of breath Tachycardia, shortness of breath, slight chest pain, low grade fever, overall discomfort I
33 2021-02-01 shortness of breath Fever, chills, aches, shortness of breath. Shortness of breath prompted me to get Covid testing whic... Read more
Fever, chills, aches, shortness of breath. Shortness of breath prompted me to get Covid testing which returned negative.
33 2021-02-07 shortness of breath Started out flu-like symptoms, chills, fatigue within 12 hours. After 48 hours progressed to chest t... Read more
Started out flu-like symptoms, chills, fatigue within 12 hours. After 48 hours progressed to chest tightness, trouble breathing and dizziness. Symptoms subsided then returned at work the next day. Talked to doctor and was referred to local ER.
33 2021-02-08 shortness of breath Within twenty-four hours I had a 102.7 degree temperature which lasted a day then gradually went awa... Read more
Within twenty-four hours I had a 102.7 degree temperature which lasted a day then gradually went away, I took Tylenol for the fever. For then next couple days just felt rundown. Then three days post vaccine I began having some chest discomfort and shortness of breath. That night around one thirteen the morning I went to Emergency Department. they took a ECG and drew labs. the ECG showed normal rhythm just a little elevated and my Blood pressure was elevated. Upon the attending physician getting my lab work back i was admitted for my triponin levels being elevated. I was taken for chest X-rays and a Cat Scan per their pulmonary embolism protocols. Both of which showed nothing. The next day i had a Echocardiogram, and Cardiac Catheterization, and a Cardiac MRI.
33 2021-03-04 shortness of breath the patient, was given the vaccine at roughly 10:15am. At about 10:30am, after waiting 15 minutes af... Read more
the patient, was given the vaccine at roughly 10:15am. At about 10:30am, after waiting 15 minutes after the shot, the patient stood up from his chair in the waiting area. He staggered over to the pharmacy drop off window and stated that he felt like he was going to pass out. His eyes rolled back and he collapsed. Another patient was approaching the counter at the same exact time and was able to catch him on his way down. By the time I ran from behind the pharmacy counter, he was awake, breathing heavy and confused. One of the pharmacy technicians called 911 immediately and started the emergency response. he was able to regain his composure and move himself back the chair. The EMTs arrived and took his vitals, and discussed what happened. They eventually determined that he was ok and was free to go. The patient did not go to the hospital.
33 2021-03-05 throat tightness Throat tightness happened on 2/1. This lasted about 10 seconds. Then I became very dizzy. This laste... Read more
Throat tightness happened on 2/1. This lasted about 10 seconds. Then I became very dizzy. This lasted about 2 hours. Went to clinic. Everything checked out. COVID tested and sent home. Labs normal. Felt better 2/2, then on 2/3; had sharp stomach discomfort with severe nausea. No vomiting. Had EGD and colonoscopy on 2/9. All normal. Had abdominal ultrasound on 2/18. All normal. Still having mild to severe nausea every few days.
33 2021-03-10 throat tightness pt. reports tightness/clenching in throat with trouble swallowing 4 hrs after first injection and a ... Read more
pt. reports tightness/clenching in throat with trouble swallowing 4 hrs after first injection and a sore arm that lasted for 3 days. Add: Pt. given allergy referral information. Did not receive 2nd dose.
33 2021-03-17 shortness of breath, throat tightness Shortness of breath and ?throat tightening.? Dosed with IM Benadryl with symptom relief
33 2021-03-23 shortness of breath Symptoms includes: Chills Vomit Nausea Diarrhea Tiredness Headache Muscle pain Dry heaving Dehydrati... Read more
Symptoms includes: Chills Vomit Nausea Diarrhea Tiredness Headache Muscle pain Dry heaving Dehydration Shortness of breath 20 pound weight loss in 15 days Has been in the hospital two times since the vaccination. Both times on a slow drip IV to keep him hydrated urine was the same color as apple juice (Real apple juice not from concentrate or watered down whiskey if you will). Did CAT scan of lungs found 4MM nodules that weren?t there before.
33 2021-03-23 shortness of breath Headache, Sedation, RespDepression, CoughWheeze, Nausea Vomiting, Syncope, Chills Lightheadness, Che... Read more
Headache, Sedation, RespDepression, CoughWheeze, Nausea Vomiting, Syncope, Chills Lightheadness, Chest tightness Narrative: Received 2nd dose on 2/26/21. Felt weaker later that day. Noted onset of HA, fatigue and chills the next day. Symptoms worsened over the next 2 days, including additional symptoms of nausea, lightheadedness, CP and SOB. Felt feverish x 2 days but did not check temperature. Fatigue and chest tightness and coughing continued x 3 days. Missed work x 1 day. History of COVID infection 11/2020.
33 2021-03-24 shortness of breath At appox. 1313 a male party with a probable shellfish allergy reported feeling tingling and flush im... Read more
At appox. 1313 a male party with a probable shellfish allergy reported feeling tingling and flush immediately after being vaccinated. His vaccinator, brought him over to the triage area to be evaluated. Upon RN 1's initial assessment at 1315 BP 159/85 HR102. Stated that in addition to a shellfish allergy he has a family hx of hypochondria and stated "I'm having a hard time distinguishing between what's in my head and what is real" 1324 BP 132/83 HR 90 Pt stated that the tingling/swelling feeling was going down but that he did notice what he described as "chest tightness" but thought it was anxiety related. Denies difficulty breathing or rash at injection site. 1339 BP 144/91 HR 84 had another cool wave and chest tightness. Denies SOB 1347: pt states "I'm having another minor wave" 1349: Pt states that throat is still scratchy or itchy but that he had an itchy throat this AM b/c of seasonal allergies. benadryl offered to the pt 1350: 50mg of benadryl administered by RN 1 1402: BP 144/98 HR 85 stated he felt better, chest tightness was improving. RN 2 discussed with pt that the way symptoms had progressed that if symptoms did not resolve completely within 15 min clinic staff would call EMS for further eval. 1415: Pt returned from bathroom and stated he didn't feel 100%. When asked to elaborate he said he was a little dizzy, was having some difficulty breathing and "rubbery legs" at this point RN 2 discussed with pt that clinic staff feels more comfortable having him evaluated for continued chest tightness and new SOB. Pt agreed to that. 1416 Requested EMS through Deputy. 1424 EMS was on site. EMS evaluated the patient and decided to transport him to the hospital for further evaluation. Patient left his car in the lot. Advised state office of this so it won't get towed if it's here over night. RN 2 will follow-up with patient tomorrow. 1429 RN 2 tx care to EMS with consent of pt and was being transported to ED. RN 2 provided client with her contact info and told pt that she will plan to call for further f/u with client tomorrow, 3/25. 1402 on 3/25: pt returned phone call and stated that he was much improved from yesterday. Was given another dose of antihistamines at ER and observed for further reaction. Plans to follow up with allergist to discuss potential for second dose. If he gets another dose of the vaccine he plans to do it at an allergists office.
33 2021-03-25 throat swelling 2 days after receiving my first dose my tongue began to feel tingly and swell, I could feel the tigh... Read more
2 days after receiving my first dose my tongue began to feel tingly and swell, I could feel the tightness in the back and in my lymph nodes as well. I began to have sensitivity to spicy foods on Thursday. On Friday I woke up and my words were slurring as my tongue felt more swollen and I started to notice some slight swelling in my throat, maybe 5%. I started gargling diphenhydramine on Friday night and that helped a lot, I also took loratadine and Fexofenadine. By Sunday my symptoms were masked by the allergy drugs and I stopped taking the diphenhydramine. 1 week later, 12 days post Moderna Vaccinne I stopped taking the fexofenadine and Loratadine. I continued to have tongue irritation and a sore on my tongue for 2.5 weeks. I then had an adverse event after the 2nd shot as well.
33 2021-03-25 throat swelling I premedicated with Diphenhydramine, fexofenadine and loratadine as suggested by the urgent clinic f... Read more
I premedicated with Diphenhydramine, fexofenadine and loratadine as suggested by the urgent clinic from my previous adverse event. 10 minutes after the 2nd shot I felt hot flashes in my L glut region, then 15 minutes in I started to feel tongue swelling and slight throat swelling (maybe 10-20%). I felt this decrease but was still present 25 minutes after the shot, I notified a rep at the nurses tent. They asked some questions and said they could take me into the tent but that if I felt it was improving to just wait 15 more minutes, I did that and left after. I continued to have some tongue swelling the next day and continued taking all 3 antihistamines for maybe 3 days. I previously had sensitivity to spicy foods and my tongue feeling inflamed but not swollen from the previous shot, this again occurred the 2nd time. I maintained this with gradual dissipation of symptoms until about 3/1/21. I believe all my symptoms were resolved at that point.
33 2021-03-25 throat tightness I have not felt the same since I received the vaccine. Initially, I felt tingling in my fingers afte... Read more
I have not felt the same since I received the vaccine. Initially, I felt tingling in my fingers after receiving the injection. I also got chest and throat tightness. I felt very slightly shaky and just a bit off. After that subsided a bit, I left the facility and started heading home. Ten miles from the store, I went back as I got another wave of feeling pretty terrible. I waited outside there for another hour until I felt better again. The next few days I had terrible fatigue and constant headaches, and the obvious sore arm. I had a couple days where I was a little better but then it would come surging back again. For three weeks I've had on and off migraines, extreme and dreadful fatigue like nothing I've ever experienced before (feels like I'm dying of cancer or something), and feeling out of it and spacey. It's been awful and I'm terrified to get the second dose if the first one did all this to me. I was feeling great in the weeks leading up to the vaccine so I am certain that my reaction is to the vaccine. I hope this gets better soon. I'm not sure what to do about dose 2.
33 2021-03-27 very rapid breathing Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Medium, Systemic: Exhaustion / Lethargy-Severe, Systemic: Fainti... Read more
Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Medium, Systemic: Exhaustion / Lethargy-Severe, Systemic: Fainting / Unresponsive-Severe, Systemic: Passed out for less than a minute-Severe, Systemic: Flushed / Sweating-Mild, Systemic: Hyperventilation-Medium, Systemic: Nausea-Mild, Systemic: Numbness (specify: facial area, extremities)-Medium, Systemic: Tingling (specify: facial area, extemities)-Medium, Systemic: Weakness-Mild, Additional Details: Patient passed out less than 10 minutes after receiving Moderna vaccine. stated he felt fine after initially receiving his vaccine but felt dizzy while using the rest room.While having a seat in the immunization area, the patient passed out for less than a minute. 911 was called right away. was monitored by his immunizer, & myself and remainded concious as we awaitied the arrival of the EMT's. Patient was able to walk out but is unknown if with Emts
33 2021-04-08 shortness of breath At approximately 8:00 pm Paramedic saw pt pass out and he sounded like he was snoring. Paramedic low... Read more
At approximately 8:00 pm Paramedic saw pt pass out and he sounded like he was snoring. Paramedic lowered him to the ground and he woke up. This nurse was alerted by employee that someone was in distress. This nurse noticed patient was awake and sitting up on the floor. Paramedics took his blood sugar and it was normal. pt stated he went home from work got a shower and got in the car and drank one large bottle of Gatorade very quickly on his way to get his 1st Covid shot.. Pt denies any medical conditions. No hx of reaction to any vaccine. 911 was called pt c/o feeling dizzy after put up on the 911 gurney so they lowered it. He states he felt weak and felt a little short of breath. His BP was 113/46. Transported to hospital. At 12:15 am on 4/9/21 this Nurse called hospital and they said pt was just now ok for discharge.
33 2021-04-08 shortness of breath Fever, extreme body aches, difficulty breathing and dizzy. All started the night after I was vaccina... Read more
Fever, extreme body aches, difficulty breathing and dizzy. All started the night after I was vaccinated and continued the entire next day. Symptoms became more mild on the second day.
33 2021-04-12 shortness of breath At 11:08 patient slumped down in chair and stated "oh no, here it goes." Patient lost consciousness ... Read more
At 11:08 patient slumped down in chair and stated "oh no, here it goes." Patient lost consciousness at 11:09am. I continued to speak to him and he was unable to hear initially. He did cry out and gasp and tighten then started to have a few slow jerky movements bringing both arms and body up from the chair. It appeared as if he may vomit and I repositioned to ensure he would not slide off of the chair. The movements lasted about a minute and then he started to come to. He described feeling dizzy, disoriented, nauseous, and sweaty. During the event his pupils were non responsive. At 11:17 he went pale and started feeling as if he was spinning and experiencing tingling. He was still reclined in the chair and sitting up aided with the tingling. He was given a cold pack to help regulate and given ice water at 11:18. He stated he had not eaten yet today as he usually doesn't eat until 11. His temperature had dropped to 96.1 vs 97.5 prior to the vaccination. BP was checked at 11:25 and was 120/72 which is lower than usual for him and to be expected with the LOC. After drinking his water, I had him attempt to stand while grasping the wall/table for 2 minutes to assess his steadiness, then standing unassisted for 2 minutes. After he felt steady enough we had him walk 10-15 feet and stand for another 2 minutes. Patient was feeling tired and instructed not to drive home. The situation was conveyed to his wife and they were instructed to seek ER/Urgent care if any of his symptoms reappeared. They stayed in the area to eat lunch and I checked in again at 12:12pm with the patient and he is feeling better after eating but still tired. I also recommended following up with his primary as I will be sending her a copy of this report.
33 2021-04-16 wheezing Sensitive skin Cold chills Moderate headache 101 fever Weezing dry cough Tired Most conditions go... Read more
Sensitive skin Cold chills Moderate headache 101 fever Weezing dry cough Tired Most conditions gone by Friday morning Cough lasted until Friday night Headache still lingering as of Saturday
33 2021-04-19 shortness of breath 03/28: At 9 PM (9 hours after shot), I rapidly experienced fatigue, fever (101 degrees), chills, ach... Read more
03/28: At 9 PM (9 hours after shot), I rapidly experienced fatigue, fever (101 degrees), chills, aches, and slight nausea. I took my vitals during this time: SPo2 of 98-99%, BP was 123/80, and heart rate was in the mid-to-high 80s. By midnight, I felt much better and assumed everything was over. 03/29: Woke up feeling fairly tired. As I was trying to do my normal morning routine of cleaning up, taking out trash, etc. I noticed a shortness of breath. No fever or other symptoms from the night before. I checked my SPo2 levels with 3 different oximeters, and all gave readings in the 93%-94% range. My heart rate, which is usually in the 80s and 90s when moving about, was in the low 70s, bottoming at 72. This was nerve racking. This along with intermittent dizziness persisted for 24 hours. I got COVID tested and it came back negative. Flu came back negative, too. A consult with a doctor inferred that "everyone has different vaccine side effects." Not helpful. This shortness of breath/fatigue/low blood oxygen saturation continued persistently for the next 48 hours. I was essentially advised to stay home and rest. I noticed some lymph node swelling, too. By day 4, I was feeling much better. My heart rate had gone back up into the 80s, and my blood oxygen sat. had increased to 96-97%. I was still somewhat tired and got winded very, very easily. It's been over two weeks since my second shot upon writing this. I didn't want to report, but I can't make heads or tails as to why this happened. The only change in my health was taking the vaccine. I don't have any blood clots, asthma, or underlying issues. However, these side effects, if they are as such, need to be discussed. I know others who got the Moderna vaccine with similar anecdotes. The difference is, living with a clinician, I monitor my vitals all the time and knew enough to take measurements.
33 2021-04-21 shortness of breath Patient informed staff he is feeling hot, dizzy,c/o SOB. Took patient to a room to cool down, ice p... Read more
Patient informed staff he is feeling hot, dizzy,c/o SOB. Took patient to a room to cool down, ice pack given. Patient placed in supine position. Patient states he is feeling numbness around nose and mouth. Breathing non-labored. Patient's dizziness and SOB have resolved, but face numbness did not. Patient transferred to hospital. clinician ordered Solumederol 125mg IM, and patient given a Benadryl 25mg tablet. All symptoms resolved.
33 2021-04-22 very rapid breathing Site: Redness at Injection Site-Mild, Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Medium, Systemic: Flushed ... Read more
Site: Redness at Injection Site-Mild, Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Medium, Systemic: Flushed / Sweating-Mild, Systemic: Hyperventilation-Mild, Systemic: Nausea-Mild, Systemic: Shakiness-Medium, Systemic: Weakness-Mild
33 2021-04-26 shortness of breath Difficulty Breathing until inhaler was used
33 2021-04-26 throat tightness Received 1st dose of Moderna. A few minutes later PT began to complain of tightness in the throat,... Read more
Received 1st dose of Moderna. A few minutes later PT began to complain of tightness in the throat, and redness on their chest. Vitals: BP: 126/80 O2: 98% Pul: 76 Lungs where clear bi-lateral PT was administered PO antihistamine 50mg PT remained at vaccination site for additional time and left after 30 minutes under their own control.
33 2021-05-04 throat tightness immediately after: mild headache and nausea approximately 38 minutes after: tightening of throat "... Read more
immediately after: mild headache and nausea approximately 38 minutes after: tightening of throat "I felt like I was wearing a tie," 3cm of hives on right hand, a little itchy all over. States it resolved on its own within a few hours and he was able to go on with his day as normal. States he has had more severe reactions to other things, like walking through grass. Did take a benadryl later that night before bed.
33 2021-05-05 shortness of breath The patient and his parent were due for second doses on 5/6/2021. On 5/6/2021, parents called us and... Read more
The patient and his parent were due for second doses on 5/6/2021. On 5/6/2021, parents called us and informed us that patient would not be coming to his second dose appointment d/t very bad side effects from the first one. Parent took a printout of patient's symptoms when she came in for her second dose. Symptoms started 24 hours after vaccine. Symptoms were as follows: extreme stiffness/soreness/pain in entire neck, feeling of being strangled, shortness of breath, trouble swallowing, acute weakness and fatigue, cannot hold head up, feeling of falling forward, base and top of spinal cord pain and numbness, shooting pains and numbness in head and neck, loss of appetite, weakness and very minor pains in both arms, dizziness, brain fog. Symptoms described as "extreme" for 3 weeks. Patient reports tat the first week was "very, very bad." Pt reports that most symptoms still come and go even after one full month. The neck and base of spine are still the most afflicted at this point in time and fatigue is ongoing. According to the patient's parent, no medical care was sought. Recommended patient should see a doctor.
33 2021-05-05 shortness of breath Symptoms set in approximately at 0400. Numbness in hands/feet, pain on arms, pain in chest, shortnes... Read more
Symptoms set in approximately at 0400. Numbness in hands/feet, pain on arms, pain in chest, shortness of breath, dizzyness, confusion. Symptoms began subsiding around 0700, and disappeared around 0900-1000, with only a slight tightness in chest remaining. Prescribed ibuprofen, metoprolol, and aspirin.
33 2021-05-11 acute respiratory failure, fluid in lungs Patient woke up on March 11 with vomiting and diarrhea, continued feeling ill through to the morning... Read more
Patient woke up on March 11 with vomiting and diarrhea, continued feeling ill through to the morning of March 15, when he was found to be lethargic and unable to communicate. I took him to urgent care where he was immediately rushed to the hospital emergency room at local hospital. He went into cardiac arrest for 20 minutes while in the ER. Besides the cardiac arrest patient presented with the following: Acidosis, acute renal failure, acute respiratory failure, shock, severe sepsis, septic shock, sepsis, right ventricular enlargement, pleural effusion bilateral, pericardial effusion, etc... Patient was in ICU and on a ventilator for 1 week, then 5 days in telemetry. He was released when stable as a diagnosis could could not determined. Discharge instructions were to follow up with primary care Dr for additional tests. Patient was discharged on March 26, 2021. He went to hospital March 30 for blood work for a primary care appt on April 2. Patient's blood pressure was again very low and his sodium level was dangerously low, he was again admitted to the hospital. After exhaustive tests it was determine he has Addison's autoimmune and Hashimoto's autoimmune diseases. He was discharged from hospital on March 5, 2021. Patient was put on hydrocortisone, fludocortisone, and levoxothorine. He is now doing fine on the medication.
33 2021-05-17 shortness of breath 5/13 10pm pain at injection site, body aches, chills 5/14 body aches, all over weakness, pain at in... Read more
5/13 10pm pain at injection site, body aches, chills 5/14 body aches, all over weakness, pain at injection site, irritable, skin painful to touch 5/15 joint popping and pain, all over weakness, pain at injection site, body aches, irritable, skin painful to touch 5/16 all over weakness, no energy, tires easily, joint popping and pain 5/17 all over weakness, tires easily, no energy, joint popping and pain, gets winded quickly
33 2021-05-22 shortness of breath 24 hours after vaccination developed dizziness and muscle pain which progressed rapidly to confusion... Read more
24 hours after vaccination developed dizziness and muscle pain which progressed rapidly to confusion, slurred speech, and labored breathing. Acute onset (minutes) developed full body ?pins and needles? and numbness especially prominent in hands, feet, and sides of neck. Bilateral. Acute symptoms lasted approximately 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, acute symptoms improved but followed immediately by chills, extreme lethargy, and flushing of face. I was disoriented (?dazed?) for approximately 3 hours after episode. I was in a remote area and was not able to present to medical care by the time symptoms subsided.
33 2021-05-24 shortness of breath Worse coughing; Neck hurts from artery pumping hard; Back pain; Arm pain; has been in bed all month;... Read more
Worse coughing; Neck hurts from artery pumping hard; Back pain; Arm pain; has been in bed all month; Flu like symptoms; Nausea; Headache; Joint ache; Cold chills; Jaw pain; Hot flushing; Severe bilateral foot pain; Shortness of breath; Felt like having heart attack with bad chest pain; sick to his stomach; Feeling worse since getting second covid shot; Fainted a couple times/collapsed/becomes faint if he exerts himself; Pulmonary hypertension was high at 124; Suspected immune response to the vaccine; This spontaneous case was reported by a health care professional (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of SYNCOPE (Fainted a couple times/collapsed/becomes faint if he exerts himself) and PULMONARY HYPERTENSION (Pulmonary hypertension was high at 124) in a 33-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Co-suspect product included non-company product MACITENTAN tablet for Pulmonary hypertension. Concomitant products included SILDENAFIL CITRATE and TREPROSTINIL SODIUM for an unknown indication. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form and MACITENTAN (Oral) 10 mg once a day. In March 2021, the patient experienced SYNCOPE (Fainted a couple times/collapsed/becomes faint if he exerts himself) (seriousness criterion medically significant), PULMONARY HYPERTENSION (Pulmonary hypertension was high at 124) (seriousness criterion medically significant), VACCINATION COMPLICATION (Suspected immune response to the vaccine) and CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Feeling worse since getting second covid shot). On an unknown date, the patient experienced PAIN IN JAW (Jaw pain), HOT FLUSH (Hot flushing), PAIN IN EXTREMITY (Severe bilateral foot pain), DYSPNOEA (Shortness of breath), CHEST PAIN (Felt like having heart attack with bad chest pain), ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORT (sick to his stomach), COUGH (Worse coughing), NECK PAIN (Neck hurts from artery pumping hard), BACK PAIN (Back pain), PAIN IN EXTREMITY (Arm pain), BEDRIDDEN (has been in bed all month), INFLUENZA LIKE ILLNESS (Flu like symptoms), NAUSEA (Nausea), HEADACHE (Headache), ARTHRALGIA (Joint ache) and CHILLS (Cold chills). At the time of the report, SYNCOPE (Fainted a couple times/collapsed/becomes faint if he exerts himself), PULMONARY HYPERTENSION (Pulmonary hypertension was high at 124), VACCINATION COMPLICATION (Suspected immune response to the vaccine), PAIN IN JAW (Jaw pain), HOT FLUSH (Hot flushing), PAIN IN EXTREMITY (Severe bilateral foot pain), DYSPNOEA (Shortness of breath), CHEST PAIN (Felt like having heart attack with bad chest pain), ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORT (sick to his stomach), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Feeling worse since getting second covid shot), COUGH (Worse coughing), NECK PAIN (Neck hurts from artery pumping hard), BACK PAIN (Back pain), PAIN IN EXTREMITY (Arm pain), BEDRIDDEN (has been in bed all month), INFLUENZA LIKE ILLNESS (Flu like symptoms), NAUSEA (Nausea), HEADACHE (Headache), ARTHRALGIA (Joint ache) and CHILLS (Cold chills) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Brain natriuretic peptide: 570 (High) elevated up to 570. The action taken with mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) was unknown. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Treatment information included paracetamol. Company Comment: Based on current available information and the temporal association between product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded.; Sender's Comments: Based on current available information and the temporal association between product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded.
33 2021-06-10 shortness of breath Chest pain and shortness of breath persisted for 24 hours. No resolution from aspirin, ibuprofen, or... Read more
Chest pain and shortness of breath persisted for 24 hours. No resolution from aspirin, ibuprofen, or albuterol. Went to emergency room.
33 2021-06-12 shortness of breath Chest pains for month. Wake up middle of night difficulty breathing. Lasted almost 2 months
33 2021-06-26 shortness of breath Shortened breath and hearth discomfort
33 2021-06-27 shortness of breath The patient came in today (6/28/21) and got his second vaccine with his wife. I explained the recomm... Read more
The patient came in today (6/28/21) and got his second vaccine with his wife. I explained the recommended wait time and they chose to walk around the store instead. They returned to the window maybe 15 minutes later and he said that he had mild SOB only when he took in deep breaths. I went through the anaphylaxis related questions to make sure that he wasn't having any throat or tongue swelling and no trouble breathing and he said no to all questions and that "its really not even that bad, only if I breathe in deep. I just wasn't sure if it was a normal reaction." I explained to him that it wasn't normal and that if it continued and especially if it got worse he would want to go to one of the clinics/hospitals to get it checked out. Him and his wife didn't seem too worried but verbalized their understanding and continued to walk around/leave the store. Pt was not short of breath on presentation to pharmacy window. I called the patient about 20-30 minutes later to ask how he was doing and he stated that he "was feeling better" and was thankful that we called to check on him.
33 2021-06-29 asthma Patient died on March 27, 2021. Coroner ruled it Acute Asthma Exacerbation. Because it was only a sh... Read more
Patient died on March 27, 2021. Coroner ruled it Acute Asthma Exacerbation. Because it was only a short time after his shot, his family wants to rule that out as a possible cause of death.
33 2021-07-04 shortness of breath Chest pain / shortness of breath
33 2021-07-18 shortness of breath It completely messed me up. After I got the vaccine I got the normal symptoms, fever, chills, cough,... Read more
It completely messed me up. After I got the vaccine I got the normal symptoms, fever, chills, cough, and then I started having trouble breathing and very major back pain and chills. I ended up getting pretty bad hypothermia my body tempt dropped down to 91.2, my whole right side of my body was completely numb to the point I could not move my right arm or leg. 2-3 days later I ended up passing out in my bedroom. I was out of work for about a month and a half. I remember being very weak and trying to call for help and I just blacked out completely confused. I woke up again and then I tried to get up but I was to weak so I fell down in my bed. I blacked out again. I woke up very confused not knowing where I was. it took me a minute or two to realize I was still in my bedroom. I could not breathe so I drove to the hospital. They said I had double pneumonia, they gave me antibiotics, They also gave me an emergency inhaler that I am still using sometimes. I still sometimes have attacks that I cannot breathe and sometimes I cough off phlegm out of my lungs. Also, palpitations rapid and slow palpitations. Also, light headedness, I walk around and I felt very dizzy so I would have to sit down and catch my breath. I lost taste and smell. My oxygen levels dropped too below 95.
34 2021-01-07 wheezing Headache, CoughWheeze, congestion
34 2021-01-10 shortness of breath Coughing, sometimes short of breath, headache, and a low grade fever
34 2021-01-11 shortness of breath Pt reports of immediate symptoms of L arm soreness (at site of injection), body aches, headache, chi... Read more
Pt reports of immediate symptoms of L arm soreness (at site of injection), body aches, headache, chills, shortness of breath, and palpitations for the past 2 days (since the vaccination was administered). Pt has been taking Motrin and Tylenol for pain control and it seems to be helping. Pt was afebrile, non-toxic appearing, in no acute respiratory distress, with normal vital signs. No abnormalities noted on exam. Recommend continued fluid hydration and symptomatic management. Strict return precautions discussed. Pt was d/c with recommended close follow up with PCM as needed.
34 2021-01-11 throat swelling Pt took "T4" pre-workout approx. an 75min prior to vaccine, during that time he worked out/exercised... Read more
Pt took "T4" pre-workout approx. an 75min prior to vaccine, during that time he worked out/exercised without issue and arrived for his vaccine approx. 15min after completion of his workout. Following his initial vaccination at approx. 530pm, the patient (EMT) walked back to the ambulance in which he was working and bypassed the observation area. He reports approx. 20min later he began experiencing the sensation that his throat was swelling and immediately began dry heaving. He returned inside and was tachycardic on monitoring and shivering. The patient never lost his ability to breath during his time at the vaccination clinic but ultimately received a single dose of IM Epinephrine, Zytec 10mg, and Benadryl (unknown dose) and transported by ambulance to the local ER. no rashes were observed at the time of intial onset through the time of transport (approx. 20min)
34 2021-01-17 shortness of breath Pt had chest tightness, diaphoresis, and shortness of breath after receiving the Covid vaccine. Symp... Read more
Pt had chest tightness, diaphoresis, and shortness of breath after receiving the Covid vaccine. Symptoms lasted about 15 minutes then completely resolved. He went to the ED for evaluation. He also had a mild headache, which was treated with Tylenol.
34 2021-01-28 shortness of breath, throat swelling Pt received first dose of COVID vaccine today and reports about 3 minutes later started feeling ting... Read more
Pt received first dose of COVID vaccine today and reports about 3 minutes later started feeling tingling and itching round his lips And in the mouth, he reported his symptoms About 10 min after the dose and white code was called . When we arrive patient sitting on a floor, appears anxious, ashen color, breathing hard, appears a little out of it but responding to questions well. His vitals were stable, , tachycardic 102-118, No rashes, no wheezing on exam, lips not appear swollen, he is speaking OK, reports sensation of swelling or lump in his throat. EpiPen was used and 0.3mg administered at 16:59, 911 called , IV access obtained and solumedrol 125 mg administered followed by pepcid 20 mg IV. Patient felt N, no V. His breathing efford and color improved, reports feeling better. Pt has h/o anaphilactic reaction to peanuts in th
34 2021-01-28 shortness of breath Employee presented to employee health a little before 2 pm with generalized erythema and shortness o... Read more
Employee presented to employee health a little before 2 pm with generalized erythema and shortness of breath. He was taken to same day clinic where he received one dose Epipen IM and diphenhydramine 50 mg IM, and 911 was called. He started to feel better, had less labored breathing and decreased erythema. Paramedics arrived and he was taken to local hospital.
34 2021-02-11 throat swelling, shortness of breath, throat tightness 7:38Flushed initially 7:45Felt upper airway closing associated with SOB and cough 7:52 -58 BP 160/99... Read more
7:38Flushed initially 7:45Felt upper airway closing associated with SOB and cough 7:52 -58 BP 160/99 O2 sats 98%. Uvula and throat slightly swollen. Was given Benadryl 50mg IM with vitals stable. and then given epinephrine 0.3mg IM. along with 2L O2. 8:03 Patient much better with symptoms clearing
34 2021-02-22 shortness of breath Heaviness in my chest, sensation of not getting a full breath, extreme lack of energy and exhaustion
34 2021-03-08 throat swelling Patient received vaccine on 2/25/21. Reported side effects started on 3/5/21- generalized hives or ... Read more
Patient received vaccine on 2/25/21. Reported side effects started on 3/5/21- generalized hives or itching and swelling of lips, face and throat.
34 2021-03-11 throat tightness Feeling of numbness, tingling, and tightness to throat.
34 2021-03-13 shortness of breath Faintness followed by sweating, chills, tightness in chest, labored breathing. All symptoms arose wi... Read more
Faintness followed by sweating, chills, tightness in chest, labored breathing. All symptoms arose within 5 minutes of the dose and subsided within 30-45 minutes. Pharmacy called 911 and EMTs came and said my vitals were good.
34 2021-03-16 throat swelling Two days of pain at the site of injection beginning 4 hours after injection. 52 hours after injectio... Read more
Two days of pain at the site of injection beginning 4 hours after injection. 52 hours after injection feeling of headache, fatigue, chills, swollen throat. Interrupted sleep for two nights after injection, each night with vivid dreams.
34 2021-03-21 shortness of breath Began feeling weak and feverish at 10pm. Woke up next morning with a fever and cold chills, along wi... Read more
Began feeling weak and feverish at 10pm. Woke up next morning with a fever and cold chills, along with muscle fatigue, light sensitivity, headache, and heavy breathing. Fever reached a max of 101 through the day. Continued until the next morning, where the symptoms lessened, but didn't go away until about 7pm.
34 2021-04-05 shortness of breath Fever, chills, sweating, nausea, headache, fatigue, scalp tenderness, shortness of breath . Symptom... Read more
Fever, chills, sweating, nausea, headache, fatigue, scalp tenderness, shortness of breath . Symptoms started on 03 APR 2021, fever resolved on 05 APR 2021, all other symptoms continue. Injection site redness and tenderness is also present.
34 2021-04-11 lung infiltration, acute respiratory failure The patient received his 2nd dose of Moderna (LOT#, site, time unavailable) at an outside clinic the... Read more
The patient received his 2nd dose of Moderna (LOT#, site, time unavailable) at an outside clinic the morning of 2/10/21 and presented to the ED with coughing and hypoxia (sp02 occasionally dropping into 70's) at 8 PM that day. He had quadriplegic spinal paralysis as a result of a remote MVA and has been hospitalized and critically ill in the past due to recurrent UTI's and pneumonia with associated sepsis. CT negative for pulmonary embolism and showed bilateral infiltrates. Clinical presentation consistent with bilateral pneumonia and started on Rocephin/azithromycin. He was initially stable in the hospital on 1-2 LPM 02. The following evening he became febrile and acutely developed asystole without any pre-existing arrhythmia. Resuscitation was attempted for 45 minutes but unsuccessful. Overall, I suspect his death was related to bacterial pneumonia and resulting acute respiratory failure, complicated by his quadriplegia and autonomic dysreflexia but reported this event as it did occur within 2 days of receiving his 2nd Moderna vaccination.
34 2021-04-12 throat tightness, throat swelling, choking Throat is constricted; Throat is swollen; Choked on his medication; Nausea; This spontaneous case wa... Read more
Throat is constricted; Throat is swollen; Choked on his medication; Nausea; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of CHOKING (Choked on his medication) in a 34-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. 020B21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The patient's past medical history included No adverse reaction. Concomitant products included SERTRALINE, TRAZODONE and GABAPENTIN for an unknown indication. On 29-Mar-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 29-Mar-2021, the patient experienced CHOKING (Choked on his medication) (seriousness criterion medically significant) and NAUSEA (Nausea). On 30-Mar-2021, the patient experienced THROAT TIGHTNESS (Throat is constricted) and PHARYNGEAL SWELLING (Throat is swollen). At the time of the report, CHOKING (Choked on his medication), NAUSEA (Nausea), THROAT TIGHTNESS (Throat is constricted) and PHARYNGEAL SWELLING (Throat is swollen) outcome was unknown. The action taken with mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) was unknown. Treatment of these events were not provided.; Sender's Comments: Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded.
34 2021-04-13 respiration abnormal Per patient, he experienced elevated heart rate, breathing issues, fever, nausea, and delirium
34 2021-04-14 shortness of breath pt reported palpitations and shortness of breath 20 minutes after vaccination. pulse measured at 120... Read more
pt reported palpitations and shortness of breath 20 minutes after vaccination. pulse measured at 120/min, twice, 5 minutes apart.
34 2021-04-17 shortness of breath, very rapid breathing Approximately 1.5 weeks after my initial vaccination for COVID 19, I developed 2 notable side-effect... Read more
Approximately 1.5 weeks after my initial vaccination for COVID 19, I developed 2 notable side-effects: 1) The site of the objection become slightly swollen, and itchy. The itchiness was immediately accompanied by a reddening of the skin and a subsequent rash. The affect was entirely localized to about an inch 'around' the site of the injection and did NOT extend to any other part of my arm or body. 2) A shortness of breath developed that -could- be compounded by a pre-existing anxiety condition. The shortness of breath is NOT a major impediment, and simply manifests itself throughout the past two days (4-17 and 4-18) as becoming easily winded with light activity (walking) and general need to take deeper, more 'forced' breaths.
34 2021-04-18 shortness of breath, throat tightness, wheezing 1 Day after the injection, inside my mouth began to swell, my throat began to close up and limit my ... Read more
1 Day after the injection, inside my mouth began to swell, my throat began to close up and limit my breathing, wheezing was taking place, my eyes were also starting to swell shut as well as sneezing and runny nose. Coughing also took place. No rash was present and nothing present at the injection site. Allergy symptoms subsided over the next few hours as a result of Zyrtec being taken. Swelling of eyes remained until the next day after the event.
34 2021-04-18 shortness of breath Onset occurred two weeks after the first dose. Dizziness, shortness of breath, weakness, extreme anx... Read more
Onset occurred two weeks after the first dose. Dizziness, shortness of breath, weakness, extreme anxiety, vertigo and racing heartbeat; muscular inflammation spasms and knotting specifically in upper back shoulders and neck; body aches and joint pain; sleep disruptions.
34 2021-04-20 shortness of breath, throat swelling The adverse reaction begin with dizziness, light headiness and increased body temp. Upon being relea... Read more
The adverse reaction begin with dizziness, light headiness and increased body temp. Upon being released from vaccine location while driving an allergic reaction occurred causing swelling of the throat, skin change to red and rash like. I called 911 as I had trouble breathing and an ambulance took me to the hospital and administred epinephrine and benadryl. They called it analphlatic shock or extreme allergic reaction.
34 2021-04-20 throat tightness Received Moderna vaccine at 10:30 am on 4/21/21. within 15 minutes felt tightness in throat and "fl... Read more
Received Moderna vaccine at 10:30 am on 4/21/21. within 15 minutes felt tightness in throat and "flush" from the neck up. One hour later became diaphoretic and arms swelled. The swelling to arms is similar to the reaction he has with pecan allergic reactions
34 2021-04-21 shortness of breath Side effects started after 4 minutes of the shot. I started with nausea, followed by shortness of br... Read more
Side effects started after 4 minutes of the shot. I started with nausea, followed by shortness of breathe as well as heart pacing at a faster rate. The feeling was uncomfortable, so I stood up to walk around. After 15 seconds, I felt very nauseous as weak. Hey went to sit back down, but felled while trying to sit. I was able to sit back up and started to shake/shiver and sweat heavily. This happen for over 15 minutes, than it felt as it was coming and going.(the side effects) for the next 40 minutes, I felt very weak and stiff in the left arm. After another 20 minutes, I started to feel better/normal. My arm started to feel less stiff. Waited another hour and half total before discharged from the clinic.
34 2021-04-26 throat swelling anaphylaxis reaction; severe allergic reaction; throat closing up/throat started swelling; dizzy; la... Read more
anaphylaxis reaction; severe allergic reaction; throat closing up/throat started swelling; dizzy; lack of appetite; vertigo; headaches; started to feel hot; breaking out in a rash/skin began to break out; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION (anaphylaxis reaction) in a 34-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. 039A21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. No Medical History information was reported. On 05-Apr-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 05-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION (anaphylaxis reaction) (seriousness criterion medically significant), ALLERGY TO VACCINE (severe allergic reaction), PHARYNGEAL SWELLING (throat closing up/throat started swelling), DIZZINESS (dizzy), DECREASED APPETITE (lack of appetite), VERTIGO (vertigo), HEADACHE (headaches), FEELING HOT (started to feel hot) and RASH (breaking out in a rash/skin began to break out). At the time of the report, ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION (anaphylaxis reaction), ALLERGY TO VACCINE (severe allergic reaction), PHARYNGEAL SWELLING (throat closing up/throat started swelling), DIZZINESS (dizzy), DECREASED APPETITE (lack of appetite), HEADACHE (headaches), FEELING HOT (started to feel hot) and RASH (breaking out in a rash/skin began to break out) had resolved and VERTIGO (vertigo) outcome was unknown. The action taken with mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) was unknown. Treatment included: Epinephrine given in hospital, Benadryl and Predisone Based on current available information and the temporal association between product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded.; Sender's Comments: Based on current available information and the temporal association between product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded.
34 2021-04-27 shortness of breath Patient passed away 4/12/2021 suddenly, found by family on couch. Was having shortness of breath day... Read more
Patient passed away 4/12/2021 suddenly, found by family on couch. Was having shortness of breath day before. Per mom, patient had been laughing and talking the morning before patient passed away.
34 2021-04-30 shortness of breath High fever, body ache, short breathe
34 2021-05-09 shortness of breath Shortness of breath, swelling, diaphoresis. Diagnosed with myocarditis and acute heart failure which... Read more
Shortness of breath, swelling, diaphoresis. Diagnosed with myocarditis and acute heart failure which led to cardiogenic shock.
34 2021-05-29 shortness of breath, throat tightness I received the Covid 19 Moderna vaccine on 5/14/2021; approximately at 6pm. I experienced about 5 h... Read more
I received the Covid 19 Moderna vaccine on 5/14/2021; approximately at 6pm. I experienced about 5 hours later adverse reactions. I went to be around 11pm. Upon laying down I began to get dizzy and my heart began to pound rapidly. This strong heart pounding would last 5 hours straight. An hour later my throat started to get a tight feeling with tingling under the chin area and my saliva production began to slow drying out my mouth. Breathing became more labored and difficult. At this time my heart was still beating strong. I had intense Insomnia. The one time that I tried to lay down; when my body would try to doze off for a second; my body would suddenly jolt me awake with an intense shaking and heart pounding.
34 2021-05-31 shortness of breath Heart Attack; Panic attack; Couldnt breathe; Felt like chest caved in; Chest pain; Blood clot; Arm P... Read more
Heart Attack; Panic attack; Couldnt breathe; Felt like chest caved in; Chest pain; Blood clot; Arm Pain; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (Heart Attack), PAIN IN EXTREMITY (Arm Pain), PANIC ATTACK (Panic attack), DYSPNOEA (Couldnt breathe), CHEST DISCOMFORT (Felt like chest caved in), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) and THROMBOSIS (Blood clot) in a 34-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. 048B21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Flu vaccination (received about 5 weeks ago before he got the Covid Shot and had chest pain) and Sinusitis (the patient stated that he violently threw up and he was sick for 2 weeks; the doctors then said that it may have been a stroke or a heart attack but he definitely had sinusitis.). Concurrent medical conditions included Diabetes, Cholesterol high and Blood pressure high. On 13-May-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 13-May-2021, the patient experienced PAIN IN EXTREMITY (Arm Pain) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). On 15-May-2021, the patient experienced PANIC ATTACK (Panic attack) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), DYSPNOEA (Couldnt breathe) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), CHEST DISCOMFORT (Felt like chest caved in) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and THROMBOSIS (Blood clot) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and medically significant). On 15-May-2021 at 4:00 PM, the patient experienced MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (Heart Attack) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and medically significant). The patient was hospitalized for 3 days due to CHEST DISCOMFORT, CHEST PAIN, DYSPNOEA, MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION, PAIN IN EXTREMITY, PANIC ATTACK and THROMBOSIS. The patient was treated with ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID (BABY ASPIRIN) ongoing since an unknown date at an unspecified dose and frequency; LISINOPRIL ongoing since an unknown date at a dose of 5 mg; METOPROLOL SUCCINATE ongoing since an unknown date at a dose of 50 mg; NITROGLYCERIN ongoing since an unknown date at a dose of 10 mg as required; PRASUGREL ongoing since an unknown date at a dose of 10 milligram; SPIRONOLACTONE ongoing since an unknown date at a dose of 25 mg and ROSUVASTATIN ongoing since an unknown date at a dose of 80 milligram. At the time of the report, MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (Heart Attack), PAIN IN EXTREMITY (Arm Pain), PANIC ATTACK (Panic attack), DYSPNOEA (Couldnt breathe), CHEST DISCOMFORT (Felt like chest caved in), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) and THROMBOSIS (Blood clot) outcome was unknown. The action taken with mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) was unknown. Concomitant medications were not reported. The patient reported that he had a heart attack on 15 May 2021, after football practice Patient was in the hospital for 3 days. Treatment also included catheter placement and then a stint in heart. Company Comment : Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded.; Sender's Comments: Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded.
34 2021-06-06 shortness of breath Patient received first dose of Moderna Covid 19 Vaccine at approximately 10:20AM and shortly began c... Read more
Patient received first dose of Moderna Covid 19 Vaccine at approximately 10:20AM and shortly began complaining of trouble breathing. Assessed patient. Patient denied experiencing any lightheadedness or any itching. Gave patient 2 capsules of diphenhydramine 25mg (50mg total) at approximately 10:30AM. At 10:33AM patient breathing continued to become more labored. Administered 0.3mg of epinephrine into anterior right thigh. At 10:37AM, EMT arrived on scene and continued to monitor and evaluate patient. Patient was transported to hospital.
34 2021-06-16 throat swelling Vaccine dose 2 caused severe fever, headache, muscle pain. Fever persisted for ~3-4 days, peaking on... Read more
Vaccine dose 2 caused severe fever, headache, muscle pain. Fever persisted for ~3-4 days, peaking on day 2. 9 days post vaccine developed sudden allergy and broke out in hives on neck, hands, belt line that spread to head, shoulders, chest, legs, groin, hands and arms. Throat swelling at day 10 post vaccination, and again on day 12. Now required to carry epi-pen. Sought medical treatment on day 10, and started on course of steroids and antihistamines. After sever throat swelling on evening of day 11, returned to dr. to receive more antihistamine prescriptions and epi-pen prescription.
34 2021-06-21 shortness of breath Patient reports bleeding heavily from vaccination site. He went to bed that night and awoke at 3am u... Read more
Patient reports bleeding heavily from vaccination site. He went to bed that night and awoke at 3am unable to breathe temporarily. He was clammy/sweaty and awake for 2 hours. On Sunday, 6/20 he ran a fever of 102 degree F, had an extremely sore vaccination arm, and felt a general malaise.
34 2021-06-22 shortness of breath Shortness of breath for at least four weeks now. Feels like I can only inhale 75-80% of my usual abi... Read more
Shortness of breath for at least four weeks now. Feels like I can only inhale 75-80% of my usual ability. Occurs throughout the day regardless of activities undertaken. Symptom started shortly after 2nd covid-19 Moderna shot and has persisted ever since.
34 2021-06-23 shortness of breath On 6-24-21, the patient came in to inform us that he could not get his 2nd dose of moderna on the a... Read more
On 6-24-21, the patient came in to inform us that he could not get his 2nd dose of moderna on the advice of his doctor. He said about 45 minutes after he received the vaccination, he started experiencing chest pains. He went to the emergency room. He said they did 2 E.K.G's, 2 chest X-rays, and blood work. He said they could not find the cause. He said the day after the vaccination he started experiencing shortness of breath and 1 week after the vaccination he started having swelling of the extremities. He said his doctor doesn't know if the vaccination is the cause but warned him not to get the 2nd dose. He says to this day he still experiences a dull ache in his chest, shortness of breath and swelling of the extremities. He said he is seeking treatment from a cardiologist. He said he is concerned about myocarditis.
34 2021-06-23 painful respiration, shortness of breath on 6/17 patient developed L shoulder pain with progressive cough, SOB, and inspiratory chest pain. E... Read more
on 6/17 patient developed L shoulder pain with progressive cough, SOB, and inspiratory chest pain. ER admission discovered large pericardial effusion, low grade fever, elevated ERS, CRP, WBC.
35 2020-12-31 throat tightness Slight numbness on the left side of my face, starting somewhere around a half an hour to an hour aft... Read more
Slight numbness on the left side of my face, starting somewhere around a half an hour to an hour after injection. It is now 28 hours after receiving the vaccine and the numbness is still present but milder than this time yesterday. Additionally, there was a very slight sensation of tightness in my throat that has almost completely subsided.
35 2021-01-02 exercise-induced asthma, shortness of breath 12 hours post vaccination, first symptom was nausea and fatigue. At this time, heart rate elevated ... Read more
12 hours post vaccination, first symptom was nausea and fatigue. At this time, heart rate elevated to 122 bpm while at rest, and oxygen saturation decreased to 92% while supine with head of bed elevated to 30 degrees. The following morning, experienced general malaise, shortness of breath with stairs and household ambulation, and body aches/joint pain. Symptoms resolved Sunday evening, however experiencing minimal shortness of breath, in comparison to day 1.
35 2021-01-04 throat tightness, throat swelling A few moments after vaccination individual complained of throat numb and tingling and felt like it w... Read more
A few moments after vaccination individual complained of throat numb and tingling and felt like it was swelling shut. Epinephrine was considered but condition resolved within about 20 minutes with no epinephrine given.
35 2021-01-06 shortness of breath Headache shortness of breath, injection site pain Narrative: patient reports shortness of breath res... Read more
Headache shortness of breath, injection site pain Narrative: patient reports shortness of breath resolved with rest; no treatment needed for headache or injection site pain
35 2021-01-07 shortness of breath I felt nothing for the 15 minute waiting period after the shot. About 35 minutes after the shot (wh... Read more
I felt nothing for the 15 minute waiting period after the shot. About 35 minutes after the shot (while driving home) I noticed tingling on the tip of my tongue with mild lightheadedness, sweating, and shortness of breath. I pulled over, drank some water, and all these symptoms went away in less than a minute. I felt a little malaise on the drive home.
35 2021-01-07 wheezing Dizziness, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, HYPERtension, generalized itching, absent of rash or general... Read more
Dizziness, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, HYPERtension, generalized itching, absent of rash or generalization monitored in emergency department, discharged without concern
35 2021-01-08 shortness of breath MODERNA COVID-19 VACCINE EUA. Temp between 101 & 103.9 all evening with alternating Tylenol & Ibupro... Read more
MODERNA COVID-19 VACCINE EUA. Temp between 101 & 103.9 all evening with alternating Tylenol & Ibuprofen. Nauseated, shortness of breath are also being experienced.
35 2021-01-11 shortness of breath Client vaccinated and 7:15pm on 1/7/21. Symptoms began 06:00 on 1/8/21. Symptoms included severe chi... Read more
Client vaccinated and 7:15pm on 1/7/21. Symptoms began 06:00 on 1/8/21. Symptoms included severe chills, nausea, dry heaving, temp 102.4, severe joint pain, shortness of breath, headache, fatigue. Client alternated between Tylenol and ibuprofen.
35 2021-01-11 wheezing Headache, Myalgia, Fever & CoughWheeze Narrative:
35 2021-01-14 shortness of breath Maybe 1 minute after receiving the vaccine I began to have a syncopal episode, the nurse practitione... Read more
Maybe 1 minute after receiving the vaccine I began to have a syncopal episode, the nurse practitioner thought that since I was heavy I began to have a vasovagal reaction. From there they asked me to sit with the others waiting 15 minutes to make sure they were ok to leave. As I sat the symptoms would come and go, as if in a pattern, and then return. The longer I sat there the more the symptoms began to grow, after sitting for an hour they decided to send me to the ER. At this time I was experiencing nausea, vomiting, sweating, I was itchy, I could not stop coughing, it was difficult to breath, and I had the worse headache. When I got to the ER they gave me drugs to reverse the allergic reaction and told me they would watch me for a while. In the next 4 hours all of the symptoms started again and I had to get another round of the reaction drugs, I ended up going through this process 4 times before I was safe enough to go home the next day. The provider that saw me and admitted me did not do any blood work or labs, they simply provided me with the reaction drugs when needed and my home medications.
35 2021-01-18 shortness of breath Two minutes after injection patient experienced dizziness, nausea, R ear plugged, some chest pressur... Read more
Two minutes after injection patient experienced dizziness, nausea, R ear plugged, some chest pressure and shortness of breath
35 2021-01-24 throat swelling Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA After receiving the vaccine, I felt my throat swell up a bit, which cau... Read more
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA After receiving the vaccine, I felt my throat swell up a bit, which caused me to slightly panic during the 15 minute observational period; however, it went away after approximately 5 minutes. I initially wasn't convinced it had anything to do with the vaccine. Later that day, I went into work for third shift. At approximately 1:30 am (approx 11 hrs. after the vaccine), I began to feel very ill. I developed flu like symptoms and a headache, which caused me to leave work. I continued having flu symptoms, chills, nausea, body aches, and a very severe migraine on and off until I woke up on 01-22-20 at approximately 6:00 am. At this time, the migraine had subsided and I just had some minor body aches,, which over the next 24 hrs. also went away. The migraine should be noted as debilitating to the point I was dizzy, my mind was foggy, but worst of all, the pain was so bad I was constantly nauseous and my eyes were regularly watering. I never was tested for COVID-19; however, I believe my family had potentially had the virus in October. My wife and I exhibited many of the signs and symptoms of the virus, including my wife losing taste and smell for an extended period of time.
35 2021-01-25 wheezing Headache, Sedation, Myalgia, Arthralgia, Fever & CoughWheeze
35 2021-01-27 shortness of breath Patient reportedly had shortness of breath, hives, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting approximately 4 hours... Read more
Patient reportedly had shortness of breath, hives, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting approximately 4 hours after receiving vaccine. Symptoms resolved with Benadryl.
35 2021-02-08 shortness of breath Rash, difficulty breathing, cotton mouth, tight chest, hives, swelling tongue,
35 2021-02-14 shortness of breath One minute after injection my BP roses from 120/75 to 158/107. Also, my PR dropped below 50 and was ... Read more
One minute after injection my BP roses from 120/75 to 158/107. Also, my PR dropped below 50 and was accompanied with lightheaded ness, LOB, face turned red, and persistent aphasia. These symptoms lasted 48 hours then I felt good for approximately 12 hours before increases nausea, SOB, heavy chest set in. I am now 4 days out with bouts of increased BP with my face turning bright red for hours on end.
35 2021-02-17 shortness of breath, throat swelling Thursday, February 11th: Fever, Chills, Nausea, Malayze Friday, February 12th: Severe Chest Pain fro... Read more
Thursday, February 11th: Fever, Chills, Nausea, Malayze Friday, February 12th: Severe Chest Pain from sternum to throat, Difficulty Swallowing, Pain in left chest Saturday, February 13th: Itching, Swelling in Left Hand, Welts/Hives on extremities and stomach, Swelling to face, swelling to throat Sunday, February 14th - Tuesday, February 16th: Fatigue Wednesday, February 17th: Difficulty Breathing, Shortness of Breath
35 2021-02-17 shortness of breath Tuesday, 2/16/22012 about 1:20PM I started having headache. Then later hard to breathe with mask on.... Read more
Tuesday, 2/16/22012 about 1:20PM I started having headache. Then later hard to breathe with mask on. Around 5 PM I began having chest pain when breathing in. Wednesday I woke up about 9 am with headaches and I was really tired. Thursday 2/18/ 2021 I wake with mild headaches and chest pains when breathing in. I call the nurse at the Medical Center and she informs me that I need to come to the Emergency Room.
35 2021-02-22 shortness of breath, pulmonary congestion shortness of breathe, fever 102-103, chills, weakness, congestion, dizziness, diarrhea for 36 hours ... Read more
shortness of breathe, fever 102-103, chills, weakness, congestion, dizziness, diarrhea for 36 hours - tried to treat with ibuprofen and tylenol
35 2021-02-24 shortness of breath After 12 hours of getting the first shot I started to experince difficulty breathing, vomiting, cou... Read more
After 12 hours of getting the first shot I started to experince difficulty breathing, vomiting, coughing and fast heartbeat along with soar throat. I ended up to go the emergency room.
35 2021-03-04 shortness of breath Patient experience shortness of breath and chest pain
35 2021-03-04 throat tightness Client c/o of a little throat tightness during the 15 minute observation. Client taken to exam room.... Read more
Client c/o of a little throat tightness during the 15 minute observation. Client taken to exam room. Vitals taken Bp127/73, HR, 58, o2 96%, RR 14. Client given benadryl 25mg and observed for 30 more minutes. Client stated throat improved. Breath sounds clear, heart sounds s1s2.
35 2021-03-19 throat tightness Pt reported history of anaphylaxis to peanuts and bee stings. Advised of risks of allergic reaction... Read more
Pt reported history of anaphylaxis to peanuts and bee stings. Advised of risks of allergic reaction and requested 30 minute wait. A few minutes after administration pt reported throat tightness and acid reflux similar to his peanut allergy. Administered 25mg of diphenhydramine (10 mL of 12.5mg/5 mL solution). After 5 minutes pt reported tongue thickening, chest tightness, and increased throat tightness. Administered epinephrine 0.15mg auto-injector and called 911. Continued to monitor pt. He reported that his throat tightness subsided, his tongue felt better, and he no longer had chest tightness after epinephrine. EMS arrived and transported patient.
35 2021-03-22 shortness of breath 1350 - after receiving the shot, pt reports feeling light headed and hard to breathe. Pt. was helped... Read more
1350 - after receiving the shot, pt reports feeling light headed and hard to breathe. Pt. was helped to cot by friend and biosafety personnel. 1401 - BP 109/69, pulse 112, pt calm and conversational. RN explained the vasovagal response to the patient, who explained that this has happened to him in the past "every time he got a shot". Pt reported feeling much better while lying on cot with a cold compress. MD recommended not drive, friend offered to drive pt home with family. Pt. given water to drink, advised to seek care as needed.
35 2021-04-06 shortness of breath Body pains all over it feels like its in my bones , Nausea, Headache, Foggy Head, Shortness of brea... Read more
Body pains all over it feels like its in my bones , Nausea, Headache, Foggy Head, Shortness of breath not all the time but when i stand for certain amount of times
35 2021-04-14 shortness of breath After about 30 mins felt as though my uvula was swollen and back of throat was dry. Drank what guil... Read more
After about 30 mins felt as though my uvula was swollen and back of throat was dry. Drank what guilds I had during the hour drive back home. Did not have trouble breathing and was still able to drink fluids but inflammation did occur. Swelling reduced after a few hours with no other symptoms.
35 2021-04-15 shortness of breath On Friday April 16th, 2021, at around 12:10 AM, I had responded to an email for work that I forgot t... Read more
On Friday April 16th, 2021, at around 12:10 AM, I had responded to an email for work that I forgot to respond to in the afternoon because I was receiving my first Moderna vaccine at that time. The email induced a lot of stress and shortly thereafter I felt my chest feeling heavy and started wondering whether I had trouble breathing. It is currently Friday April 16th at 1:32 AM, I woke up my housemate and we took a walk around the block for about 30 minutes and I am feeling better. Since receiving the Moderna injection, the area that received the injection has felt sore.
35 2021-04-16 shortness of breath patient was seated in observation chair felt light head and fell to floor. Sweaty and disoriented ... Read more
patient was seated in observation chair felt light head and fell to floor. Sweaty and disoriented shortness of breath that resolved within a couple of minutes that did not require any further intervention. BP was taken 110/80. Epipen was not used
35 2021-04-19 shortness of breath lip, facial swelling, mild or moderate difficulty breathing for several days
35 2021-04-22 throat tightness Within 30 minutes hot flushed feeling in face, tightness and chest and throat, dizziness. Same sympt... Read more
Within 30 minutes hot flushed feeling in face, tightness and chest and throat, dizziness. Same symptoms as allergic reactions to other known allergens
35 2021-04-25 shortness of breath, wheezing My wife called the ambulance for me as symptoms I was having mimiced a heart attack. I had sudden an... Read more
My wife called the ambulance for me as symptoms I was having mimiced a heart attack. I had sudden and intense tightness in the left chest (felt like I was shot) the developed into pain and then numbness/immobility of the left arm (vaccine was administered in the left shoulder area). Since this point I have had routine soreness/tightness in the chest and constant shortness of breath/wheezing.
35 2021-04-25 shortness of breath I had COVID in December 2020 and feel like I have it again: muscle aches (especially place of shot, ... Read more
I had COVID in December 2020 and feel like I have it again: muscle aches (especially place of shot, but also in back); Chills; Fever; Generally just don't feel good; shortness of breath (I am a runner, so relatively healthy, but was short of breath just going from bed to chair); head ache. From the moment I got it, it felt like my arm was going to fall off. I got progressively worse throughout evening and woke up at some point last night with chills. Definitely broke a fever, but it has come back throughout the day.
35 2021-04-26 shortness of breath Patient became hot and sweaty immediately and felt dizzy. The patient was given a glucose tablet has... Read more
Patient became hot and sweaty immediately and felt dizzy. The patient was given a glucose tablet has he said he had not eaten for the day yet. He felt slightly better and upon arriving home the patient had troubles breathing and explained it as a panic attack without actually having any anxiety. The patient consulted with a physician at a local clinic and was instructed to go to the emergency room. I have not had contact with the patient since arriving at the emergency room.
35 2021-04-27 respiratory rate increased Immediately felt weak and light headed the same as the first shot, but did not incur breathing diffi... Read more
Immediately felt weak and light headed the same as the first shot, but did not incur breathing difficulties. Gradually became weaker as the day went on. 13 hours later, at 3AM, awoke due to severe pain, chills, and fever that progressively worsened to about 103 degrees and did not drop below 100 for another 17 hours. Resting heart rate elevated over 30 bpm and respiration rate doubled. Pounding heart made it impossible to sleep. Had to double beta blocker dosage to reduce heart contractility to prevent chance of further scarring of ventricular tissue due from any myocarditis caused by the vaccine. Could not leave bed and could barely stand to go to the bathroom. Lost 5 pounds in one day. Couldn?t eat. Felt nauseas. Contemplated going to ER but didn?t feel I?d make it without passing out. Still having difficulty walking any distance without feeling like passing out more than 72 hours after vaccination absent any arrhythmia. Experienced non-sustained arrhythmias after the first vaccine dosage doing normal household activities that required me to stop what I was doing to prevent a defibrillator shock. I have a feeling of brain fog, difficulty concentrating or sleeping. It was a struggle to drive a vehicle to restock of fluids and electrolytes today. I fear this vaccine is making my health worse.
35 2021-05-03 shortness of breath 1st dose Moderna 4/19/21 (lot # 007C21A ? Left arm) at pharmacy. Patient had no significant past me... Read more
1st dose Moderna 4/19/21 (lot # 007C21A ? Left arm) at pharmacy. Patient had no significant past medical history. He received Moderna COVID Vaccine on 4/19/2021. Patient present to ED on 4/28/21 and found to be COVID -19 positive with a chief complaint of cough, fever, and dyspnea. Patient had significant hypoxemia at 50% upon arrival. File this incident for record keeping.
35 2021-05-05 lung mass Patient is a 35 y/o MALE with a pmh Desmoid tumor of T spine dx 2007 s/p resection and XRT, last ch... Read more
Patient is a 35 y/o MALE with a pmh Desmoid tumor of T spine dx 2007 s/p resection and XRT, last chemo 2017, followed by HEME/ONC last seen 3/22/21. Presenting for bloody cough x1 day. States was in usual state of health. Around midnight of day of presentation, pt. was awoken from sleep by hard cough. He noticed that he was coughing bright red blood, small volume but could not quantify. He was concerned however did not immediately worry because he otherwise felt fine. Later that afternoon, he had another episode of cough, this time darker in color and "thicker". This being new and the second time, prompted pt. to present to ED. While on his way here, he said he cont. to have cough with blood, small volume but frequent, states "training blood all the way here". Denies any prior similar event, no trauma, no recent illness, no sick contact, lives alone, no recent travels, no prolonged immobility, no recent surgeries, no leg pain/swelling. Of note, pt. received Moderna COVID-19 vaccine #2 on Wed of last week (4/28/21). ED Course: Pt was afebrile, initially tachycardic to 106, otherwise hemodynamically stable. Labs: BMP wnl, no elevated wbc, h/h-15.4/46.1, coags normal on admission. CTA w/ acute pulmonary emboli and left main extending into the lingulae and left lower lobe segmental branches, in addition to Nonspecific sub-5 mm pulmonary nodules; largest 5 mm nodule in right upper lobe. Pt started on hep drip.
35 2021-05-07 very rapid breathing hyperventilating/ nausea , better lying down taken to hospital at patients request
35 2021-05-09 shortness of breath, asthma Stomach and chest discomfort, shortness of breath (asthma), increased anxiety.
35 2021-05-09 lung mass Pt was admitted for hemoptysis and a PE 6 days following the event. The PE was in the lung previousl... Read more
Pt was admitted for hemoptysis and a PE 6 days following the event. The PE was in the lung previously damaged by the tumor. The PE was small, the hemoptysis is due to likely a small arterial bleed. He's been bronched twice and as of 5/10 continues to bleed. The PE is small but we are unable ot anticoagulate due to ongoing hemoptysis. The CT shows ground glass opacities/bronchiectasis in the area where there is bleeding. It's mostly likely this is due to previous tumor resection and damage from his surgery and XRT and shrunken lung. However, the PE and hemoptysis DID occur within a week of the second covid vaccine so we felt it necessary to report. Pt has no history of DVT/PE. His LE u/s for DVT were negative.
35 2021-05-20 throat tightness tightness in throat, tongue thickness, felt like something was in his throat
35 2021-05-23 shortness of breath Severe spike in anxiety and depressive like symptoms leading to chest pain/ shortness of breath/ gas... Read more
Severe spike in anxiety and depressive like symptoms leading to chest pain/ shortness of breath/ gastritis.
35 2021-05-24 blood clot in lung blood clot in left lung, left lung filled with blood; coughing blood; slight headache for 2 days; ti... Read more
blood clot in left lung, left lung filled with blood; coughing blood; slight headache for 2 days; tightness of chest; night sweats; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of HAEMOPTYSIS (coughing blood) and PULMONARY THROMBOSIS (blood clot in left lung, left lung filled with blood) in a 35-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 039B21A and 019B21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The patient's past medical history included Bronchoscopy (left lung filled with blood). Concomitant products included COLECALCIFEROL (VITAMIN D [COLECALCIFEROL]) for an unknown indication. On 31-Mar-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 28-Apr-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 03-May-2021, the patient experienced HAEMOPTYSIS (coughing blood) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), CHEST DISCOMFORT (tightness of chest) and NIGHT SWEATS (night sweats). On an unknown date, the patient experienced PULMONARY THROMBOSIS (blood clot in left lung, left lung filled with blood) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and medically significant). an unknown date, the patient experienced HEADACHE (slight headache for 2 days). The patient was hospitalized on 03-May-2021 due to PULMONARY THROMBOSIS. The patient was treated with HEPARIN (intravenous) on 04-May-2021 for Clot blood, at an unspecified dose and frequency. At the time of the report, HAEMOPTYSIS (coughing blood) and PULMONARY THROMBOSIS (blood clot in left lung, left lung filled with blood) had not resolved, CHEST DISCOMFORT (tightness of chest) and NIGHT SWEATS (night sweats) outcome was unknown and HEADACHE (slight headache for 2 days) had resolved. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. They did some tests and found there was blood clot in his left lung and put him on blood thinner but he reported that the blood thinner made his bleeding more worse. The patient still in hospital and currently in ICU and the Doctors are unable to determine where the blood is coming from and unable to remove the clot. And he is still suffering with blood cough. Company Comment: Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Further information has been requested. This case was linked to MOD-2021-116374 (Patient Link).; Sender's Comments: Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Further information has been requested.
35 2021-05-24 rapid breathing, shortness of breath Patient presented to the office on 5/18/2021. Reported dyspnea, fluid retention, loss of appetite, ... Read more
Patient presented to the office on 5/18/2021. Reported dyspnea, fluid retention, loss of appetite, and a cough productive of clear phlegm. The symptoms began after receiving his 2nd COVID vaccine on May 5th. Patient was tachycardic, tachypneic, and had prominent S3 gallop,, CXR significant for cardiomegaly.. An echocardiogram dated 5/21/2021 demonstrates severe left ventricular dysfunction with and EF of 25% and moderately reduced right ventricular systolic dysfunction.
35 2021-06-08 shortness of breath The following happened Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 around 10:00 Central time. I started off with chest p... Read more
The following happened Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 around 10:00 Central time. I started off with chest pain that I thought was a side stitch. Tried stretching to make it go away and it only got worse. Shortness of breath came on and I asked a co-worker to take me to a local hospital as I thought I was having a heart attack. The hospital gave me morphine and I passed out maybe 15-20 minutes later. After I passed out, the hospital sent me to another hospital. At the second hospital, I had a heart cath, heart echo, an EKG, and blood drawn both nothing indicated a heart attack.
35 2021-06-20 shortness of breath After the vaccine I had chills, fever, shortness of breath and body aches that lasted for a short ti... Read more
After the vaccine I had chills, fever, shortness of breath and body aches that lasted for a short time. A long term effect that I noticed is a difficulty breathing, heightened allergies (seasonal) and frequent body aches. I also feel tired often. I contacted my doctor a couple of week after my symptoms and as of today we are still trying to do more tests and figure out what options I have. They ran some breathing tests and determined I have some damage in my lungs, which may be from the Moderna or when I had Covid in November.
35 2021-07-05 very rapid breathing, shortness of breath, respiratory rate increased Really sick\sicker than dogs; Breathing very fast; In bed for 3 week; Like he's hyperventilating; Ca... Read more
Really sick\sicker than dogs; Breathing very fast; In bed for 3 week; Like he's hyperventilating; Can't catch his breath\like he is hyperventilating\very short of breath; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DYSPNOEA (Can't catch his breath\like he is hyperventilating\very short of breath), ILLNESS (Really sick\sicker than dogs) and RESPIRATORY RATE INCREASED (Breathing very fast) in a 35-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 017Z21A and 031BZ1A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concomitant products included ACETYLCYSTEINE (N-ACETYLCYSTEINE), PAROXETINE, LISINOPRIL, METOPROLOL, LEVOTHYROXINE, LORAZEPAM, BUPRENORPHINE and RISPERIDONE for an unknown indication. On 09-Apr-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 12-May-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 12-May-2021, the patient experienced ILLNESS (Really sick\sicker than dogs) (seriousness criterion medically significant). In May 2021, the patient experienced DYSPNOEA (Can't catch his breath\like he is hyperventilating\very short of breath) (seriousness criterion medically significant), RESPIRATORY RATE INCREASED (Breathing very fast) (seriousness criterion medically significant), BED REST (In bed for 3 week) and HYPERVENTILATION (Like he's hyperventilating). At the time of the report, DYSPNOEA (Can't catch his breath\like he is hyperventilating\very short of breath), ILLNESS (Really sick\sicker than dogs), RESPIRATORY RATE INCREASED (Breathing very fast), BED REST (In bed for 3 week) and HYPERVENTILATION (Like he's hyperventilating) outcome was unknown. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. No treatment information was not given. Patient's son received the second dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on 7-May-2021 and now was sicker than dogs, very short of breath, can't catch breath. The patient was living with that type of breathing, like hyperventilating. This has been going on since second Moderna shot. Right after taking the second dose, patient started feeling really sick and in bed for about 3 weeks. Starting from about a month ago, started breathing very fast. Seen by a physician, but not hospitalized or administered any specific treatment for these symptoms. Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded. The company physician considers the reported events as non-serious, because there is no apparent rationale to deal them as serious. Further information has been requested. This case was linked to MOD-2021-237424 (Patient Link).; Sender's Comments: Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded. The company physician considers the reported events as non-serious, because there is no apparent rationale to deal them as serious. Further information has been requested.
35 2021-07-13 shortness of breath High blood pressure Nausea Loss of appetite A metallic taste in your mouth Fatigue ... Read more
High blood pressure Nausea Loss of appetite A metallic taste in your mouth Fatigue Weakness Trouble thinking Sleep issues Muscle twitches and cramps Chest pain Shortness of breath, like fluid builds up in the lungs
35 2021-07-18 shortness of breath Patient began having lots of abdominal and side pain. Went to the ER to rule out appendicitis. ER ... Read more
Patient began having lots of abdominal and side pain. Went to the ER to rule out appendicitis. ER sent pt home. He continues to have pain in side, abdomen and now pain in back and front of legs, also has fatigue, very winded and sort of short of breath and also dizzy.
35 2021-07-22 shortness of breath developed cough, shortness of breath and frequent bowel movements.
35 2021-07-27 shortness of breath Shortness of breath 15 minutes after giving the vaccine that then went away, then 1 hour later his a... Read more
Shortness of breath 15 minutes after giving the vaccine that then went away, then 1 hour later his arm on the injection side swelled up before the elbow and he had numbess and tingling. It went away after taking ibuprofen and benadryl
35 2021-07-27 shortness of breath I am reporting this as incidence of pericarditis have been possibly linked. I do not know if this wi... Read more
I am reporting this as incidence of pericarditis have been possibly linked. I do not know if this will help or not but I figure more data is important. 2 weeksprior to pericarditis incident I was ill with what I believed to be a cold. Symptoms persisted and an urgent care prescribed antibiotics. A week later I had food posioning and was hospitalized for this due to not being able to keep liquids down for the better part of a day. A few days following this incident I woke early in the morning with chest pain shooting down my arm, not being able to breathe and a dry cough. When I went to the hospital tests were run and revealed (heart markers?)
36 2021-01-06 shortness of breath, wheezing CoughWheeze Fatigue, shortness of breath Narrative: Symptoms MAY be Covid; will test for Covid
36 2021-01-12 shortness of breath Headache, Myalgia, Fever, NauseaVomiting, SOB<rhinorrhea,fatigue, chills Narrative:
36 2021-01-21 painful respiration Arm throbbing, chills, uncontrollably shaking and convulsions, migrane headache, body aches, muscle ... Read more
Arm throbbing, chills, uncontrollably shaking and convulsions, migrane headache, body aches, muscle aches, hurts to breathe, walk, eat, etc. numbing of limbs, unable to open and close hands, extremely tired and lethargic
36 2021-01-24 throat swelling Swelling of eyes and face, throat swelling, rapid heart rate over 140 beats a minute, Blood Pressure... Read more
Swelling of eyes and face, throat swelling, rapid heart rate over 140 beats a minute, Blood Pressure 220/132, dizziness. Stayed in hospital emergency room for several hours.
36 2021-01-27 wheezing chills, fever, 101 temp, weezing, sweating, fatigue, cough, heart racing over 100 bpm
36 2021-02-02 shortness of breath "Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA" Had Covid infection on Nov 29 2020 - Moderate severity (chills, fever... Read more
"Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA" Had Covid infection on Nov 29 2020 - Moderate severity (chills, fever, cough, loss of taste/smell, muscle aches, burning chest and nose) 4 day duration of fever, 10 day duration of reported symptoms SINCE THEN - Chronic Fatigue, foggy brain, shortness of breath, chest burning, elevated heart rate, inability to function at normal routine, cough, Symptoms wax and wane, but persist to this day. Severe enough to cause near fainting episodes during routine work day, inability to work Symptoms were the same before and after Moderna Vaccination, but are persistent through time to get the next booster
36 2021-02-09 shortness of breath Developed difficulty taking a deep breath along with chest pain, along with a racing heart and my ha... Read more
Developed difficulty taking a deep breath along with chest pain, along with a racing heart and my hands becoming cold and turning purple like blood is not circulating. these events come and go and were never consistent in nature. I received that second does on January 28th and became very sick for 2 days with flu like symptoms . At this point I am still suffer from the symptoms I described first that come and go pretty much daily.
36 2021-02-27 shortness of breath Felt fine until about nine hours after the shot. Had been sitting at computer for at least six hours... Read more
Felt fine until about nine hours after the shot. Had been sitting at computer for at least six hours straight (and probably smoking more pot than I should have), felt dizzy and short of breath, got up, ended up losing consciousness on the living room floor. Woke up a few minutes later and put myself to bed; felt fatigue, aches, chills, and like I might have been running a mild fever. Slept unusually well; woke up this morning feeling perfectly fine. Not particularly concerned but felt like I should report it.
36 2021-03-02 shortness of breath SEVERE breathing difficulty and EXTREME fatigue to the point of needing emergency medical care but c... Read more
SEVERE breathing difficulty and EXTREME fatigue to the point of needing emergency medical care but can?t afford it so...
36 2021-03-24 shortness of breath Headache, abdominal pain, fever, difficulty breathing
36 2021-03-29 shortness of breath Patient had flu-like symptoms while deployed at start of pandemic (approx. Jan/Feb 2020), but testin... Read more
Patient had flu-like symptoms while deployed at start of pandemic (approx. Jan/Feb 2020), but testing was unavailable. His symptoms (URI-like) completely resolved. He received Moderna dose 1 on 02 Feb 2021 without incident, and Moderna dose 2 on 02 Mar 2021. Approximately one week later, he developed mild, dull, diffuse chest pain and shortness of breath which has persisted since. He was seen in clinic for chest pain and dyspnea on 15 Mar 2021. Patient noted his chest hurt ?all over? especially with deep or with normal inspiration. Reclining, laying down, and sleeping on his right side increased his pain (he did not trial sleeping on his left). Leaning forward decreased pain. He endorsed feeling short of breath, and stated he felt light headed twice while going up stairs, without passing out. He denied recent illnesses and other symptoms. He is a very physically fit Active Duty Marine, who has continued running despite his symptoms. During this encounter and later f/u encounter, he expressed he did not believe running made his symptoms significantly worse. Vital signs were within normal range and he did not appear in distress. Cardiac and lung exam were normal, and no friction rub or murmur was appreciated. EKG showed sinus bradycardia, with HR consistent with his known, athletic-type normal variant heart rate. No other abnormalities were detected. Due to limited ancillary services within clinic, he was sent to USNHO ED for evaluation. There, he had basic labs (including Trop I) drawn, which were normal. EKG and portable chest xray were also unremarkable, and he was discharged with Motrin 800mg PO TID. He was seen in clinic again 29 Mar 2021 for continued, unchanged symptoms, and reported he had been taking his Motrin only in the mornings and afternoons. Vital signs were unchanged (normal limits). Exam, including heart and lung, were normal. EKG again demonstrated sinus bradycardia, consistent with his normal resting heart rate. He was started on empiric therapy for pericarditis. He was released from clinic and will follow up in several weeks.
36 2021-03-29 wheezing Patient presented for Covid -19 vaccination based on the fact that he is a caregiver and qualifies u... Read more
Patient presented for Covid -19 vaccination based on the fact that he is a caregiver and qualifies under said rules. About 10 minutes into the 15 minute observation. Patient reported to the observer that he was having just a little bit of difficulty swallowing and felt a little warm. He denied shortness of breath, he was brought into the evaluation area. He was mildly uncomfortable but was able to speak in full sentences, did not appear short of breath and was articulate and cooperative with the exam. Initial vitals revealed that his pulse is 122,O2 sat was 98%, blood pressure was 220/120.( Denied known HTN) He had very mild wheezes bilaterally.(Denied H/O asthma or wheezes) He reported feeling warm. He asked for something to drink and after taking several sips stated that his swallowing felt a little bit better describe the situation that is the back of his throat but a little lower. Oral exam revealed slightly red and posterior pallet with chronically enlarged tonsils without exudate, neck is supple, no adenopathy. He was able to swallow without difficulties. He was warm. He was given a cold compress which he stated improved his symptoms. Reports he does not have underlying asthma, has not had such a reaction before and had not been ill in the preceding days, patient was given a chewable Zyrtec. After approximately five minutes blood pressure was re-checked and it was 160/88 with a heart rate of 98 and O2 sat is 98 wheezes appeared to improve slightly but were persistent. Patient stated in general he was not feeling any better and feeling slightly worse BP was again noted to be 220/110. Concern was for an allergic reaction as demonstrated by the wheezes and sensation of difficulty swallowing but given his persistent significantly elevated blood pressure epi-was not indicated but emergent transport was. 911 had already been called for transport to the hospital for further evaluation. EMS was transferred care. He was transported to the hospital. He was discharged several hours later. Review of ER notes revealed he was hypertensive at 187/87 with a pulse of 95 ,he did not have any active wheezes or oral pharyngeal swelling on their exam. he was given a G.I. cocktail for his "itchy" throat. No specific conclusion was determined as to the cause of his reaction, other than a possible ?post injection inflammatory reaction? and was discharged to home without any other treatment required. Was was transported back to the vaccination facility by private vehicle and appeared to be in good condition but tired according to the vehicles driver. MD dictated on March 30, 2021
36 2021-04-01 throat tightness 1256 Patient c/o "slight tightness" in his throat 15 minutes after Moderna Vaccina given, No sob. No... Read more
1256 Patient c/o "slight tightness" in his throat 15 minutes after Moderna Vaccina given, No sob. No chest pain. No facial edema. No swelling noted on tongue. No redness or hives noted. 1259 VS: BP=130/93; P=100 Diphenhydramine 50mg/1ml 1ml given IM. 1316 Patient stated "tightness" in throat slightly decreased. Patient stated he had to go to the BR so Staff escorted Patient to BR. 1318 Patient is back from BR; No further changes noted.
36 2021-04-03 shortness of breath Fever, shortness of breath, body aches, excessive pain at the site of injection
36 2021-04-05 shortness of breath Difficulty breathing. Coughing, shortness of breath
36 2021-04-05 respiratory rate increased A few minutes after the vaccine, patient fell down, heart rate increased, was breathing really fast ... Read more
A few minutes after the vaccine, patient fell down, heart rate increased, was breathing really fast and sweating. No swelling or difficulty breathing recognized. This went on for about 15mins until the paramedics came and got him. Patient was helped to lay down in a relax position and no treatment was administered.
36 2021-04-08 shortness of breath Patient reported feeling short of breath and tight in the chest about 25 minutes post vaccine admini... Read more
Patient reported feeling short of breath and tight in the chest about 25 minutes post vaccine administration
36 2021-04-12 shortness of breath Patient received vaccine - several minutes later - he reported dizziness and was sweating profusely.... Read more
Patient received vaccine - several minutes later - he reported dizziness and was sweating profusely. He also reported not being able to breathe and emergency responders was called right away.
36 2021-04-13 shortness of breath minutes after receiving the vaccine, I began feeling very light headed, my breathing became heavy, ... Read more
minutes after receiving the vaccine, I began feeling very light headed, my breathing became heavy, my hands and feet began to tingle, became ice cold and and then went numb. felt like I was about to lose consciousness. I had to lay down for about 5 minutes before I started feeling any sort of normal. Just about everyday since the Shot I have had a a high pitched ringing that comes and goes and a sever migraine that does not change if I take any medication (Advil). the only way to feel better is to sleep. yesterday was the worst yet. when I contacted my pharmacist that administered the vaccine they informed me that they did not report my initial side effects and only after I called today were they going to report them.
36 2021-04-13 shortness of breath Difficulty breathing and chest tightness on left side of body
36 2021-04-13 shortness of breath Patient suffered an acute myocardial infarction. On 2/12/2021 at 0230 hrs he was awakened with seve... Read more
Patient suffered an acute myocardial infarction. On 2/12/2021 at 0230 hrs he was awakened with severe left sided chest pain/tightness radiating into his jaw associated with shortness of breath. He presented to the emergency department around 0330 hrs. He underwent cardiac catheterization around 0600 hrs where is coronary anatomy was normal without obstruction. His echocardiogram estimated his left ventricular ejection fraction to be 42%. He was started on appropriate medications and released home in good condition on 02/13/2021.
36 2021-04-14 respiratory arrest After patient received his shot, while sitting during the 15 min waiting period. The patient began g... Read more
After patient received his shot, while sitting during the 15 min waiting period. The patient began getting lightheaded and hot, his color went out of him and his eyes began rolling back in his head. His eyelids turned a purple color and he appeared to momentarily stop breathing. Myself and another pharmacist got him on the ground and supported his head with a coat. When he "came to" and was talking to us. He described feeling better on the cold floor and his color began coming back. I was speaking with him the entire time. While we were out with his 9-1-1 was called and paramedics arrived 15 min later. by the time paramedics had arrived the patient had gotten up and back into the chair himself, was lucid and had color back in his face. Paramedics arrived and took over. He was given the green light from them and remained in the pharmacy area for a total of about 30 minutes before heading home. The patient was admittedly nervous for the shot and had not eaten or had anything to drink the whole day to that point. I believe he passed out from a variety of factors not related to the actual ingredients in the vaccine but cannot confirm this.
36 2021-04-20 shortness of breath Patient received the moderna covid vaccine on 4/6/21. Developed general malaise and fever 4/7/21 aro... Read more
Patient received the moderna covid vaccine on 4/6/21. Developed general malaise and fever 4/7/21 around 1pm. Then developed acute sharp, pinching retrosternal, non-radiating chest pain at 9pm on 4/7/21. Chest pain was intermittent and nocturnal. no relief with nitroglycerin. He was admitted to the hospital 4/9/21 and started on colchicine 0.6 mg PO BID and indomethacin 50 mg PO TID with improvement. Troponins trended down with significant symptomatic relief following anti-inflammatories. At follow up visit 3 days after discharge (4/15/21) , patient reported continued improvement, reporting sternal chest pain 1 out of 10 . Also reported dyspnea that has improved since discharge from hospital but still worse than baseline.
36 2021-04-26 shortness of breath Woke up with feeling of nausea tried to make it to bathroom but blacked out. Suffered significant fa... Read more
Woke up with feeling of nausea tried to make it to bathroom but blacked out. Suffered significant facial trauma including lose of half of front tooth. I then had significant chest pin and trouble breathing. Remainder of day felt dizzy and nauseous with fever (99.3) and chills. Severe muscle aches and pain at injection site.
36 2021-05-02 shortness of breath, throat tightness First 15 mins after shot, felt itching all over my back. Felt tightness in my throat as if my throat... Read more
First 15 mins after shot, felt itching all over my back. Felt tightness in my throat as if my throat was closing but I could still swallow. An hour later I felt it was difficult to catch my breath. After getting medical attention (benadryl intravenously and fluids intravenously), the next day I had chest pain and continued labored breathing. Two days after the vaccine I still have persisting labored breathing.
36 2021-05-02 shortness of breath First I noticed that my eyes were very sensitive to light, I was also feeling light headed and dizzy... Read more
First I noticed that my eyes were very sensitive to light, I was also feeling light headed and dizzy on my walk back to the car. (about 30 minutes after injection). I had someone else drive because I felt like I could not drive in my condition. On the ride home, about 40 minutes after injection, I began to have an increased heart rate and had a hard time swallowing. It was also slightly difficult to breathe. I felt like my head was cloudy and I had a hard time concentrating. I felt like my brain was responding about a half a second slower to what I saw. Like if I wanted to turn my head, I would think try to turn my head and my body would react a second later. When I got home, about 1 hour after the injection, my girlfriend told me my hands were freezing cold. I was also having a hard time walking in straight because I was so dizzy. I was still having some minor trouble breathing and swallowing. It was difficult to drink water. After about 2 hours my breathing returned to normal. My mind was cloudy all day, I felt like I was drunk. On the second day, I woke up with an intense headache. It lasted for 3 days. My arm started to hurt on the second day as well, no pain at all the first day. My head was still cloudy and I had difficulty trying to recall memories or answer questions. By the third day this was basically gone. I was extremely tired for three days total. My mind remain cloudy for about a week.
36 2021-05-08 shortness of breath Starting 15 hours after vaccination: body aches, chills, headache, uncomfortable breathing. Symptom... Read more
Starting 15 hours after vaccination: body aches, chills, headache, uncomfortable breathing. Symptoms subsided partly after 27 hours, and are very mild after 39 hours.
36 2021-05-09 shortness of breath Became SOB with and increase heart rate
36 2021-05-09 shortness of breath 2nd Moderna vaccine administered on 4/29. (First dose 4/1). Arrived to hospital via ambulance on 4/3... Read more
2nd Moderna vaccine administered on 4/29. (First dose 4/1). Arrived to hospital via ambulance on 4/30 unresponsive and hypoxic. Temp 102.2 . Patient responsive only to painful stimuli. Patient was intubated and admitted to ICU. Noted to have WBC 12.0 and 'patchy left lower lobe opacities suspicious for pneumonia" on chest x ray. Lumbar puncture positive for human herpesvirus 6. ( Reportedly receives Ocrevus q 5 months for MS). He was extubated on 5/1. Reports feeling fine the day before receiving his second COVID vaccine. After second dose he reports that he felt very tired and has no recollection of being transported to hospital. Patient is currently on room air with mild SOB awaiting transport to SNF.
36 2021-05-12 shortness of breath He had first dose of Mederna COVID vaccine and then 2 days later developed sob and LE pain/swelling.... Read more
He had first dose of Mederna COVID vaccine and then 2 days later developed sob and LE pain/swelling. Now dx with extensive femoral vein to pop DVT to calf and bilateral PE with right heart strain
36 2021-05-18 shortness of breath Itchy ears & throat, rapid heart rate within 5 minute of injection, followed by fainting. First res... Read more
Itchy ears & throat, rapid heart rate within 5 minute of injection, followed by fainting. First responders on-site responded within 1-3 minutes. Initial blood pressure was <80/60, which recovered to normal within 20 minutes. During that period, experienced shortness of breath / gasping (though 1st responders noted clear airways and no wheezing in lungs), nausea (did not vomit), and disorientation / dizziness. No medications or interventions were administered
36 2021-05-18 shortness of breath After a day of fatigue and fever, which I experienced with the first shot too and didn't worry me, a... Read more
After a day of fatigue and fever, which I experienced with the first shot too and didn't worry me, around 4 PM on the day after I got the shot I started having difficulty breathing. It felt like there was a large pressure pushing down on my diaphram keeping me from taking even small breaths, and if I tried I'd cough. After about two hours of this I took ibuprofen and that relieved the pressure entirely. It came back around 2 AM and once I got up around 8 I took more ibuprofen, but I still feel some pressure.
36 2021-05-21 throat tightness Patient received Moderna at approximately 10:38 am. Patient reported his mouth felt like it was on f... Read more
Patient received Moderna at approximately 10:38 am. Patient reported his mouth felt like it was on fire at 10:53 am. Patient's face appeared red and flushed. I gave him a Benadryl and water around 10:58 am. A few minutes later patient reported his throat felt like it was closing and his tongue felt swollen. He did not appear to have trouble breathing. I called an ambulance at 11:04 am and they arrived around 10 minutes later. Patient was able to walk to ambulance and they transported him to \Hospital.
36 2021-05-22 shortness of breath 3 days after I received my 2nd dose of Moderna Vaccine at the same facility (Which I received on 4/1... Read more
3 days after I received my 2nd dose of Moderna Vaccine at the same facility (Which I received on 4/16/2021), I've had a series of what could be panic attacks. 1 on 4/19/21, 1 on 4/30/21, then another on 5/8/21, which then continues to stay with me on a milder intensity, but is lasting still today. In my previous 4 years of working, I've only missed a less than a 1 handful of days of work due to health conditions, but suddenly after receiving my 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, I've had a myriad of what I initially thought were heart attacks where I was unable to drive to work (had to pull over twice on the road due to serious risk of being in an accident / having unprovoked panic attacks the morning of 4/19/21 and 5/8/21). Had extreme SOB and could seriously considered calling 911 on all 3 of my first episodes. Went to Urgent Care on 5/10/21, and have had several phone visits with my primary care physician since then and was placed on medical leave until 5/22/21, although I still am experience some side effects even today.
36 2021-05-23 shortness of breath heart palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath (diagnosed as premature ventricular cont... Read more
heart palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath (diagnosed as premature ventricular contractions by a doctor based on ECG results)
36 2021-05-26 shortness of breath Felt like couldnt catch breath , skipping feeling in chest went to doctor he placed me on holter mon... Read more
Felt like couldnt catch breath , skipping feeling in chest went to doctor he placed me on holter monitor. Interpretation: Underlying rhythm is sinus rhythm/sinus tachycardia, heart rate ranges between 58 beats per minute to 149 beats per minute, average heart rate 96 beats per minute. Episodes of sinus tachycardia are seen. QRS duration is within normal limits. Rare, Isolated PVCs. No significant arrhythmias or heart blocks were noted. Patient's reported symptoms of chest pain, skipped heartbeats, numbness in the hands, shortness of breath correlated with sinus rhythm or sinus tachycardia. Conclusions: 1. Predominant underlying rhythm is sinus rhythm with episodes of sinus tachycardia; average heart rate high normal at 96 beats per minute. 2. No other significant arrhythmias or heart blocks were noted. 3. Patient's reported symptoms of chest pain, skipped heartbeats, numbness in the hands, shortness of breath correlated with sinus rhythm and sinus tachycardia.
36 2021-05-27 shortness of breath Shortness of breath and feeling of pressure on sternum began on the evening of Sunday, May 8th and c... Read more
Shortness of breath and feeling of pressure on sternum began on the evening of Sunday, May 8th and continued through Monday May 9th. Went to clinic on Monday evening (5/9/21). Slightly elevated troponin levels detected (0.14 ng/mL) and waas subsequently transferred to Hospital. After 2 days of testing in cardiac unit final diagnosis was mycarditis with no determined cause.
36 2021-05-27 shortness of breath A few hours after the administration of the vaccine the individual noted adverse effects. He states ... Read more
A few hours after the administration of the vaccine the individual noted adverse effects. He states that his life is not the same, experiencing chest pain and pressure, shortness of breath, potential arrhythmias, vomiting, night sweats and fatigue. The symptoms have been ongoing and haven't resolved.
36 2021-06-02 shortness of breath, asthma Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Medium, Systemic: Diarrhea-Medium, Systemic: Nausea-Medium,... Read more
Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Medium, Systemic: Diarrhea-Medium, Systemic: Nausea-Medium, Systemic: Vomiting-Medium, Additional Details: Received 2 nd dose of Moderna shot on Sunday. Sunday night and Monday, patient states he had vomting and diarrhea. Vomiting and diarrhea stop on Monday. Monday night and Tuesday, bodyache. Tuesday night and Wednesday, patient has asthmatic symptoms.
36 2021-06-02 shortness of breath A few minutes after giving vaccination, patient's mother and caregiver stated that he was having a r... Read more
A few minutes after giving vaccination, patient's mother and caregiver stated that he was having a reaction. Patient can only use his eyes to respond "yes" or "no" since he is non-verbal and when he would not respond to his mother's questions with his eyes she became very panicked and alerted the pharmacy staff. When I got to the patient he was very clammy, sweating, and breathing heavy. She said his eyes had rolled back in his head and his tongue had turned blue. I propped his legs up on a chair and took his blood pressure with an automatic blood pressure cuff and it was 164/124 with pulse 95. I decided to contact EMS for assistance. Retook BP few minutes later and it was the same. EMS arrived and stated it was most likely a reaction to being afraid of needles but would take him to get checked out.
36 2021-06-11 shortness of breath Extreme full body pain, intense headache, chest pains, Sleeplessness, shortness of breath lasting ab... Read more
Extreme full body pain, intense headache, chest pains, Sleeplessness, shortness of breath lasting about 3 days. Lingering fatigue a week later.
36 2021-06-14 respiratory rate increased Fainting spell. Patient felt dizzy and almost passed out. His heart rate was elevated and his brea... Read more
Fainting spell. Patient felt dizzy and almost passed out. His heart rate was elevated and his breathing became rapid. 911 was called immediately. His blood pressure was 102/80 and heart rate was 92. After about 5 minutes he was feeling fine. EMS determined it was a vagal response.
36 2021-06-22 shortness of breath Patient came to get his first dose of Moderna vaccine, and anaphylaxis happens after 3-4 minutes. Pa... Read more
Patient came to get his first dose of Moderna vaccine, and anaphylaxis happens after 3-4 minutes. Patient seems to gasp for breath. He did not respond to call/touch. Pharmacist ran out to give EpiPen, then laid patient down onto the floor with his legs up onto the chair while the tech called 911. EMS came and took it over. Patient however denied to go to hospital.
36 2021-07-13 shortness of breath shortness of breath
36 2021-07-15 shortness of breath Started feeling chest pain and heart rate elevated. Hard time sleeping, breathing a bit more labored... Read more
Started feeling chest pain and heart rate elevated. Hard time sleeping, breathing a bit more labored. Went to the cardiologist yesterday and he said I have pericarditis.
36 2021-07-18 shortness of breath I was Breaking out in Hives Mainly Around my Stomach and genital Area. Two days Later I was having t... Read more
I was Breaking out in Hives Mainly Around my Stomach and genital Area. Two days Later I was having trouble Swallowing and breathing and was Admitted to the hospital. To this Very Day I still Break out with rashes and sometimes Hives. I'm Continuously on benadryl to help keep the rashes down.
37 2020-12-31 shortness of breath 12/30/20 at 7am as soon as I woke up I was in sever pain and had fever and chills. I was not able t... Read more
12/30/20 at 7am as soon as I woke up I was in sever pain and had fever and chills. I was not able to leave the bed at all the day unless to use the bathroom to which I would be out of breath from that. I slept most of the day as I was so very weak. This lasted all that day. On 12/31/20 I was still weak and tired but able to get out of bed with bad headaches and pain in my bones all over. I would still loose my breath walking anywhere in my home. Sharp pains would come and go throughout the day at least once and hour if not more. Sleeping was next to impossible due to the pain. On 1/1/21 which is my current day my headaches are still here along with slight pain and weakness. I can breath better but the injection site on my left arm is still sore but not as bad as the last few days where it was on fire and very sensitive.
37 2021-01-05 throat tightness Per patient, he started to feel mild nausea after vaccine once he was home on 01/05/21. Starting 01/... Read more
Per patient, he started to feel mild nausea after vaccine once he was home on 01/05/21. Starting 01/06/201 patient nausea has worsened and has vomited multiple times and has lost appetite. He also reports a dry cough and slight tightness in airway but patient unsure if it is due to vomiting or cough. Patient able to speak complete sentences and able to ambulate independently with no shortness of breath.
37 2021-01-13 shortness of breath Severe sweating, rapid heart rate, blurring vision, dizziness, shortness of breath, near syncopy
37 2021-01-13 shortness of breath Rapid heart rate, severe sweating, inability to breathe, narrowing vision, fainting, anxiety
37 2021-01-17 shortness of breath 12/29/2020 Vaccination. Within minutes blurry vision, dizzy, tx to stretcher. EXTREME HA, coughing, ... Read more
12/29/2020 Vaccination. Within minutes blurry vision, dizzy, tx to stretcher. EXTREME HA, coughing, sensitivity to light. EPI pen in ER. I fell asleep. Woke up, don't remember much. Admitted to hospital. Chest pains started within 2 hours, SOB, HA. Admitted for 2 nights, 3 days. Discharged home. Still having SOB and referred to Pulmonologist. Waiting on appt. *did NOT have problems before this vaccine. I was fine. Now i am completely different person, I have to monitor my walking, etc.
37 2021-01-20 asthma Patient on 7th, got vaccination and covid test (negative). first few days after vaccination, had as... Read more
Patient on 7th, got vaccination and covid test (negative). first few days after vaccination, had asthma like symptoms. o2 sat was greater than 97% all the time. felt little tight. 10 days after vaccination, started rashes on both hands. took 50mg of Benadryl at night time. next day, rashes went up to right elbow. not so many but following nerve lines. both hands mostly out side. 1 each on my left inner 3rd / 4th finger. 3 rashes on 4th inner right finger. took 25mg of Benadryl at night time. 3rd day, rashes developed on my left elbow as well. Went to ER per advice. got Decadron IM shot, Benadryl, and Pepcid. Took chest x ray; clear. prescribed of prednisone 40mg po daily for 4 days. 4th day, no new rashes. still have rashes.
37 2021-01-27 shortness of breath Received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at 0845 on Thursday the 28th of February. Immediately upon inj... Read more
Received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at 0845 on Thursday the 28th of February. Immediately upon injection, the site became red and inflamed. Pt was given 25mg of chewable Benadryl within 45 seconds of vaccine administration. Pt was directed to sit down and vital signs were taken. BP- 145/96 SP02: 99% on RA, HR: 95 RR: 22. Pt was given a cool compress and monitored closely by a Physicians Assistant for 15 minutes. Pt stated he felt that he was ?very anxious, but felt fine.? Vital signs were taken again; BP 136/78 SP02- 100% on RA, HR: 72, RR: 18. Pt was monitored for another 30 minutes with no other side effects. Pt was given instructions to come back to clinic if symptoms persisted. walked from his car to his office around 1430 and ?felt winded and had difficultly breathing? he also stated he had a ?metallic taste in his mouth around lunch time.? Pt came back to the clinic and spoke to provider who did not feel that patient needed any escalation of care. Pt was contacted multiple times after incident today and no additional symptoms persisted, at this time.
37 2021-01-27 shortness of breath Received vaccination at 1546, at approximately 1925 he was evaluated by medical staff for hives, vom... Read more
Received vaccination at 1546, at approximately 1925 he was evaluated by medical staff for hives, vomiting, and difficulty breathing. He was treated on site by medical with diphenhydramine IV, methylprednisolone sod succinate IV, albuterol sulfate neb soln, and ipratropium inhalation soln. Following treatment he was still with difficulty swallowing and was sent to the ER via ambulance and remains there at this time (1/28/21, 0839)
37 2021-01-28 shortness of breath Seizure- labored breathing, tonic clonic, altered consciousness/ unresponsive- duration 4 min, follo... Read more
Seizure- labored breathing, tonic clonic, altered consciousness/ unresponsive- duration 4 min, followed by post-ictal state, transported to hospital
37 2021-02-04 shortness of breath SOB, lightheaded, cold & clammy skin
37 2021-02-11 shortness of breath, shortness of breath THE PATIENT PRESENTED WITH TIGHTNESS IN HIS CHEST AND DIFFICULTY TAKING A DEEP BREATH. NO HISTORY OR... Read more
37 2021-02-21 asthma Other than brusing and a sore muscle, on 01/05/2021 at 3AM, I noticed my stomach felt bloated after ... Read more
Other than brusing and a sore muscle, on 01/05/2021 at 3AM, I noticed my stomach felt bloated after drinking soda. It got worse through out the day. At 5:30PM, I took medicine for gas. By 6:30PM, the pain was worse so I went to UC and after a check up, I was sent to the ED for a CT scan and they found an inflamed appendix. I had surgery to have it removed. After surgery, I developed asthmatic pneumonia which led to a 7 day hospitalization.
37 2021-02-28 shortness of breath Atrial fibrillation; Hard to breathe; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer (patient's w... Read more
Atrial fibrillation; Hard to breathe; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer (patient's wife), regarding a 37 years-old white male patient, unknown ethnicity, who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273), and experienced, atrial fibrillation, uncomfortable (discomfort), and hard to breathe (dyspnoea). Current medical conditions reported as controlled atrial fibrillation and cardiomyopathy. Past medical history includes atrial fibrillation diagnosis (May 2018) and stroke (May2018/hospitalized). Weight reported as 180 lbs.The patient's medication allergy included albuterol inhaler. Concomitant medications reported included are rivaroxaban, levetiracetam, bisoprolol and flecainide. On 15 JAN 2021, one day prior to the onset of events, the patient received their first of planned doses of mRNA-1273 (batch number: 029L20A), at a dose of 0.5 ml, intramuscular in the left arm for the prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. The consumer reported that the patient became uncomfortable and it was hard to breathe on 16 JAN 2021. On 17 JAN 2021, in the morning, the patient went into atrial fibrillation. The patient received treatment medication with a double dose of flecainide and went back into normal sinus rhythm about 2 hours later. On 18 JAN 2021, in the morning, the patient had a second occurrence of atrial fibrillation, for which he received treatment with a double dose of flecainide and went back into normal sinus rhythm. On 21 JAN 2021, the patient again developed atrial fibrillation third occurrence, for which he received treatment with a double dose of flecainide and went back into normal sinus rhythm. On 27 JAN 2021, the patient had a fourth occurrence of atrial fibrillation, for which he received treatment with a double dose of flecainide and went back into normal sinus rhythm. These adverse events were reported to his physician. The consumer stated that she can be further contacted if the safety department follows up for any additional information. Action taken with second dose of mRNA-1273 in response to the events was not reported. The outcome of the events, atrial fibrillation, uncomfortable, and hard to breathe, were reported as not recovered.; Reporter's Comments: Very limited information regarding this event has been provided at this time. The patient's medical history of atrial fibrillation and cardiomyopathy remains a confounding factor. Further information has been requested.
37 2021-03-04 throat swelling After the 15 minute waiting period, I was released. While driving home, I experienced swelling in my... Read more
After the 15 minute waiting period, I was released. While driving home, I experienced swelling in my throat. This persisted and worsened until 5 pm. At 5 pm I had fatigue, muscle pain, and joint pain, as well as dizziness. By 5:30 my condition worsened, and I have a fast heartbeat, significant dizziness, and chills. At 5:40 I contacted my wife to leave work to drive me to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital around 6:15; by 8 pm most symptoms except dizziness had disappeared. By 9 pm the dizziness had abated. It is 10:40 pm and I am still a little dizzy, but able to move and operate fine.
37 2021-03-15 mild apnea SWEATING, SHALLOW BREATHING, VERY WEAK, LIGHTHEADED. It happened a few minutes after receiving the v... Read more
SWEATING, SHALLOW BREATHING, VERY WEAK, LIGHTHEADED. It happened a few minutes after receiving the vaccine ( when the patient was waiting 15 minutes) An epipen was administered
37 2021-03-16 throat swelling Very sore arm, fatigue within hours of the vaccine. Then 6th day (morning) throat swelling and face ... Read more
Very sore arm, fatigue within hours of the vaccine. Then 6th day (morning) throat swelling and face when waking up and rushing to the emergency room where I was given a steroid and Pepcid to open my airways and was discharged by 9:30 AM ET on 03/10/2021 after throat opened back up and swelling decreased. I was given a script for EPI, Medrol Pack and Pepcid. Upon returning home I had began having hiccups at 8 PM that lasted through Saturday 03/12/2021, where I was admitted to the hospital for a lot of antihistamine rash reactions over my body that continued from the morning of 03/10/2021. Then went to the hospital again on 03/13/2021 and was given a muscle relaxer baclofen around 7 PM to rid the constant hiccups that were concurrent from what seemed to be the steroid used to open my airways. Went home and have had fatigue, but feel mostly better with appetite back. My family doctor saw me on 03/16/2021 and saw that I was still having a reaction on my back and arms with antihistamines and said it was the Moderna shot and I needed to consult with a pharmacist on what to do or the FDA/CDC as he didn't know enough on it. Now Pharmacy won't give me my second dose due to the CDC guidelines and they want me in a medical setting to have the second one, if I am allowed - something I am not privy to. I need help and guidance ASAP on what to do.
37 2021-03-18 shortness of breath HEADACHE, CHILLS, SOBB, NAUSEA, ARM PAIN, INSOMNIA
37 2021-03-27 asthma, shortness of breath, wheezing, lung pain Patient has multiple existing conditions including breathing issues. Patient complained of numbness ... Read more
Patient has multiple existing conditions including breathing issues. Patient complained of numbness to lungs. Audible wheezing was heard upon talking to the patient. Patient was very agitated and upset over the situation. Patient's mother administered albuterol breathing treatment via nebulizer while medical staff arrived. Patient was also receiving 4l of supplemental oxygen. Patient vital signs showed elevated blood pressure. Patient requested hospitalization. Patient does have a diagnosis of asthma, for which an asthma attack may have been triggered by the vaccination. Stood by with patient for over 30 min and continued complaint of pain in lungs, but diminished audible wheezing hard. Patient transferred to Hospital via Care Ambulance, Firestation also responded to the scene.
37 2021-04-05 shortness of breath Following 2nd dose, pt. experienced sudden onset of fatigue, headache, SOB, rash, joint pain and swe... Read more
Following 2nd dose, pt. experienced sudden onset of fatigue, headache, SOB, rash, joint pain and swelling at injection site. BP elevated and having random muscle contractions in legs. Symptoms ongoing without meaningful resolution. Was seen by provider with diagnosis of serum sickness - started on steroid taper with no improvement. Labs, EKG and chest x-ray normal.
37 2021-04-06 shortness of breath Starting 1.5 days after injection, patient experienced mild fever for 4 days peaking at 100.8F on 3r... Read more
Starting 1.5 days after injection, patient experienced mild fever for 4 days peaking at 100.8F on 3rd day after injection. Very dry mouth and rectum (with difficulty going to the bathroom). Sore throat starting on 3rd day after injection to 5th day after injection. Mild shortness of breath on fifth day after injection, General fatigue and dizziness throughout for 5 days.
37 2021-04-15 shortness of breath patient was doing well as outpatient with no significant issues post-allogeneic hematopoietic cell t... Read more
patient was doing well as outpatient with no significant issues post-allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant. Received 1st Moderna COVID19 vaccine on 2/3/2021. Developed a rash, biopsy showed lichenoid dermatitis, but no other symptoms after that first shot. Received 2nd Moderna COVID19 vaccine on 3/12/21 and rash persisted (may or may not have worsened, hard to know from patient report) and the patient presented to medical attention on 3/23/21 acutely short of breath and hypoxic, after being able to exercise (walk 2 miles every other day, etc) prior. Found to have biopsy proven lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis with diffuse alveolar damage/ARDS requiring supplemental oxygen. Started on systemic steroids without response. Also with concurrent mild transaminitis. From prior recent labs, LFTs were normal prior to presentation with hypoxia.
37 2021-04-15 throat swelling Swollen throat; Swollen lip; Swollen mouth; Swollen neck; Terrible stomach spasms; Continuous hiccup... Read more
Swollen throat; Swollen lip; Swollen mouth; Swollen neck; Terrible stomach spasms; Continuous hiccups; Redness on back; Fatigue; Sore arm; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of PHARYNGEAL SWELLING (Swollen throat), LIP SWELLING (Swollen lip), MOUTH SWELLING (Swollen mouth), SWELLING (Swollen neck), MUSCLE SPASMS (Terrible stomach spasms) and HICCUPS (Continuous hiccups) in a 37-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. 014M20A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The patient's past medical history included No adverse event (No medical history reported.). On 04-Mar-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 04-Mar-2021, the patient experienced PAIN IN EXTREMITY (Sore arm) and FATIGUE (Fatigue). On 10-Mar-2021, the patient experienced PHARYNGEAL SWELLING (Swollen throat) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), LIP SWELLING (Swollen lip) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), MOUTH SWELLING (Swollen mouth) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), SWELLING (Swollen neck) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), MUSCLE SPASMS (Terrible stomach spasms) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and HICCUPS (Continuous hiccups) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). On 16-Mar-2021, the patient experienced ERYTHEMA (Redness on back). The patient was hospitalized on 10-Mar-2021 due to LIP SWELLING, MOUTH SWELLING, PHARYNGEAL SWELLING and SWELLING. On 07-Mar-2021, PAIN IN EXTREMITY (Sore arm) and FATIGUE (Fatigue) had resolved. On 13-Mar-2021, MUSCLE SPASMS (Terrible stomach spasms) and HICCUPS (Continuous hiccups) had resolved. At the time of the report, PHARYNGEAL SWELLING (Swollen throat), LIP SWELLING (Swollen lip), MOUTH SWELLING (Swollen mouth), SWELLING (Swollen neck) and ERYTHEMA (Redness on back) outcome was unknown. The action taken with mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) was unknown. No concomitant medication reports. Treatment for the events included unspecified steroid injection, antihistamine and muscle relaxant. Description: The healthcare professional and pharmacist insisted that the patient should not receive their second dose. The patient emphasized and would like to receive the second dose, so the patient was provided with 2 epi pens. This case concerns a 37-year-old female with serious unexpected events of pharyngeal swelling, lip swelling, mouth swelling, swelling, muscle spasms, hiccups, and nonserious expected events of pain in extremity, erythema, fatigue. Event onset the same day as first dose mRNA-1273. Event outcomes unknown. Based on current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded.; Sender's Comments: This case concerns a 37-year-old female with serious unexpected events of pharyngeal swelling, lip swelling, mouth swelling, swelling, muscle spasms, hiccups, and nonserious expected events of pain in extremity, erythema, fatigue. Event onset the same day as first dose mRNA-1273. Event outcomes unknown. Based on current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded.
37 2021-04-18 shortness of breath Within five minutes of the vaccination, the patient expressed distress. Patient was slumped over in... Read more
Within five minutes of the vaccination, the patient expressed distress. Patient was slumped over in his seat, extremely labored breathing and his eyes were rolling to the back of his head. The Pharmacist spoke to the patient to see how he was feeling but he wasn't very responsive so we administered an Epipen and immediaetly called 911. The paramedics came at around 6:20pm and checked the patients vitals. EMT said the patients vitals were normal and have the patient the option to go to the ER. Patient was alert and able to drink water. Patient refused hospitalization. We advised the patient to go directly to the emergency room if he was developing any symptoms once home and to follow up with his primary care provider.
37 2021-04-24 shortness of breath Chills, fever, muscle ache, diarrhea, SHORTNESS OF BREATH & COUGH
37 2021-05-03 throat swelling Fever of 102 - from about hour 18 to hour 24 it was the worst. It broke at 39 hours. Sweat in bed. F... Read more
Fever of 102 - from about hour 18 to hour 24 it was the worst. It broke at 39 hours. Sweat in bed. Fatigue, from about hour 4 to hour 39 after the shot, I felt completely drained. Swelling of the throat and sinus passages. A full 74 hours later so I don?t know if it?s related or if it is some allergy outside.
37 2021-05-06 wheezing, shortness of breath, throat tightness Approximately five minutes after shot, my face began to tingle. My heart felt like it was racing. I ... Read more
Approximately five minutes after shot, my face began to tingle. My heart felt like it was racing. I had difficulty focusing with my eyes, it felt like my eyes were rolling. My feet began to tingle. My spouse honked the car horn for assistance. I reached for my epi pen but did not administer it because a doctor was approaching our car. I checked my pulse rate on my iWatch, it was 168. My throat began to feel tight. The doctor listened to my lungs and heard wheezing. A paramedic came over as well. My blood pressure was taken but I do not remember what my blood pressure was. At that point the doctor said I should use my epi pen. The paramedic said I should use Benadryl. They were in disagreement, and the paramedic said I should take 50mg of Benadryl and had me put my car seat in recline position. It was at the point they noticed that my face and chest were flushed. They had me drink water. We waited about 45 minutes. My lungs were checked again by the paramedic and I was told my lungs were clear, my blood pressure was taken second time but I do not remember my blood pressure, my face was less flush, my pulse was in the 70?s. I still felt tingling on my scalp and feet, my throat felt like it had a lump in it. I Began to feel nauseous. I was given the okay to leave and go home. I had nausea until the evening the next day. I did not eat until dinner time the night after my shot. I only drank water. The next day I experienced shortness of breath performing duties that typically do not make me out of breath. I had to take many breaks and used my abuterol inhaler two times.
37 2021-05-14 very rapid breathing Uncontrollable shaking, chills, hyperventilating, diarrhea
37 2021-05-14 respiration abnormal Patient experienced perspiration, dizziness, lack of strength, lack of coordination, over heated, bl... Read more
Patient experienced perspiration, dizziness, lack of strength, lack of coordination, over heated, blurred vision, breath restriction ?could not get a rhythm to my breath, muscle weakness ?could not stand?, nausea
37 2021-05-16 shortness of breath, throat swelling Swollen lips Swollen, redness and tender to area where vaccine was giveb Trouble breathing Throat cl... Read more
Swollen lips Swollen, redness and tender to area where vaccine was giveb Trouble breathing Throat closing
37 2021-05-23 shortness of breath Severe muscle fatigue, mostly in the legs. Numbness in feet 1 week following administration of vacci... Read more
Severe muscle fatigue, mostly in the legs. Numbness in feet 1 week following administration of vaccine. Progressively worse symptoms following and ongoing at this time. Including the following: numbness and tingling of hands and feet on a daily basis, body fatigue, pain in back, mental lethargy, exhaustion and difficulty breathing at times.
37 2021-05-24 shortness of breath chest pain; Difficult breathing; fever; chills; body aches; Headache; This spontaneous case was repo... Read more
chest pain; Difficult breathing; fever; chills; body aches; Headache; This spontaneous case was reported by a patient and describes the occurrence of CHEST PAIN (chest pain) and DYSPNOEA (Difficult breathing) in a 37-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 037B21A and 006B21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. No Medical History information was reported. On 27-Mar-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 24-Apr-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 24-Apr-2021, the patient experienced PYREXIA (fever), CHILLS (chills), MYALGIA (body aches) and HEADACHE (Headache). On 06-May-2021, the patient experienced CHEST PAIN (chest pain) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and DYSPNOEA (Difficult breathing) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). The patient was hospitalized on 06-May-2021 due to CHEST PAIN and DYSPNOEA. At the time of the report, CHEST PAIN (chest pain) and DYSPNOEA (Difficult breathing) was resolving and PYREXIA (fever), CHILLS (chills), MYALGIA (body aches) and HEADACHE (Headache) outcome was unknown. Not Provided DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Computerized tomogram: negative (Negative) negative for presumed pneumonia. On an unknown date, Ultrasound chest: negative (Negative) negative for presumed pneumonia. No concomitant medication. Treatment medication were reported as prednisone and Aztec. Company comment: Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Further information have been requested; Sender's Comments: Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Further information have been requested
37 2021-05-26 mild apnea Chest compression, shallow breathing, anxiety, shakiness
37 2021-05-29 shortness of breath Dulled sense of taste, fatigue, sore legs, shortness of breath
37 2021-05-31 shortness of breath shortness of breath/breathing wasn't easy and was not able to fill their lung; fever; This spontaneo... Read more
shortness of breath/breathing wasn't easy and was not able to fill their lung; fever; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/breathing wasn't easy and was not able to fill their lung) and PYREXIA (fever) in a 37-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 025C21A and 003C21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. Concomitant products included TELMISARTAN (TELMIKIND) for an unknown indication. On 22-Apr-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 20-May-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 22-May-2021, the patient experienced DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/breathing wasn't easy and was not able to fill their lung) and PYREXIA (fever). At the time of the report, DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/breathing wasn't easy and was not able to fill their lung) and PYREXIA (fever) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 22-May-2021, Body temperature: 101 (Inconclusive) Inconclusive. On 22-May-2021, the patient had a fever of 101 for which the patient took paracetamol. He started having shortness of breath on the evening of 22-May-2021. He reported that his breathing wasn't easy and he was not able to fill his lung. The patient went to an Urgent Care on 23-May-2021 and was prescribed cetirizine and benzonatate 10 mg. At the time of the report, his symptoms are not as strong but were still present. Company Comment : Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Most recent FOLLOW-UP information incorporated above includes: On 24-May-2021: FU Received on 24-May-2021.Expiration Date(second dose): 10/23; 10/17/2021 (first dose) were updated; Sender's Comments: Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded.
37 2021-06-01 shortness of breath 3 weeks after receiving the first of the series of two injections, the patient developed SOB and CP.... Read more
3 weeks after receiving the first of the series of two injections, the patient developed SOB and CP. He presented to the ER with a R/O MI.
37 2021-06-01 shortness of breath Started to get extreme fatigue. To the point where I just wanted to lay down all day. Shortness of b... Read more
Started to get extreme fatigue. To the point where I just wanted to lay down all day. Shortness of breath. Muscle cramping and aching in joints. Still current at this point. Both arms, both legs.
37 2021-06-12 shortness of breath Headache, aches, chills, shortness of breath, fatigue. Felt worse than all, but 2 days that I actua... Read more
Headache, aches, chills, shortness of breath, fatigue. Felt worse than all, but 2 days that I actually had COVID back in December for 17 days.
37 2021-06-14 shortness of breath Pain in joints and muscles. Rapid heartbeat, fever, nausea. Difficulty breathing.
37 2021-06-16 swelling in lungs, shortness of breath June 13, 2021. Went to hospital for shortness of breath and chest tightness. Temp 99.2. DX: )Acute n... Read more
June 13, 2021. Went to hospital for shortness of breath and chest tightness. Temp 99.2. DX: )Acute non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction, Acute coronary syndrome ; Pulmonary edema Transferred to Medical Center Negative Covid test on June 13, 2021. Positive Covid test June 16, 2021 at Medical Center
37 2021-06-17 shortness of breath At end of 15 minute observation period, pt asked how is he feeling , pt slow to response and appeare... Read more
At end of 15 minute observation period, pt asked how is he feeling , pt slow to response and appeared confused, pt complained of nausea, unsteady gate noted, VS taking at 10:18 am Bp-200/140, P-86,o2-97% , pt complained of SOB and chest pains, at 10:23am 1mL of epinephrine given IM in right deltoid, 911 called. At 10:25am pt SPo2 decreased to 90% pt sweating profusly patient advised to deep breathe, mental status decreased set of vital signs taken at 10:32am Bp-168/138, P-86, 911 arrived at 10:33am Bp-201/147, Hr-82 patient left at 10:39am with EMS.
37 2021-06-17 throat tightness Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Swallowing, Throat Tightness-Medium
37 2021-06-20 shortness of breath First Dose regular symptoms, fever, server sweats, chills, body aches. Second Dose same as above ac... Read more
First Dose regular symptoms, fever, server sweats, chills, body aches. Second Dose same as above accompanied chest pain and shortness of breath. The chest pain and shortness of breath lasted a week, a full 7 days after the vaccine/
37 2021-07-03 blood clot in lung Blood clot in my Lung
37 2021-07-06 shortness of breath Patient developed fevers and malaise within 10 hours of the vaccine and then subsequently developed ... Read more
Patient developed fevers and malaise within 10 hours of the vaccine and then subsequently developed progressive shortness of breath and presented to the ED locally. Was thought to have a PE and underwent CT images which was equivocal. Transferred to our hospital where an MRI cardiac stress indicated myocarditis. Started on aspirin and colchicine and will require cardiology outpatient follow up. Patient is feeling better
37 2021-07-11 shortness of breath Fever, chills, malaise, progressive shortness of breath and sudden collapse
37 2021-07-13 shortness of breath Patient stated that he had trouble catching his breath the next day after receiving the first dose o... Read more
Patient stated that he had trouble catching his breath the next day after receiving the first dose of Moderna Covid-19 vaccine.
37 2021-07-18 painful respiration I have the pain in my heart that is being commonly described and downplayed by the media, likely myo... Read more
I have the pain in my heart that is being commonly described and downplayed by the media, likely myocarditis, I'm coming up on a month of getting the first dose and the slight pain has come and gone since first getting the shot. Today it is noticeably worse and more persistent than before, I am feeling this pain with every 5th breath or so. I WILL NOT be getting the second shot, the fact that people are expected to get this vaccine in mass is ludicrous and criminal
38 2021-01-07 respiratory rate increased, wheezing, exercise-induced asthma, shortness of breath I run twice a week. One 6-8 mile and one 10-12 mile run. I breathe through my nose mostly and I'm i... Read more
I run twice a week. One 6-8 mile and one 10-12 mile run. I breathe through my nose mostly and I'm in very good pulmonary and cardiovascular condition. I went for a run and 1 mile in I started drooling a lot! Spitting out mouthfuls every 15-30 seconds and I never spit. Then my chest got tight and hurt and got irritated. The feeling was identical to Bronchitis. I started walking home and my breathing rate increased with wheezing. I got nauseous and was bent over with saliva poring out of my mouth. Walking up one flight of stairs was difficult. I have a finger pulse oximeter and it was at 84! Breathing was very rapid and difficult. After 5 minutes it went up to 94 and then up to 98-99 after 1 more minute (when my pulse fell back under 100bpm. Chest tightness continued for about 1 hour before I was back to normal for the most part. by today I feel 100% again.
38 2021-01-10 shortness of breath Felt completely normal at time of injection, and for several hours afterward. Began feeling pain and... Read more
Felt completely normal at time of injection, and for several hours afterward. Began feeling pain and soreness at injection site around 11PM. Felt overall coldness and increased soreness at injection site when retiring to bed at 11:30PM. Experienced extremely vivid dreams prior to awaking at ~4AM with the need to urinate. Felt extremely hot, and somewhat concerning shortness of breath. Sat up in bed for 45-60 seconds prior to standing vertical. Felt normal when walking to bathroom and while urinating, no straining or abnormal effort required. Upon nearing completion of emptying bladder, ears began increasing intensity of ringing, followed immediately by cascading sensation of weakness. Realizing I was probably rapidly losing consciousness, I grabbed sink for support, in order to get as close to the ground as possible. Regained consciousness an unknown period of time later, though believed I was in bed. Upon noticing how cold my "bedsheets" were, I realized/remembered that I had lost consciousness. Felt completely weak and rested on floor for 30(?) minutes; attempts to move to a more veertical position were met with vague sensations of nausea. Eventually felt strong enough to drag myself to a nearby couch, where I slept on and off until 11:30AM, and gradually woke up to eat breakfast. I have experienced 1-2 episodes of syncope in my lifetime, and this instance aligns with how I felt at those times. Have never experienced micturition syncope at any point before, though.
38 2021-01-16 shortness of breath Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA. Patient has tested positive for Covid 19 as of 1/10/2021, when he was ... Read more
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA. Patient has tested positive for Covid 19 as of 1/10/2021, when he was hospitalized. Patient's wife had been rushed to the ER previously, and they discovered she was Covid positive when she was admitted. Patient immediately notified public health and was being restricted and followed up with. During his quarantine, he started developing symptoms (08Jan2021). On 10 Jan, he was rushed to the ER and diagnosed with pneumonia due to Covid. He was also experiencing painful stomach cramps, low oxygen saturations and fluctuations in blood pressure. He spent 3 days inpatient in the Covid wing then was discharged to resume resting at home. Our provider immediately reached out to the member and checked in with them. At this time, the patient's only real complaint is lack of energy or getting winded when doing projects around the house. Patient will isolate at home and monitor his symptoms. Public health and the provider will follow up with the member and her family periodically to ensure recovery.
38 2021-01-17 shortness of breath Anaphylaxis (urticaria, tongue swelling, subjective difficulty breathing) starting approx. 24hrs fir... Read more
Anaphylaxis (urticaria, tongue swelling, subjective difficulty breathing) starting approx. 24hrs first moderna dose. No prior episodes of anaphylaxis/allergic rxn. Treated with Benadryl 100mg PO (prior to arrival, pt administered), famotidine 20mg IV, Epinepherine 0.3mg IM. Monitored in ED, complete resolution of symptoms, discharged home.
38 2021-02-02 wheezing Myalgia, CoughWheeze, Syncope, Chills Narrative: covid tested positive 1/1/21. symptoms resolved 1/... Read more
Myalgia, CoughWheeze, Syncope, Chills Narrative: covid tested positive 1/1/21. symptoms resolved 1/2/21.
38 2021-02-06 shortness of breath Vaccine received at 1600 on 2/4. 14 hours later on 2/5 at 0600, vomiting x 4, chills, fatigue, malai... Read more
Vaccine received at 1600 on 2/4. 14 hours later on 2/5 at 0600, vomiting x 4, chills, fatigue, malaise, nasal congestion. Wife stated I was acting like I did when I had the flu. Took several doses of acetaminophen and naproxen with some relief. 2/6 at 0500, vomiting x 4, cough, nasal congestion, worsening malaise and restlessness, shortness of breath, transient chest pain, mild lymphadenopathy. Acetaminophen and naproxen no longer providing relief. Reported to urgent care clinic due to multiple symptoms not listed in vaccine information, was given ondansetron and promethazine. Recovered at midnight, approx 56 hours later, waking up to sweat-soaked bedsheets.
38 2021-02-17 shortness of breath, mild apnea, pulmonary congestion Received dose around 5pm, by between 7-8pm I had body aches, and severe chills - almost to the point... Read more
Received dose around 5pm, by between 7-8pm I had body aches, and severe chills - almost to the point of convulsion. Woke up with a fever in morning, fever off and on the following day, fatigue the following two days. By day two I was having difficulty breathing while laying down, shallow breaths. I went to urgent care by the fourth day because the breathing difficulty increased, to the point where it was hard to breathe sitting up. Dr. at the urgent care did chest Xray and EKH, which were both normal. He tested me for COVID-19 and the results were negative. It is now day 7 and I am still having shallow breathing, with what feels like an unclearable chest congestion, and cough.
38 2021-03-10 shortness of breath I developed a fever that lasted approximately 12 hours and continue to experience strong headaches 3... Read more
I developed a fever that lasted approximately 12 hours and continue to experience strong headaches 36 hours after the vaccination was administered. I have experienced some shortness of breath and became quickly exhausted with light physical activity (including standing and walking). These two symptoms appear to be better after 24 hours.
38 2021-03-18 asthma Flare up of ulcerative colitis that had been in remission for 8 years. Also, flare up of asthma sym... Read more
Flare up of ulcerative colitis that had been in remission for 8 years. Also, flare up of asthma symptoms. Asthma symptoms were resolved using albuterol in a nebulizer for several days and use of inhalers (Qvar 80 and Beclomethasone). Ulcerative colitis is resolving using hydrocortisone suppositories, turmeric orally, vitamin E, and medical cannabis oil rectally. I'm also receiving three IV treatments of glutathione spread across a week to calm down my immune system. Regardless, I still would have taken the vaccine had I known in advance. I just want others to be aware so that they are not caught by surprise, and can plan to have the necessary medications and/or their physician on call if needed.
38 2021-03-25 throat tightness, asthma, shortness of breath PRESENTS WITH C/O THROAT "TIGHTENING" FEELING FLUSHED/ ANXIOUS, DIFFICULTY BREATHING WHICH STARTED S... Read more
38 2021-03-28 shortness of breath Coughing, shortness of breath, runny nose, headache, body aches, fever
38 2021-04-07 shortness of breath Client blew his car horn to alert the nurse that he was not feeling well. Client was diaphoretic wi... Read more
Client blew his car horn to alert the nurse that he was not feeling well. Client was diaphoretic with labored breathing. Client was asked to turn on AC and lie back in car seat and slow his breathing if possible. Client was asked if he had anxiety and he stated yes. He was asked if he had any underlying conditions and/or was he allergic to anything and he replied no.
38 2021-04-07 throat swelling Patient stated that post vaccination on Sunday 4/4/2021, Monday 4/5/2021, and Tuesday 4/6/2021. Pati... Read more
Patient stated that post vaccination on Sunday 4/4/2021, Monday 4/5/2021, and Tuesday 4/6/2021. Patient reported his reaction to clinic staff on Wednesday 04/07/2021 he was experiencing pain going down his arm to his fingers. Patient described it as a sharp burning pain that woke him out of bed for two nights. Patient stated that he also felt pain while trying to move his arm above his shoulder. Hives, rashes, and throat swelling were not noted on the patient. Patient denied difficulty breathing or chest pain. Treatment provided for the patient included using a cold pack for pain relief. Patient reported an improvement in his pain with the use of an ice pack. Patient stated that he would be following up with a physician to report his side effect.
38 2021-04-11 throat swelling About 30-45 minutes in Tongue Swollen, bit of swelling in the throat, heart rate increase, signs of ... Read more
About 30-45 minutes in Tongue Swollen, bit of swelling in the throat, heart rate increase, signs of mild/moderate allergic reaction. Never experienced one before. Upon riding back home, went to urgent care near my house, they treated me with diphenhydramine 25mg (2 tablets). Stayed there for about 90min. Conditions improved a bit. Went home, took 2 benadryl 10 mg tabs approx every 5 hours. Constant daily improvement. By Friday, conditions were pretty much non-existent.
38 2021-04-22 respiratory arrest Patient received Moderna Vaccine on Friday 4/16/2021 12:00pm in dialysis clinic. Over the weekend f... Read more
Patient received Moderna Vaccine on Friday 4/16/2021 12:00pm in dialysis clinic. Over the weekend family called and left a message stating that patient CTB on Friday 4/16/2021 around 8pm.
38 2021-04-27 shortness of breath Within 5 minutes of shot my jaw and tongue started feeling numb, so I called them back over to ask i... Read more
Within 5 minutes of shot my jaw and tongue started feeling numb, so I called them back over to ask if it was normal. Within a few minutes after that I told them my throat was starting to close up, I was having trouble breathing and both arms went numb. They said I was very pale, horse when talking and that they were going to start treating me for anaphylaxis due to my throat and airway issues. They immediately called for ambulance and gave me 10 ml of liquid Benadryl and prepped an epi-pen. Within maybe 5-10 minutes the Benadryl help stop the throat closing and I asked them to not inject the epi-pen until the EMT arrived since the symptoms held and didn?t get worse.
38 2021-05-01 shortness of breath Experienced the following for about 30 hours: chills, low fever, fatigue, generalized aches. Some s... Read more
Experienced the following for about 30 hours: chills, low fever, fatigue, generalized aches. Some shortness of breath lasted for 8 days so far (not yet fully recovered).
38 2021-05-03 shortness of breath 1435: Patient stated he was feeling dizzy and tingly 1437: Blood pressure 142/92 Pulse 86 O2 stat 9... Read more
1435: Patient stated he was feeling dizzy and tingly 1437: Blood pressure 142/92 Pulse 86 O2 stat 96% 1440: Patient stated he was feeling tingly in the arms and hands and his legs had fallen asleep 1451: Blood pressure 150/98 pulse 92 1455: Stated he had difficulty breathing 1459: Patient laid supine, chest pain 1512: EMS arrived, EKG done and no cardiac emergency found 1520: Reevaluated patient, chest pain reduced, vision back to normal, dizziness present, tingly reduced 1523: Patient refused hospital transport via ambulance
38 2021-05-05 rapid breathing 4/28 - fatigue, chills, sore arm 4/29 - lightheaded and dizzy 5/1 - exhaustion 5/3 - severe diarrhea... Read more
4/28 - fatigue, chills, sore arm 4/29 - lightheaded and dizzy 5/1 - exhaustion 5/3 - severe diarrhea, dizziness, shallow/rapid breathing, dehydration ? went to emergency room
38 2021-05-06 shortness of breath 3pm, hours after the shot, i felt shortness of breath for about an hour. Throughout the weeks, i wo... Read more
3pm, hours after the shot, i felt shortness of breath for about an hour. Throughout the weeks, i would feel the shortness here and there but not so serious. Fast forward to May 6, it attacked me and it is very difficult to breathe. Almost getting dizzy. I had to buy primatene mist which does not work 100%. The episodes lasts for almost 2 hours.
38 2021-05-10 shortness of breath Approximately 30 minutes after the immunization, the patient developed a rash and reported shortness... Read more
Approximately 30 minutes after the immunization, the patient developed a rash and reported shortness of breath. The patient was prescribed a corticosteroid and was given nebulized ipratropium/albuterol. Patient was returning to normal after about 45 minutes.
38 2021-05-10 very rapid breathing Excessive yawning. Tightness in chest, trouble taking deep breaths but not all the time.
38 2021-05-22 shortness of breath Moderna Dose 2 adminster 4/30/21. Fever developed within 24 hours, bad flu-like symptoms. Hour 48: ... Read more
Moderna Dose 2 adminster 4/30/21. Fever developed within 24 hours, bad flu-like symptoms. Hour 48: Troubling symptoms after fever lifted. Brain fog, headache, chest tightness, light headedness, nausea, low energy. Neurological symptoms felt concussion like. Flu-like symptom resolved very rapidly after 36 hours. Headache persistent. Week 2: Brain-fog, lightheadedness, chest tightness, low energy, low ambition, insomnia. Took 20 hour sick leave. Visited two physicians. BP Normal. Blood work normal. Day 19: Persistent symptoms: Shortness of breath, chest tightness, headache, brain fog, low energy. Day 20: Symptoms persistent w/increasing severity. SYMPTOMS RESOLVED FOLLOWING TREATMENT contact me for details
38 2021-05-24 shortness of breath back pain; Pneumonia in right lung; Shortness of breath and couldn't breath; Malaise; Chills; Headac... Read more
back pain; Pneumonia in right lung; Shortness of breath and couldn't breath; Malaise; Chills; Headache; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of PNEUMONIA (Pneumonia in right lung) in a 38-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. 043B21H) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The patient's past medical history included COVID-19 in 2020 and Pneumonia (Patient had Covid about an year ago and it gave them pneumonia.) in 2020. Concomitant products included THYROID for an unknown indication. On 08-Apr-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 04-May-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 04-May-2021, the patient experienced MALAISE (Malaise), CHILLS (Chills) and HEADACHE (Headache). On 07-May-2021, the patient experienced PNEUMONIA (Pneumonia in right lung) (seriousness criterion medically significant) and DYSPNOEA (Shortness of breath and couldn't breath). On an unknown date, the patient experienced BACK PAIN (back pain). On 06-May-2021, MALAISE (Malaise), CHILLS (Chills) and HEADACHE (Headache) had resolved. At the time of the report, PNEUMONIA (Pneumonia in right lung), DYSPNOEA (Shortness of breath and couldn't breath) and BACK PAIN (back pain) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood test: normal (normal) Blood analysis were good. On an unknown date, Scan: abnormal (abnormal) Found pneumonia in right lung. The patient was treated with doxycycline for five days and received antibiotics in the hospital. The patient received both scheduled doses of mRNA-1273 prior to the events therefore, action taken with the drug in response to the events was not applicable. Based on current available information and the temporal association between product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded.; Sender's Comments: Based on current available information and the temporal association between product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded.
38 2021-05-24 shortness of breath Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Mild, Systemic: Chest Tightness / Heaviness / Pain-Severe, ... Read more
Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Mild, Systemic: Chest Tightness / Heaviness / Pain-Severe, Systemic: Flushed / Sweating-Mild, Systemic: Hypertension-Severe, Additional Details: patient reported filling shortness of breath and chest pain. I checked blood pressure it was 174/103 with a pulse of 95 bpm. I gave patient a benadryl and called 911. 911 instructed me to give the patient a 325mg of aspirin.
38 2021-05-26 shortness of breath Client reported shortness of breath 2hrs after vaccine was administered. Per client it was intermitt... Read more
Client reported shortness of breath 2hrs after vaccine was administered. Per client it was intermittent and lasted a total of 3 hours. Client denied swelling or feeling throat close. Per client did not take any medication and resolved on its own. Medical history of hypertension and takes Zestril. No known allergies.
38 2021-05-27 asthma Site code 11109; Moderna 002C21A; or OU2C2IA or 1A I am confused if i should get another shot, or it... Read more
Site code 11109; Moderna 002C21A; or OU2C2IA or 1A I am confused if i should get another shot, or it was actually food poisoning. No one else got sick.
38 2021-05-29 shortness of breath Extreme heavy menstrual bleeding. Treatment is seasonique birth control and medroxyprogesterone also... Read more
Extreme heavy menstrual bleeding. Treatment is seasonique birth control and medroxyprogesterone also rash all over my body 1-23 days after vaccine and now hearing issues and liquids draining from my right ear. Dizziness, shortness of breath
38 2021-06-03 shortness of breath Pt experienced extreme panic attack right after vaccination. Contacted 911, and paramedics were dis... Read more
Pt experienced extreme panic attack right after vaccination. Contacted 911, and paramedics were dispatched from Delaware County Memorial Hospital. Pt alleges he "can't breathe and don't feel right. Never felt like this before." Epipen was really to be administered.
38 2021-06-05 shortness of breath Experienced chest pain and shortness of breath on Wednesday morning, after getting the second vaccin... Read more
Experienced chest pain and shortness of breath on Wednesday morning, after getting the second vaccine shot on Sunday. Went to the hospital where they reported elevated troponin levels and possible myocarditis. Troponins continued to rise over the next day and peaked at 7.2 before starting to go back down. Stayed at the hospital for two nights to be observed.
38 2021-06-10 shortness of breath First day -- fever, body ache, headache. 2nd day -- Chest pain, trouble breathing, fast heart rate a... Read more
First day -- fever, body ache, headache. 2nd day -- Chest pain, trouble breathing, fast heart rate and dizziness. -- diagnosed with pericarditis after ER visit.
38 2021-06-23 shortness of breath 104 degree fever starting approximately 22 hours after the second shot. The fever lasted 2.5 days. ... Read more
104 degree fever starting approximately 22 hours after the second shot. The fever lasted 2.5 days. Tightness in breathing, heaviness in chest, and a general weak feeling after excise (i.e., when heart rate increases) following the 2nd shot. Still ongoing today (6/24/21)
38 2021-06-28 shortness of breath Severe widespread joint pain including sudden tears in both knees' meniscuses leaving me unable to f... Read more
Severe widespread joint pain including sudden tears in both knees' meniscuses leaving me unable to function normally the past 5 weeks, constant headache, sudden dizzy spells, lightheadedness, fatigue, sense of impending doom, severe anxiety, feeling of breathlessness or not getting enough oxygen, inability to soundly sleep
38 2021-07-05 shortness of breath 18 days after 2nd vaccination I started feeling intermittent paresthesias in my feet. These slowly p... Read more
18 days after 2nd vaccination I started feeling intermittent paresthesias in my feet. These slowly progressed to my lower legs. After about a week I noticed numbness/paresthesias in my fingers and forearms. About a week later it progressed to my face and is now also in my oral cavity (teeth, tongue, and posterior oropharynx). The paresthesias have been accompanied with intermittent mild vertigo, headaches, mild shortness of breath, and palpitations.
38 2021-07-06 shortness of breath Within 2 days, he had shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, body aches, fatigue. Sought treatment a... Read more
Within 2 days, he had shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, body aches, fatigue. Sought treatment at the ER on 6/24. Heart rate was 220 bpm upon arrival. Had to be defibrillated back into normal rhythm. Was admitted to ICU for 6 days and diagnosed with myocarditis caused by Moderna vaccine and parainfluenza virus 3. Was in heart failure with heart function below 40%. Was released home on 6/29 with a life vest and 3 prescription medications to treat myocarditis.
38 2021-07-10 shortness of breath On 5/30/2021 and 5/31/2021: Bedridden with chills, nausea, tachycardia, shortness of breath, fatigu... Read more
On 5/30/2021 and 5/31/2021: Bedridden with chills, nausea, tachycardia, shortness of breath, fatigue, lightheadedness, sensitivity to light and sound, loss of appetite, and altered taste. Approximately two weeks ago (around 6/27/2021): Sudden onset of pain in the chest, then heart felt like a clenched fist, then heart started racing. Couldn't catch a breath and felt like passing out. I crawled to my neighbors house and told them to call an ambulance as I thought I was having a heart attack. While waiting for ambulance, got extreme chills and sweats. Ambulance came and did EKG which was normal. Gave me the option to go to hospital, but felt better so I declined. Since I have gotten the vaccine, I have consistently struggled with shortness of breath, tachycardia, and lightheadedness, to the point where I feel like I'm going to pass out, or die.
38 2021-07-18 wheezing, respiratory distress, shortness of breath After his office visit with me on Tuesday 7/13, the patient went to get the Moderna COVID vaccine. H... Read more
After his office visit with me on Tuesday 7/13, the patient went to get the Moderna COVID vaccine. He received the vaccine on Tuesday evening. On Wednesday, he developed new fevers as high as 104F (measured at home). Fevers improved with Tylenol. He did not report his symptoms, as per his wife, he assumed this was related to the COVID vaccine. By the following morning, his fevers had resolved. He took a nap midday, and shortly after waking, he reported to his wife that he was feeling short of breath. According to his wife, he appeared in respiratory distress and she heard wheezing. He asked to be helped to the ground, and she immediately called EMS. Unfortunately, before they could get him to a hospital, he died. At the hospital, his wife was told that because his death was outside the hospital, it was presumed to be due to "natural causes". She was told an autopsy would cost $5000, which she could not afford.
38 2021-07-29 shortness of breath Pericarditis; Flu like symptoms; Dizziness like vertigo; Dizziness like vertigo; Balance issues; Blu... Read more
Pericarditis; Flu like symptoms; Dizziness like vertigo; Dizziness like vertigo; Balance issues; Blurry visions; Chest pain; Pain at his back; High blood pressure going crazy; Heart palpitation; Weakness; Car accident not long after the 1st dose; Shortness of breath; Difficulty sleeping; Felt he was getting worse; Difficult to do laundry/Difficult to do clean dishes/Difficult to do make dinner; 1st dose of the Moderna COVID 19 vaccine on 11MAR2021 & 2nd dose on 28MAY2021; Fatigue; Pain belowhis shoulder blade; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of PERICARDITIS (Pericarditis) in a 38-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. No Medical History information was reported. On 11-Mar-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 28-May-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient experienced PERICARDITIS (Pericarditis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and medically significant), INFLUENZA LIKE ILLNESS (Flu like symptoms), DIZZINESS (Dizziness like vertigo), VERTIGO (Dizziness like vertigo), BALANCE DISORDER (Balance issues), VISION BLURRED (Blurry visions), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), BACK PAIN (Pain at his back), HYPERTENSION (High blood pressure going crazy), PALPITATIONS (Heart palpitation), ASTHENIA (Weakness), ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENT (Car accident not long after the 1st dose), DYSPNOEA (Shortness of breath), INSOMNIA (Difficulty sleeping), FEELING ABNORMAL (Felt he was getting worse), MOBILITY DECREASED (Difficult to do laundry/Difficult to do clean dishes/Difficult to do make dinner), INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (1st dose of the Moderna COVID 19 vaccine on 11MAR2021 & 2nd dose on 28MAY2021), FATIGUE (Fatigue) and ARTHRALGIA (Pain belowhis shoulder blade). The patient was hospitalized from 26-Jun-2021 to 27-Jun-2021 due to PERICARDITIS. The patient was treated with IBUPROFEN for Pericarditis, at a dose of 1 dosage form and COLCHICINE at a dose of 0.6 mg. At the time of the report, PERICARDITIS (Pericarditis), INFLUENZA LIKE ILLNESS (Flu like symptoms), DIZZINESS (Dizziness like vertigo), VERTIGO (Dizziness like vertigo), BALANCE DISORDER (Balance issues), VISION BLURRED (Blurry visions), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), BACK PAIN (Pain at his back), HYPERTENSION (High blood pressure going crazy), PALPITATIONS (Heart palpitation), ASTHENIA (Weakness), ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENT (Car accident not long after the 1st dose), DYSPNOEA (Shortness of breath), INSOMNIA (Difficulty sleeping), FEELING ABNORMAL (Felt he was getting worse), MOBILITY DECREASED (Difficult to do laundry/Difficult to do clean dishes/Difficult to do make dinner), FATIGUE (Fatigue) and ARTHRALGIA (Pain belowhis shoulder blade) outcome was unknown and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (1st dose of the Moderna COVID 19 vaccine on 11MAR2021 & 2nd dose on 28MAY2021) had resolved. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood pressure measurement: high (High) High. On an unknown date, Heart rate: abnormal (abnormal) Pulse - Abnormal. No concomitant product information was provided. Patient stated that he received his 1st dose of the Moderna COVID 19 vaccine on 11MAR2021 at grocery store and his 2nd dose on 28MAY2021 at supermarket. He did not receive his 2nd dose on the scheduled day because he got into a car accident not long after the 1st dose. He had flu like symptoms after the 2nd dose. Two weeks later, he started having other symptoms. These symptoms include dizziness like vertigo, balance issues, pulse issue related to his heart rate, blurry visions, chest pain, pain at his back, pain below his shoulder blade, high blood pressure going crazy, heart palpitation, shortness of breath, difficulty sleeping, weakness, and fatigue. On 26JUN2021, he went to the ER and was diagnosed with pericarditis. He spent the night in the hospital 26/27JJUN2021 and was discharged with Ibuprofen ON 27JUN2021. While at the hospital they did blood work and EKG to confirm that he was not having a heart attack. A week later he returned to the ER because he was not feeling better. He is not in a good place, he finds it difficult to do laundry, clean dishes or make dinner. He feels off and thinks he is getting worse and no one seems to be taking him serious. He does not have a primary care physician; he goes to a clinic and usually sees any doctor that is available. He is currently taking Ibuprofen and Colchicine 0.6 mg to help with the symptoms. He is still having the symptoms; he will be referred to a cardiologist. He regrets getting the 2nd dose. He gave consent for safety to follow-up with him. Company Comment: Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Further information has been requested. This also report refers to a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for mRNA-1273 with the associated AEs reported. This case was linked to MOD-2021-266164 (Patient Link).; Sender's Comments: Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Further information has been requested. This also report refers to a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for mRNA-1273 with the associated AEs reported.
39 2021-01-05 shortness of breath Shortness of breath Fatigue Cough
39 2021-01-08 pulmonary congestion Myalgia, Fever, Chest congestion and soreness at injection site
39 2021-01-12 shortness of breath Patient: Date: 06 Jan 2021 1307 Appt Type: EROOM Treatment Facility: Clinic: EMERGENCY ROOM FAX ... Read more
Patient: Date: 06 Jan 2021 1307 Appt Type: EROOM Treatment Facility: Clinic: EMERGENCY ROOM FAX Provider: Patient Status: Outpatient Clinic Phone: Autocites Refreshed by 06 Jan 2021 1335 Allergies o Penicillins: Urticaria (patient states hives) Labs No Labs Found. Rads No Rads Found. Vitals No Vitals Found. Appointment Comments: Last Updated by 06 Jan 2021 1332 XROOM 09 = Poss Covid vaccine reaction Questionnaire Autocites Refreshed by Jan 2021 1335 Questionnaires S/O Note Written by 06 Jan 2021 1357 Chief complaint The Chief Complaint is:Chief complaint The Chief Complaint is: COVID vaccine reaction. History of present illness The Patient is a 39 year old male. Patient is a 39-year-old male who presents to the emergency department after receiving the COVID vaccine today. The patient states that he began noticing shortness of breath, pain at the injection site, and numbness down his arm. He was told to report to the emergency department for evaluation. The patient denies fever, loss of consciousness, or other symptoms. The symptoms have been constant. Nothing is making the symptoms better. Past medical/surgical history Reported: No significant past medical history. Surgical / Procedural: No significant past surgical history. Personal history Behavioral: Not a current smoker. Drug Use: Not using drugs. Family history No significant family history. Review of systems A 10 point review of systems was conducted, which is negative except as stated in the history of present illness. Physical findings Vital Signs: ° Current vital signs reviewed. General Appearance: ° Well-appearing. Ears, Nose, Throat: ° ENT: normal. Pharynx: Mucosal: ° Pharynx was moist. Lungs: ° Normal. ° Respiration rhythm and depth was normal. ° Clear to auscultation. Cardiovascular: ° System: normal. Heart Rate And Rhythm: ° Normal. Neurological: ° Level of consciousness was normal. Sensation: o Sensory exam abnormalities were noted Patient states that he has sensation along the left arm and fingers, but that it feels different compared to the right arm, especially in the ulnar distribution. Motor: ° A motor exam demonstrated no dysfunction. Skin: ° Intact. A/P Written by 06 Jan 2021 1348 1. Encounter for other specified special examinations Plan/Comment(s): - 39-year-old male with reaction following receipt of the COVID vaccine. Physical exam reveals normal vital signs. Heart and lungs are clear. Mild tenderness in the injection site on the arm without findings of erythema, cellulitis, or other mild numbness subjectively compared to right arm and fingers on the left hand, but full motor strength of medial, radial, and ulnar intact. Low suspicion for cellulitis, abscess formation, pneumonia, pneumothorax, or more serious pathology to symptoms. Plan to discharge with return precautions. Disposition Written by 06 Jan 2021 135 Disposition: Released w/o Limitations Follow up: as needed in 2 day(s) with PCM or sooner if there are problems. Discussed: Diagnosis, Medication(s)/Treatment(s), Alternatives, Potential Side Effects with Patient who indicated understanding. Signed By MD, (Emergency Physician, Hospital) @ 06 Jan 2021 1357 As of 13 Jan still having pain, numbness, and swelling in left arm and left hand also has shortness of breath after walking a distance more than 200 yards. Some days are worse than others.
39 2021-01-24 throat swelling Besides the usual and expected muscle pain, injection site soreness, and headache, I experienced a m... Read more
Besides the usual and expected muscle pain, injection site soreness, and headache, I experienced a mild allergic reaction. Within 5 to 10 minutes after getting the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine (Lot#, handwritten), I experienced a mild swelling of my face and throat. I noticed the throat swelling when I drank water and also noticed my face tightening up. I have a severe allergic reaction to peaches, so I'm hypersensitive to these types of reactions, and I was a little worried. My throat and face were swollen for about an hour, but very mild compared to my reaction to peaches, and it subsided after about 2 hours or so.
39 2021-01-25 throat swelling Injection administered; 15 minute observation - normal - discharged from observation area Patient re... Read more
Injection administered; 15 minute observation - normal - discharged from observation area Patient returned several hours later c/o lightheadedness, off balance, feet felt numb, throat swelling, toes tingling. Patient placed on stretche, VS taken; upon report of throat swelling - epi-pen administered, 911 called and patient transferred to higher level of care
39 2021-02-03 rapid breathing Approximately 20 minutes after vaccine administered, pt reported feeling flush, heart racing, then d... Read more
Approximately 20 minutes after vaccine administered, pt reported feeling flush, heart racing, then dizzy. Became tachycardic and tachypnic and reported headache. Rapid Response called and patient transported to Emergency Department (ED). Cardiac workup, CT of head done. No acute process found. Given Ativan, fentanyl without improvement. Then given droperidol, Beandryl and Toradol and had complete resolution of headache. Other symptoms resolved. Discharged from ED at 2:22pm 2/1/2021.
39 2021-02-05 shortness of breath Short of breath Chills Aches Fatigue Rash on arms
39 2021-02-08 shortness of breath Second vaccine on 2/2/21. On 2/4/21 started having cough, SOA, chills, HA, fatigue, and muscle aches... Read more
Second vaccine on 2/2/21. On 2/4/21 started having cough, SOA, chills, HA, fatigue, and muscle aches. Went to urgent care.
39 2021-02-09 throat swelling As soon as patient received the injection he began to feel lightheaded and dizzy. He was instructed ... Read more
As soon as patient received the injection he began to feel lightheaded and dizzy. He was instructed to pull vehicle to parking space. He was diaphoretic with pallor noted. He stated he throat felt like it was closing up a little. His BP was 80/56. He was shaking. He was given injection of epi. BP increased to 88/64 and approximately 8 minutes after the epi was 100/64. 911 was called and pt was evaluated and instructed to go home.
39 2021-02-10 shortness of breath, pleuritic chest pain 39 year old male no known past medical history received his second dose of the moderna vaccine on 2/... Read more
39 year old male no known past medical history received his second dose of the moderna vaccine on 2/5. That evening he developed headache, malaise, fatigue, fevers. The symptoms persisted on 2/6 and 2/7 with some improvement in his headache on 2/7. On the evening of 2/7 he developed high fevers to 103, rigors, "vivid dreams" woke up with night sweats. On 2/8 developed pleuritic chest pain and shortness of breath and went to the hospital.
39 2021-02-22 shortness of breath Began feeling short of breath and dizzy. Taken to urgent care and monitored. Symptoms resolved witho... Read more
Began feeling short of breath and dizzy. Taken to urgent care and monitored. Symptoms resolved without intervention. Provider stated that it appeared to be anxiety, not ADR.
39 2021-02-22 throat tightness 19 Feb: Received vaccinate roughly 1330hrs. [1400hrs through 2100hrs] lightheaded, slight headache. ... Read more
19 Feb: Received vaccinate roughly 1330hrs. [1400hrs through 2100hrs] lightheaded, slight headache. [1500hrs onward] tightness in throat. 20 Feb: [All day] tightness in throat; fatigue; glands swollen in jaw/neck; joint pain in shoulders and ankles. 21 Feb: [All day] tightness in throat; fatigue; glands swollen in jaw/neck; joint pain in shoulders, lower spine, and ankles. 22 Feb: [as of 1100hrs] tightness in throat; fatigue; glandes swollen in jaw/neck; joint pain in shoulders and ankles. Takes benadryl to alleviate sysmptoms, declines advise for further care.
39 2021-02-25 shortness of breath, throat swelling At approx 7:45 received FIRST dose of Moderna IM. Approx 15 min. after injection reported that tongu... Read more
At approx 7:45 received FIRST dose of Moderna IM. Approx 15 min. after injection reported that tongue was swelling first dose Epi 0.3mg given @ 08:04; then complained of throat swelling and reported difficutly breathing second dose Epi 0.3mg given @ 08:09 - initially reported that breathing was getting better however third dose of Epi 0.3 mg given 08:19 due to complaints of increased difficulty breathing - he was able to in one word statements but was needing to sit forward. Oxygen saturations ranged:97-99%. Returned from ER approx 5 hours later. Continued with body rash, itching, tongue feeling thick. Medicated with Benadryl 25-50mg QID; Prednisone 50 mg daily; Pepcid 20mg BID all of these for 5 days.
39 2021-03-18 throat swelling Throat swelling. Improved with Benadryl. Recurred. Improved with famotodine, Benadryl and decadron
39 2021-03-19 rapid breathing, shortness of breath Patient presents to the ED on 03/20/21 at ~19:45 for palpitations and shortness of breath. Patient s... Read more
Patient presents to the ED on 03/20/21 at ~19:45 for palpitations and shortness of breath. Patient symptoms started 1 hour prior. He woke from sleep sweating, feeling short of breath and having heart pounding sensation. No chest pain. He was seen at Army clinic on base where they were concerned he was in A. fib and brought him to the ED. His VS where slightly hypertensive, tachypnic but not tachycardic with normal temperature and pulse ox. He was given 1L bolus of LR, had EKG, CXR, echo and cardiac stress test done while here. He was discharged in good condition with follow up with cardiology in 4 days for Holter monitor.
39 2021-03-21 shortness of breath @ 3-5 min... arm started feeling a little sore, like a dead arm. That was the extent of things for a... Read more
@ 3-5 min... arm started feeling a little sore, like a dead arm. That was the extent of things for a few hours. @ 4 hours... randomly while doing absolutely nothing started getting short of breath + breathing through a tube feeling + drastically increased brain fog. @ 11 hours... splitting headache + arm at the injection site painful to the touch + combination of pain/discomfort kept me awake all night despite my sleep Rx for insomnia. @ 17-18 hours later... leg muscles were sore and achy and cramping if I stayed in any position for too long. Began to feel feverish yet had no temperature (yet). My saturation which frequently drops but always rebounds fairly quickly stayed at about 90% for over an hour. @ about 20 hours... I began to get swollen lymph nodes and my temperature started climbing into the high 90?s (my ?normal? is around 97° so this made me feel like I was on fire). My SpO2 dropped to 84%... the lowest I?d measured it, even when hospitalized for a week back in December. Everything also felt heavy?every part of my body, anything I?d try to pick up... as of gravity had suddenly increased. @ 22 hours... low grade fever of 100.2° while on Tylenol... so w/o it likely would have been higher. @ 24 hours later... (330pm next day) it all really hit me... my saturation dropped to 79%. With otc cans of oxygen it only went up to 84% and kept dropping back to 80%. I was unbearably hot and uncomfortable and sore everywhere, but especially my neck and shoulders. I had zero appetite. @ 26 hours... chills so bad I couldn?t get warm when wearing a fleece, under 3 blankets, and head covered. @ 29 hours... so nauseous I couldn?t eat + my temperature (still with Tylenol in my system) peaked at 101°. @ around hour 30... so unbearably hot had to shed all the layers I?d put on + over me. My temperature was just barley back under 100° at this point (Tylenol still in system). @ 34 hours... Overnight arm pain + chills retuned to the point woke up from sleep Rx. I had to take more Tylenol due the pain. Got fully dressed with hoodie + fleece on all under my comforter in bed. Despite deep chills my forehead felt like it was literally on fire, but I couldn?t find the thermometer so who knows what my temperature was. @ 42 hours... dizzy + disoriented + saturation 86% + injection site pain. @ 48 hours... appetite still suppressed + injection site pain (though less than at worst)
39 2021-03-29 shortness of breath Rash to right upper arm, abdomen after receiving his first injection. He also complained of having ... Read more
Rash to right upper arm, abdomen after receiving his first injection. He also complained of having shortness of breath and headache.
39 2021-03-30 throat tightness Within 10 minutes of receiving vaccine, pt began to have mouth and tongue "tightness" and feeling th... Read more
Within 10 minutes of receiving vaccine, pt began to have mouth and tongue "tightness" and feeling that tongue was swelling. No obvious face or swelling noted to tongue, face, neck. Pt denies shortness of breath but "tightness" continued so Benadryl 50mg administered orally. Pt reported feeling much better and returned to baseline within approximately 15 min. Pt continued to be monitored for additional 30 minutes following Benadryl administration.
39 2021-03-31 shortness of breath Extreme itchiness; Numbness of lips; Closing of throat; Extremely high blood pressure 180/111mmHg; A... Read more
Extreme itchiness; Numbness of lips; Closing of throat; Extremely high blood pressure 180/111mmHg; Anaphylaxis; Numbness; Numbness of tongue; Shortness of Breath; The patient's O2 sat would drop as well, O2 levels were reported to be 88%; 135bmp resting heart rate; Tachycardia; Sleepiness; Swollen eyes; A Spontaneous report was received from a Healthcare professional , concerning a male patient of 39 age , who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine experienced Anaphylactic reaction/Anaphylaxis, Hypoaesthesia/Numbness, Eye swelling/Swollen eyes, Hypoaesthesia oral/ Numbness of tongue, Hypoaesthesia oral/ Numbness of lips, Oropharyngeal discomfort/ Closing of throat, Blood pressure increased/Extremely high blood pressure 180/111mmHg, Somnolence/Sleepiness, Pruritus/ Extreme itchiness, Heart rate increased / 35bmp resting heart rate, Dyspnoea/Shortness of Breath, the patient's O2 sat would drop as well, O2 levels were reported to be 88%/and Tachycardia /Tachycardia. The patient had a medical history of celiac disease and is a kidney patient (other kidney surgically removed). The reporter states that Patient's concomitant medications are gabapentin and duloxetine hydrochloride for chronic back pain. On 11 Mar 2021, prior to the onset of events, the patient received his first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (unknown lot number) via intamuscular route on left arm for COVID-19 infection prophylaxis. On 11 Mar 2021, anaphylaxis 3 minutes post receiving the first dose of vaccine the patient developed numbness and his eyes became swollen, then numbness of the tongue, lips and closing of the throat, which all happened at the vaccination site.The attending EMT provided 3 pills of oral 50mg Benadryl (diphenhydramine) and did not apply an EpiPen. Patient's blood pressure went extremely high (180/111mmHg) instead of dropping. At that moment, it was decided to contact 911. The paramedics placed the patient on a stretcher and loaded him onto the emergency vehicle to be rushed to the hospital. On the way, the patient was given an EpiPen. While in the hospital, the patient was given more diphenhydramine and injected with methylprednisolone. Patient was in observation for 4 hours and then released with a prescription of an EpiPen. It was reported that the patient was extremely sleepy due to the medications given. When the patient arrived home, he went straight to bed. The patient was hospitalized on 11 Mar 2021 for Anaphylactic reaction, Hypoaesthesia, Eye swelling, Hypoaesthesia oral, Hypoaesthesia oral, Oropharyngeal discomfort, Blood pressure increased, Pruritus and released on same day after 4 hours. The next day, Friday (12 Mar 2021) the patient got up around 10:00am. Then at 10:05am, the symptoms began to reoccur with numbness of the lips, tongue, closing of throat and extreme itchiness. As soon as patient's husband noticed, he did not apply EpiPen and drove the patient to the emergency room. The emergency room followed the same protocol with methyprednisolone steroid, EpiPen and diphenhydramine. On Saturday (13 Mar 2021) and Sunday (14 Mar 2021), the doctor was seen and the patient was advised to take diphenhydramine every 4 hours. Then this past Monday (15 Mar 2021), patient started developing shortness of breath and a resting heart rate of 135bmp. That day, the patient was taken to urgent care. There he was administered diphenhydramine and the patient's heart was checked. Urgent care agreed that his heart was acting up and his blood pressure was acting up for an unknown reason. Reporter states that the patient had been developing tachycardia for no reason for a week now. Since the tachycardia had occurred, reporter would check patient's oxygen (O2) levels. When the tachycardia had started, the patient's oxygen saturation (O2 sat ) would drop as well. O2 levels were reported to be 88% and resting heart rate of 103bmp. The reporter would let 5 minutes pass, recheck, and everything would return to normal. On Monday (22 Mar 2021), patient is scheduled to see a cardiologist who will place the patient on a machine to check his heart rate for 3 days to see what is going on. Follow-up with various health care providers was scheduled for the rest of the week. Nephrologist will be seen on Monday, Neurologist will be seen on Tuesday, and Kaiser will be visited on Wednesday. Reporter stated that even though asked to run bloodwork and images, the emergency room did not do it. Lab work was performed on Monday (15 Mar 021) which came back normal. A check for blockage of the heart, also had looked fine. Action taken with mRNA-1273 in response to the event Anaphylactic reaction, Hypoaesthesia, Eye swelling, Hypoaesthesia oral, Hypoaesthesia oral, Oropharyngeal discomfort, Blood pressure increased, Somnolence, Pruritus, Hypoaesthesia oral, Oropharyngeal discomfort, Blood pressure increased, Somnolence, Pruritus, Tachycardia, Heart rate increased, and Dyspnoea was unknown. The outcome of the event Anaphylactic reaction, Hypoaesthesia, Eye swelling, Hypoaesthesia oral, Hypoaesthesia oral, Oropharyngeal discomfort, Blood pressure increased, Somnolence, Pruritus, Hypoaesthesia oral, Oropharyngeal discomfort, Blood pressure increased, Somnolence, Pruritus, Tachycardia, Heart rate increased, Dyspnoea, and the patient's O2 sat would drop as well, O2 levels were reported to be 88% was considered to be unknown at the time of this report. The treatment medications diphenhydramine, EpiPen injection x 2, and Methylprednisolone steroid injection x 2 was reported to be taken by the patient. The events Anaphylactic reaction, Anaphylactic reaction/Anaphylaxis, Hypoaesthesia/Numbness, Eye swelling/Swollen eyes, Hypoaesthesia oral/ Numbness of tongue, Hypoaesthesia oral/ Numbness of lips, Oropharyngeal discomfort/ Closing of throat, Blood pressure increased/Extremely high blood pressure 180/111mmHg, Pruritus/ Extreme itchiness were considered meet seriousness criteria of hospitalization, life threatening, and medically important.. The events Somnolence/Sleepiness, Pruritus/ Extreme itchiness, Heart rate increased / 35bmp resting heart rate, Dyspnoea/Shortness of Breath, and Tachycardia /Tachycardia were considered medically important. The causality per reporter was not provided.; Reporter's Comments: This case concerns a 39 Y/O M hospitalized with a serious expected anaphylactic reaction and unexpected BP increased, oropharyngeal discomfort, eye swelling, hypoaesthesia, pruritus, and NS unexpected somnolence, tachycardia, heart rate increased, and dyspnea with O2 saturation decreased. Event onset 3 minutes after first dose mRNA-1273. Based on current available information and temporal association between use of the product and start date of the event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded
39 2021-04-12 shortness of breath On 4/9, symptoms started as a body aches and low energy which lasted most of the day. At around 7pm... Read more
On 4/9, symptoms started as a body aches and low energy which lasted most of the day. At around 7pm further symptoms began to develop and worsen. These included a fever, chills, headache, and shortness of breath which lasted until around 2am and then gave way to sweats. In the morning of 4/10, symptoms had returned to only body aches and low energy which remained for the rest of the day. Symptoms seemed to have mostly diminished by midday 4/11.
39 2021-04-19 shortness of breath Gingival swelling and erythema, rash to trunk and axilla bilaterally, extreme fatigue, shortness of ... Read more
Gingival swelling and erythema, rash to trunk and axilla bilaterally, extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, decreased appetite and diarrhea.
39 2021-04-22 shortness of breath 6 hours after, I started experiencing persistent traveling muscle aches?from my chest, to abs, to ... Read more
6 hours after, I started experiencing persistent traveling muscle aches?from my chest, to abs, to left arm. 12 hours after, I had extreme fatigue, headache, mild nausea, along with full-body muscle soreness. 36 hours after, the initial symptoms eased and eventually disappeared, but then I started having shortness of breath/chest tightness whenever I would become mildly active (casual walk for less than 10 mins) or if I was wearing a mask or taking a shower. The chest tightness would persist after these events for roughly 30 mins. This activity-related chest tightness continued to occur until the 5th day after the shot.
39 2021-04-23 mild apnea Severe chills, muscle and joint aches, fever (101.6). Short shallow breathing, 90% blood oxygen. Mil... Read more
Severe chills, muscle and joint aches, fever (101.6). Short shallow breathing, 90% blood oxygen. Mild diarrhea. Lasted 24 hours so far. Still feeling symptoms. Taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen.
39 2021-04-24 shortness of breath I began to feel a little dizzy on 03-25. This light lack of equilibrium steadily grew for the next... Read more
I began to feel a little dizzy on 03-25. This light lack of equilibrium steadily grew for the next couple days. I found my limbs had apparently began to lose strength. breathing became difficult as if I could only take 1/4 breaths unless I actively forced myself to inhale deeply. I developed sleep apnea about this time. Driving became difficult. I was walking and driving as if I was drunk. When walking, it felt as if I was on a swaying ship. Driving felt like my workvan was in a constant crosswind that I wanted to correct from. At this point, I stopped driving. That was on 03-25. On 03-26 I suddenly developed up-beat nystagmus in my vision that continues to this day, making me functionally blind. I visited multiple urgent care facilities. Received full panel blood work, urine tests and a MRI. All tests came out completely normal. Doctors are baffled. I was given Valium to help with my eyes and that does help a little. However I'm still unable to see adequately to function without assistance.
39 2021-04-25 shortness of breath Patient developed dizziness, slight tingling and muscle tension in neck 45 minutes post Covid vaccin... Read more
Patient developed dizziness, slight tingling and muscle tension in neck 45 minutes post Covid vaccination Dose #1 on 3/25/21. States symptoms stayed a day and went away however he felt 'off' for a few days. About 4 days post-vaccination developed tingling/numbness and intermittent lightheadedness with slight difficulty breathing at night when trying to get to sleep. No swelling of face and no hives reported. Able to exercise (weightlifting & biking) without SOB. Became concerned and went to ER on 4/6/21. Per ER report stated that substernal chest pain started one week prior and worsens at night along with BL leg numbness, numbness in hands, L sided facial tingling and muscle tightness that wraps around neck. Denies SOB except when trying to go to sleep. Not sleeping well due to the feeling of not getting enough air when trying to fall asleep. No fever, chills, N/V/D. ACS ruled out: EKG showed no signs of ischemia & troponins WNL. PE ruled unlikely d/t no DOE, sats 99%, HR 71 in ER. Chest pain not reproducible on palpation. Referred for sleep study to evaluate for sleep apnea.
39 2021-04-27 shortness of breath 4-25-2021 - 01:30 - Extreme chills and body aches - no sleep that night 4-25-2021 - 08:00 - body and... Read more
4-25-2021 - 01:30 - Extreme chills and body aches - no sleep that night 4-25-2021 - 08:00 - body and muscle aches making laying down uncomfortable 4-25-2021 - 010:00 - fever and chills returned 4-25-2021 - 13:00 - sinus headache and continued body aches with fatigue continued through the day 4-26-2021 - 04:45 - sore throat, shortness of breath, and cough - persisted throughout the day - body aches and sinus headache dissipated 4-27-2021 - 10:00 - light headedness spells throughout the day along with foggy mind 4-27-2021 09:00 - continue sore throat and cough but much less severe - foggy mind continues 04-27-2021 - mild looking shingle/blister bumps on my hands and arms. should I be concerned? sore throat continues but is going away
39 2021-04-29 shortness of breath Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA 1330 Hours - Increasing soreness 1630 Hours - Shortness of breath afte... Read more
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA 1330 Hours - Increasing soreness 1630 Hours - Shortness of breath after moderate activity, Albuterol inhaler taken, relieved symptoms 1930 Hours - Increasing soreness and low grade fever with Tylenol 0130 - 0430 Hours - Excruciating full body pain with pain meds, fever, extremities freezing, body hot to touch, muscle spasms. Pain radiated through body with slightest movement, felt in joints, muscles, bones. Only alleviated by laying perfectly still. Both injection sights became painful during this period, one in both arms. Worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life, thought I might need to call ambulance and upon reflection, probably should have. Since then chills and sweating periods with minor exertion, getting less severe as time passes, but within norm.
39 2021-05-10 shortness of breath chills & uncontrollable shivering for a few hours beginning 9:15am, headache (still feeling it next ... Read more
chills & uncontrollable shivering for a few hours beginning 9:15am, headache (still feeling it next day at lunchtime), joint pain (every joint in my body aches), shortness of breath, fatigue,
39 2021-05-13 shortness of breath After the 15 minute wait, I started to feel funny and was walking around the pharmacy parking lot fo... Read more
After the 15 minute wait, I started to feel funny and was walking around the pharmacy parking lot for another 15 minutes. After that, I decided to go home and on the way home my neck started to get tight, not stiff, tight. I could still breathe but it was hard to take in a deep breath. I turned around and headed to the Hospital. I stayed in the hospital parking lot for about 30 minutes and the symptoms improved as well as my breathing improved but still felt tight in my neck. I went home started driving with plenty of water and was monitoring my breathing., and put on my machine for at least an hour.
39 2021-05-16 shortness of breath Within 5 minutes of receiving the injection, I experienced the following symptoms; Sweats and chills... Read more
Within 5 minutes of receiving the injection, I experienced the following symptoms; Sweats and chills Shortness of breath Nausea Dizziness Volatile blood pressure readings (dropped to 70/40 back to 135/80) Lack of energy The nurse used 4 ice packs to cool me down, gave me tangerines and water. This helped, it took about 20 minutes for everything to normalize and I left the facility.
39 2021-06-02 shortness of breath Fever of a 101.8 dizziness chest pains shortness of breath chills sweats hospitalized or elevated en... Read more
Fever of a 101.8 dizziness chest pains shortness of breath chills sweats hospitalized or elevated enzymes and heart
39 2021-06-15 shortness of breath Severe and erratic heartbeats, heavy slow breathing accompanied with severe fatigue, severe headache... Read more
Severe and erratic heartbeats, heavy slow breathing accompanied with severe fatigue, severe headaches, and severe chills with no energy to move around for a week. After these symptoms eased, no appetite (went from eating five times a day and gym workouts 5 days a week to maybe eating twice a day and unable to walk up 20 stairs without shortness of breathe and heavy erratic heartbeats) still accompanied with little energy, erratic heartbeats, shortness of breath, and lingering headaches well into week three. Admitted myself to the ER on due to lingering affects and a new symptom of swelling/throbbing on the left side of my head; previous mentioned symptoms still there but milder than before. Diagnosis at ER was high blood pressure 150 over 92; never had blood pressure problems prior 1st COVID vaccine dose. Follow-up visit with primary care provider, checked my vitals and high blood pressure remained; primary care provider diagnosed high blood pressure, prescribed Amlodipine 5MG tablets.
39 2021-06-19 very rapid breathing, very rapid breathing Systemic: Chills-Severe, Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Severe, Systemic: Hyperventilation-Seve... Read more
Systemic: Chills-Severe, Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Severe, Systemic: Hyperventilation-Severe, Systemic: Nausea-Severe
39 2021-06-24 shortness of breath Shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and feeling like passing out. This occurred on 3/13 and aga... Read more
Shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and feeling like passing out. This occurred on 3/13 and again on 3/15.
39 2021-06-27 shortness of breath Loss of smell and taste, chills, fever, dry cough, fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain. shortness of b... Read more
Loss of smell and taste, chills, fever, dry cough, fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain. shortness of breath
39 2021-07-20 shortness of breath Seemingly high susceptibility to respiratory infection. Historically, I have not had back to back r... Read more
Seemingly high susceptibility to respiratory infection. Historically, I have not had back to back respiratory conditions. Twice since the injections I have experienced a prolonged respiratory infection with symptoms lasting well over one month. Uncommon fatigue and heavy chest. Significant head congestion without runny nose or perceivable "drainage". I am currently sick with a respiratory infection that has gone on for appx. 6 weeks with heavy symptoms recently (i.e. bed ridden, extreme difficulty breathing, heavy congestion, etc.)